RE: *REVIEW* Boxmining - Interview Q&A with Charles Hoskinson of Cardano(ADA), Ethereum Classic (ETC) & IOHK Formerly ETH/BTS

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*REVIEW* Boxmining - Interview Q&A with Charles Hoskinson of Cardano(ADA), Ethereum Classic (ETC) & IOHK Formerly ETH/BTS

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

I really hope he adds "real use case value" to ADA and not just an academic paper creator.

it would be nice to see his blockchain actually adopt and merge all the other chains and him just continue to dominate the space.

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He definitely seems to prefer the research side and is not in a huge a huge marketer. In a few years he still may have one of the best products available. I can see the tradition business market wanting to work with the Cardano Team because of their academic pedigree. He also stated they would be consulting for fees with other blockchain companies which may help them with inter-chain compatibility in the end.