Bitcoin Mining is Gobbling Up the World's Power

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

The Bitcoin industry presently needs mining to survive. In order to harness the virtual currency, power must be consumed. While there are already a plethora of mining operations throughout the world, more are likely to appear in the next few years as cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin become more widely accepted.

We're talking a lot of power here. Power Compare, a UK-based company, said the rise in the Bitcoin price is tied to the rise in the power supply, to the tune of 31 terawatt-hours annually. According to a report, that translates to $9.7 billion a year.

Mining for bitcoin now constitutes 0.13 percent of the worldwide energy consumption, ranking it the world’s 61st highest power consumer. That's more than most African countries.


This has to cease at some point and really is a waste of power. There must be a better solution that benefits Bitcoin and the larger cryptocurrency community!

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Before passing judgement on a system designed to protect data, I would like to offer a few industrial benchmarks to ponder:

  1. Military Industrial Complex
  2. Government Waste
  3. Google & Facebook Data Centers
  4. NSA power use
  5. Disposable batteries

This is a technology in infancy. Before throwing out the baby with the bathwater, perhaps putting a frame of reference to accompany the numbers is needed.

Very fair points. Thank you for your comment.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Interesting! Thank You! ... Just check my profile :-))