Would You Send Your Loved One a Digital Diamond?

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Photo: androidauthority.com

Our world is changing quickly, and right now the biggest game changer is unobstructed blockchain.

Although blockchain tech is best known for running cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, some experts in the field say that money exchange is just the tip of the iceberg. If cryptocurrency is email, blockchain is the whole internet.

If so, we should expect to start seeing blockchain implementation in many different locations. One of the early pioneers in this unknown (yet highly encrypted) landscape lies in an area of human experience that can surprise you: romance.

It’s called eDiamond, and it’s curious and fascinating idea. It’s a romantic app for stable relationships focusing on cryptocurrency exchange. The app lets you send digital diamonds to your sweetheart, establishing a socially visible, monogamous relationship.

You can now exchange further diamonds, which are cryptocurrency, but if anyone else tries to send either of you a diamond, they’ll get a message reading, “For some reason, he/she cannot accept your eDiamonds.”

If either of you would like to end the relationship, you simply tap a breakup button, and the other party will receive a Relationship Dissolution message via text or the Android app.
Read more: androidauthority.com

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Ediamond APP is the first crypto-application in the world which is used for locking a romantic relationship. You may use legal tender to purchase ediamond for your precious lover to commit to a romantic relationship. Ediamond can be applied to verifying that your lover is single and constant in love at the moment, which may help you avoid being cheated. Besides being used for identifying relationships, ediamond is also digital assets for value-maintaining and appreciation, you may trade it at the exchange. It seems very unique idea thanks for sharing.

That's cool idea , blockchain would surely take over all the technologies one day .
Iol !! one funny thing struck in my mind is that after some decades beggars would have their wallets for holding crypto rather than taking fiat money . A similiar incident happened in my country when demonetization happened and beggars asked to send money to paytm accounts(printed currency circulation became very less) .

There is a project named CopyTrack
The most beautiful thing I've ever seen in a blockchain technology
Its role is to preserve property rights
You can read more here

Very interesting post.

I know that personally this is not a service I would use but the idea is brilliant. In a society where online dating and saying apps are becoming more and more common I would think that there could be a large market for this. When people are living in long distance and online relationships they tend to want ways to make their significant other feel special and foster closeness. This could be a money maker.

very nice post you, do not forget to follow me so we share in this steemit @tradewo

great post sir, thanks for share with us.

I just do not think my wife would like a crypto diamond as much as a real one. Better stick to the real thing in this case

Hmmm, sounds like a crap to me. Its usability only depends on how loyal a user could be to the brand. If there are thousands of crypto diamond projects out there, one can just switch from one to another without second thought.

esta bueno

Yess ,,, sometimes rapid world changes or technology advances only follow the curiosity of all deficiencies, so like iceberg.

I might but I don't have a loved one. :(

great news @tradewonk.
thanks for sharing.

eDiamond huh... I can dig it ☺️ . So are the eDiamond tokens proof of work or proof of stake ? My concern would be if a whale came along and bought up vast quantities of eDiamond giving him an unfair advantage if he were to have all the eDiamonds and therefore the ability to monopolize the whole platform , all the women know he has the most eDiamonds so naturally they will not be interested in a minnow with a measly .05 eDiamond in their wallet , they have their sights set on the guy with the whole boat of them, first chance she gets, she's taking it, and then where would I be? ... Oh it would Just be like real life then I guess 😏. yeah woohoo , great except now my internet wife wants to leave me for the guy with the lambo and all those eDiamonds ..... I don't know if I can handle going thru another one of those, I just started recovering from my ex who ran off with some guy that was making millions off this bitconnect something or another. I can never win I tell ya...

I love you so much that I just bought you a whole crypto diamond worth in 90M dollars