Leaders in the growth and fall in the cryptocurrency market [27-03-18]

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

The list of coins is taken from the top 100 by capitalization according to https://coinmarketcap.com.

Top coins for growth in the last 24 hours.

RankSymbolNamePriceChange 24h
89MITHMithril$ 0.411898+148.67 %
29ONTOntology$ 2.22711+40.80 %
55BATBasic Attention Token$ 0.241108+17.67 %
56PIVXPIVX$ 4.30084+13.13 %
6EOSEOS$ 6.16074+11.86 %
13TRXTRON$ 0.0439094+8.55 %
59NASNebulas$ 6.18468+8.47 %
79SUBSubstratum$ 0.413251+7.91 %
44WTCWaltonchain$ 13.271+7.63 %
76REQRequest Network$ 0.228205+7.59 %
85GBYTEByteball Bytes$ 194.569+7.58 %
27XVGVerge$ 0.0413861+7.05 %
30SCSiacoin$ 0.0137294+6.44 %
58LRCLoopring$ 0.415878+5.41 %
39AEAeternity$ 1.61+5.35 %
43ZRX0x$ 0.669227+5.11 %
16ETCEthereum Classic$ 16.3851+4.46 %
91POWRPower Ledger$ 0.334966+4.40 %
48ZILZilliqa$ 0.0471391+4.15 %
38BTMBytom$ 0.390436+4.07 %
19BNBBinance Coin$ 11.5731+3.90 %
28PPTPopulous$ 14.8255+3.68 %
49KMDKomodo$ 2.87431+3.55 %
70GXSGXChain$ 2.73993+3.07 %
69FUNFunFair$ 0.0371666+2.93 %
74KNCKyber Network$ 1.20936+2.84 %
24NANONano$ 6.67566+2.76 %
92MAIDMaidSafeCoin$ 0.265331+2.63 %
18QTUMQtum$ 15.9246+2.57 %
37BTSBitShares$ 0.147668+2.31 %
73ETNElectroneum$ 0.0248269+2.22 %
50AIONAion$ 2.43138+1.71 %
64IOSTIOStoken$ 0.0240197+1.57 %
97CNDCindicator$ 0.0719422+1.56 %
52ARDRArdor$ 0.259321+1.53 %
22OMGOmiseGO$ 9.81717+1.30 %
88ENGEnigma$ 1.65988+1.19 %
80SALTSALT$ 2.57533+1.13 %
42REPAugur$ 32.633+1.05 %
66GNTGolem$ 0.238547+1.05 %
47SNTStatus$ 0.0916489+0.86 %
83NXTNxt$ 0.130833+0.86 %
35RHOCRChain$ 1.10737+0.84 %
82KINKin$ 0.000173319+0.84 %
36BCDBitcoin Diamond$ 2.57511+0.74 %
33BCNBytecoin$ 0.00241338+0.72 %
60DGBDigiByte$ 0.0215517+0.57 %
99MTLMetal$ 4.56069+0.55 %
8XLMStellar$ 0.220514+0.54 %
51HSRHshare$ 6.1546+0.53 %
62FCTFactom$ 24.3677+0.52 %
57KCSKuCoin Shares$ 2.61894+0.51 %
25ZECZcash$ 217.083+0.50 %
68DRGNDragonchain$ 0.767653+0.49 %
11XMRMonero$ 190.687+0.46 %
67GASGas$ 19.1525+0.36 %
81NEBLNeblio$ 10.2232+0.18 %
9NEONEO$ 56.9846+0.12 %
78ELFaelf$ 0.588766+0.10 %
95DENTDent$ 0.0103091+0.05 %

Top of the coins by dropping in the last 24 hours.

RankSymbolNamePriceChange 24h
75STORMStorm$ 0.0394507-10.34 %
93PAYTenX$ 1.06735-8.64 %
71SYSSyscoin$ 0.307948-8.31 %
45VERIVeritaseum$ 160.74-6.46 %
72RRevain$ 0.884537-4.61 %
26DGDDigixDAO$ 310.597-4.58 %
100PARTParticl$ 11.1521-4.37 %
2ETHEthereum$ 457.995-3.83 %
5LTCLitecoin$ 139.468-3.62 %
40MKRMaker$ 603.401-3.51 %
94DCNDentacoin$ 0.000338858-3.49 %
21LSKLisk$ 10.1302-3.43 %
12DASHDash$ 363.822-3.28 %
96BNTBancor$ 2.55267-3.16 %
32STRATStratis$ 4.50424-2.88 %
7ADACardano$ 0.158295-2.45 %
98NULSNuls$ 2.54845-2.38 %
87NCASHNucleus Vision$ 0.0312301-2.33 %
15XEMNEM$ 0.253345-2.12 %
77XZCZCoin$ 33.7429-1.96 %
31STEEMSteem$ 1.7608-1.88 %
20ICXICON$ 2.90682-1.83 %
10MIOTAIOTA$ 1.17885-1.57 %
17VENVeChain$ 2.98694-1.42 %
34WAVESWaves$ 4.17545-1.22 %
90LINKChainLink$ 0.348539-0.99 %
4BCHBitcoin Cash$ 886.956-0.92 %
84RDDReddCoin$ 0.00450807-0.78 %
61ETHOSEthos$ 2.81788-0.74 %
23BTGBitcoin Gold$ 53.2399-0.70 %
41DOGEDogecoin$ 0.00316956-0.58 %
46DCRDecred$ 46.5351-0.52 %
86EMCEmercoin$ 3.00318-0.52 %
65MONAMonaCoin$ 3.43731-0.30 %
63QASHQASH$ 0.608222-0.28 %
3XRPRipple$ 0.588751-0.26 %
54CNXCryptonex$ 5.4469-0.21 %
14USDTTether$ 0.999312-0.17 %
1BTCBitcoin$ 7942.56-0.15 %
53ARKArk$ 2.4994-0.04 %
101STORJStorj$ 0.740704-0.04 %

I collected the data using the code in the "Python" programming language. If you want me to write a code for the analysis of something else from the world of crypto, write in the comments.

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It would be nice to see some review on how coins have appreciated since their ICO and also how they are faring since Jan 2018 (monthly, weekly). Some chart will help as table may be difficult.

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