Top coins by maximum supply [20-03-18]

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

The list of coins is taken from the top 100 by capitalization according to Coins are sorted in ascending order of maximum emission. The list did not include coins for which maximum emission was not established.

RankNameAvailable supplyMax supply
12Dash$ 7,957,57818,900,000
98MinexCoin$ 3,478,71819,000,000
1Bitcoin$ 16,929,92521,000,000
4Bitcoin Cash$ 17,028,25021,000,000
22Bitcoin Gold$ 16,892,19921,000,000
41Decred$ 6,970,92121,000,000
73ZCoin$ 4,348,94021,400,000
27Populous$ 37,004,02753,252,246
5Litecoin$ 55,713,35184,000,000
53Hshare$ 42,761,30784,000,000
8NEO$ 65,000,000100,000,000
43Waltonchain$ 24,898,178100,000,000
55Gas$ 9,941,886100,000,000
63GXChain$ 60,000,000100,000,000
70Nebulas$ 35,500,000100,000,000
21Nano$ 133,248,289133,248,290
51Cryptonex$ 45,173,345210,000,000
65Revain$ 184,450,000484,450,000
60Syscoin$ 531,723,376888,000,000
48Ardor$ 998,999,495998,999,495
9EOS$ 740,533,4561,000,000,000
38RChain$ 359,478,5231,000,000,000
78aelf$ 250,000,0001,000,000,000
80Nxt$ 998,999,9421,000,000,000
10IOTA$ 2,779,530,2832,779,530,283
34BitShares$ 2,611,370,0003,600,570,502
90SmartCash$ 810,056,0615,000,000,000
30Verge$ 14,733,036,97316,555,000,000
56DigiByte$ 9,999,582,46321,000,000,000
57Electroneum$ 6,477,924,95921,000,000,000
6Cardano$ 25,927,070,53845,000,000,000
3Ripple$ 39,094,094,840100,000,000,000
32Bytecoin$ 183,792,922,512184,470,000,000
85Dentacoin$ 325,226,613,0948,000,000,000,000

I collected the data using the code in the "Python" programming language. If you want me to write a code for the analysis of something else from the world of crypto, write in the comments.

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and what is the point here?

The smaller the number of coins in circulation, the more expensive one coin is.
This should be taken into account when drawing up an investment portfolio. In this table are listed in the order of increasing coins for which the maximum emission is set.