DAPS is the Peepcoin community's vision. DAPS stands for Decentralized Anonymous Payment System. A focus on community and securing assets from intrusion is the goal. Innovative outreach and mass adoption along with developing an ecosystem for others to contribute to blockchain is our long-term goal. We believe in privacy, as well as helping people help themselves.
ERC-20 Based
Block Time/Confirms/Spending: ETH-based
Total Supply: 60,000,000,000
Supply will be allocated to holders of “Peepcoin” on 06/27/2018 or block 1120535
1:1 airdrop of Peepcoin balance on “Peepcoin snapshot”
Airdrop Processing: Manual, coins found to be held by original dev wallets and other cases will be blacklisted.
Development allocation: TBD
Will be fully redeemable for DAPS coin on main net launch.