Today, April 1st, we are launching the ICO of our cryptocurrency, the PoissonCoin. It's an exciting adventure for us and we are convinced that it will revolutionize the crypto-sphere. We think that PoissonCoin offers unexplored solutions to many problems of current cryptocurrencies. To a certain extent, it's a proof-of-concept.
The loss of private keys is a major concern for users. Truth is that many people have lost all their funds by losing a single private key. According to some studies, about 20-25% of bitcoins are supposed to be definitively lost. The cryptographic algorithm used by Bitcoin is ECDSA. We propose ROT29 as an alternative. Mathematical aspects of ROT29 are given in our whitepaper.
The energy consumption and the fees of bitcoin is also a problem for its future. A single transaction of bitcoin costs more than 900 kWh (30 US households powered for 1 day) according to A few years ago, the cryptocurrency Stellar Lumens (XLM) has introduced a protocol to reduce both power consumption and fees. PoissonCoin doesn't use Stellar's algorithm but the transactions on its blockchain have a relatively low impact on the environment. Technical details are given on the website.
Markets are currently bearish. Volumes are comparatively low. It's a good time to take a breath.
We really hope that you will enjoy PoissonCoin.
Vivien Berriche,
CTO of PoissonCoin Foundation