Top 6 Promising coins 2017: Own research/opinion

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

1:Ethereum (ETH)
2:Ripple (XRP)
3:Siacoin (SC)
5: Golem (GNT)
6: Monero (XMR)

Please let me know your opinion :)

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@volatile-brainz I think Siacoin is one of the more unstable coins right now. Their valuation is way to high but this bubble is just pushing them higher.

You make good point but tech stocks and as an extension these tech coins are never and will never be valued based on fundamentals.

To add:
ETC - they are bringing out the emerald wallet and SDK soon
PIVx - maybe one to watch, good dev team
Stellar Lumens - partnered with deloitte and IBM had a meeting with them - potential big things here

ETC is basically profiteering from the hard fork that prevented someone from stealing a lot of Ether.
It could be of value if ETH somehow gets hacked or otherwise corrupted.
Anyway thanks for the opinion.

But ETC is less centralized then ETH, so it might be one good point for long term investment.

Opinions, yes. But before we get to that, could you expand on why you see each of these as promising? Anyone can come up with a list, but what is the thinking and logic behind the list?

[I ask the same questions anytime I get "stock" recommendations]

How are we doing mate? 4 YEARS back I made the above list. They're now all with significant growth. I hope you made a fortune out of them.

I have my own opinions on these coins but many of others might have different but for example, let's talk about ethereum
1: Ethereum mines, company like intel, jp morgan,etc partnership
2: ICO AND contracts using ethereum gas, Supply and demand eco-system
3: Big Community
4: Recent sky-rocketing of price and new interested companies on way.