Where is the future of Crypto going?

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

So you probably invested a few hundreds to thousands of dollars on your favorite coin you believe will be the future. But your also probably watching the market crashing and asking why so? You also probably watching your money draining slowly.

You probably know their is no hard evidence that when Bitcoin drops the whole market follows it, when Bitcoin is rising to restore the whole market crashes, vise-versa. All the coins are following Bitcoin patterns and we can’t deny that.

So where is the future of crypto currency going? Do I believe in it still?

Let me answer that quick by saying I bought today the Trezor Hardware wallet. Why so? Because I believe in the crypto currency and the future it holds. I believe in the blockchain and I believe in the decentralizing system it will allow users to have.

The crash is a temporary crash. It will restore, and when it does restore.. the people who aren’t in or pulled out are those who are too late to jump back in. Because once their back in trading coins. It would already be on a 50% rise of return to value then it will do a market correction, getting them on the loss while we still winning this time.

I think we should think differently about the crash.

Let’s put it this way: if it was rising up everyday… would you be ever thinking of selling on top? Would you even know when is the top? Clearly NO.
So if it’s at the bottom now what makes you not buy more?
Obviously our minds change the way we think on every price point.

Let’s put another example down:

If we were to buy (Wahid coin) and it was worth $170. You would probably say “wow!! that’s expensive! I can only afford 10”
Okay.. are you with me? Now will say this:

If Wahid coin was at the bottom at $0.02 and it goes up to $0.13 you would probably more likely to say the same thing! “wow!! that’s expensive!”
So your mind is playing games all the time, thinking differently in every price point.

Remember we believe in Bitcoin because it created new ways to help people and the future. My thoughts and opinions are Bitcoin will rise/restore and it just needs time. If you can’t handle the crashes then how about when it’s rising so fast? You never complain about that. So what makes you think the market should always go up and not down?

You can actually look at the history of Bitcoin price on Wikipedia.

Click the link above and then go to Prices and Value History.

Now you notice the price history and crashes it had ever since the day it existed. So the only difference from those crashes and this one we are experiencing at the moment is just taking longer than usual. (I remember it took around 56 days for it to restore to it’s original price) and every year these days are growing more.

What we have is a BIGGER volume, more people knowing what Bitcoin is and the news now speculating where will Bitcoin hold in the regulations of the country.

I’m going to wrap this here. I hope you picked up something from me and you can pass it on.

I want to let you know that no matter what I suggest is just my opinion and you should always trade at your own risk.

This has been a humble moment of writing this article. Your sincerely friend,

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