Always great content and delivery.
Here are my five cryptos (not in order of preference)
1.- BTC: still the daddy. As some say, BTC is the ocean in which all over cryptos float (or sink) in. For the time being, even if it loses its market dominance to say, ETH -- will still play a huge part in determining the direction and success of the cryptos for the next decade. High hopes for lightning network and other improvements.
2.- LTC: my personal favourite and it's fate is tied very closely to BTC. With Charlie Lee and the LTC Foundation working hard for wide adoption and not too worried about price or market cap; am very bullish about this coin. Roll on LitePal and LitePay!
3.- ETH: despite some current turbulence in the ethereum world; this coin forms the backbone of a very active ecosystem and most of the ICOs we encounter. Has legs to run for years. Keeping a close eye on the next upgrade cycle of ETH as they need to address scaling issues.
4.- NEO: if ETH trips up, NEO will roar past it. Definitely forms the third wave of cryptos (BTC was first, ETH was second...) and already some new ICOs and DAPPS are starting to use NEO. China's Ethereum? Don't let any China FUD scare you. Definitely leading the charge.
5.- WABI: has a working product and addresses a real need (in China anyway) so am attracted to it. Not vapourware but does it have legs to run and expand into the rest of Asia and the world? Only time will tell but I like, especially at the price it is now.
Honourable mentions: STEEM, XRP and MONERO.