in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

So, your new to cryptocurrency and your head is spinning because every time you look at Youtube or the news you hear something new...Antshares? What in the world is Antshares? Ripple? What is the difference between Ethereum and Ethereum Classic? I will be the first to admit it can be very confusing. Now your freaking out because you the price of whatever crypto you bought just went up 20% in one day. And now your crying because that was yesterday and today it dropped 25%....what in the world should I do?

Relax and congratulate yourself - crypto is still early, you are still an early adapter. If you have found crypto already then you are one of the lucky ones.

So what are some things someone new to crypto needs to know? Comment below and share your thoughts - afterall crypto is still new and who better to learn from than the people who have been part of this wild ride!

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