Poloniex: the Trollbox Is Dead, Long Live the Trollbox

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Poloniex is currently the largest altcoin exchange in terms of volume in the crypto space. With more and more people showing interest in bitcoin, altcoins and ICOs, the trading volume and number of new users have both skyrocketed.

Poloniex Kills the Trollbox

However the real story here is the Poloniex “trollbox” (live user chat) closing. If you have any kind of crypto exchange with a trollbox, that is the heart and soul of the exchange. Without the trollbox where it used to be, things are just not the same.

Read more here: http://bitsonline.com/poloniex-trollbox-dead/

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haha I loved that troll box! Always got hammers thrown at me for sending a link to my site www.bitcoin-millionaire.com but would always get 20-30 people coming over and view it for ageas! So I got a hammer a day to get viewers to stay :)

I will always remember the good Ol' days:( I'm sure before you know it they'll be another poppin trollbox out there lol.

They have always royal time with us on the trips 🤣😁

RIP troll box :( Had lots of fun reading all the shitposting lol