We all know that here in crypto-space, being robbed by a hacker using a phishing method is one of the most used way. And as far as I know, we've got a lot of victims and still counting, and that was in the use of MyEtherWallet.
Wait, what is MyEtherWallet?
MyEtherWallet (or MEW) is free, open-source, client-side interface for generating Ethereum wallets & more. Interact with the Ethereum blockchain easily & securely.
Back to the main topic. In this post, I will be discussing the two signs that MyEtherWallet that you're now visiting is a phishing site.
#1. The URL.
There are a lot of airdrops(especially selfdrops) that requires to sign a message or to log-in via the link given in their form. Before entering your Private Key/Mnemonic Phrase/Keystore, check first the URL. If the URL is not www.myetherwallet.com, then that is a 100% phishing site. Don't think twice. Just close that page and never come back. Don't ever put your Private Key/Mnemonic Phrase/Keystore in that site.
Remember to check every single letters. Sometimes, it looks exactly the same. One of the best example is that they changed the letter "l(lowercase L)" in to letter "I(Uppercase i)". Isn't it confusing? Then, check carefully.
#2. No MetaMask or Ledger option in accessing your Wallet.
Look at the picture:
They intentionally want the users (the possible victims) to use Private Key/Mnemonic Phrase/Keystore to snipe this via phishing method.

Ledger's Review by CryptosisTeam
Are you now much aware? Think before you click! Take care, guys.
Re-steem-ing this post could help a lot more newbies out there. Thanks.
MyEtherWallet's one and only site: www.myetherwallet.com