Crypto-jacking is used by hacking, battery and processing power.

in cryptojacking •  6 years ago 

You may have felt that sometimes your phone's battery suddenly starts discharge, and the phone starts to warm up. You often ignore this problem and by restarting the phone, forget the whole thing. But you should not take it lightly, it may be Crypto-jacking. You have never heard these words before, but today you should know about it. This is a special kind of hacking, with the help of Hacking your phone and computer system, its battery and processing power are used on the Internet. That is, the phone is in your hands and someone else is using it.

Crypto-jacking is used to earn Crypto-currency like Bitcoin and Monero. This work requires a lot of processing power, which is very expensive, so with the help of Hackers A Software (java Script) Hack people's phones and computers and then keep using their mobile phone or computer's processing power quietly.

It has a very bad effect on the phone. The phone has to work constantly with its full potential every time. And due to this overload, the phone has a bad effect on the battery and other parts. Because of this, the phone starts getting hotter. In this way, thousands of people using phones and computers using a little bit of processing power ... Data processing is done at a very large level and bitcoins are earned from them. To make Crypto-jacking, hackers are unwanted on websites. Links are sent which you carelessly click

Apart from this, many Fake ads or mails of attractive offers are sent and clicking on your phone begins to hacker in background, according to a survey, the number of Crypto-jacking has increased 8 thousand 500 per cent worldwide in 2017. ... and our country India is 9th in the world in this matter. According to an estimate, about 46 crore people in India are using the internet. By 2021, the number will increase to about 83 crore. In this way, you need to be very careful in the traffic on the Internet. Like road traffic, a slight negligence in traffic on the Internet can be overwhelming.

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