RE: Still More Gen-1's Up for Grabs! Gen-2 CryptoKitties Giveaway!

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Still More Gen-1's Up for Grabs! Gen-2 CryptoKitties Giveaway!

in cryptokitties •  7 years ago 

Block confirmations to sent ETH to MetaMask is Insane, I must to wait 20 days to receive my ETH. I play FishBank similar as Crypto Kitties. If you send ETH to MetaMask you can to forget to do something with your ETH there a least 20 day`s :)

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Sort Order: if you send with gas above the safelow, it will always go through in less than 20 mins. usually less than 5

Really? Not enough gas? I’ve had no such problems. ETH in and out of metamask with as little as 1 gwei with at most 30 min wait for confirmation (over the past few days).