Cryptokitties WTF!

in cryptokitties •  7 years ago  (edited)

So i bought my cryptokitties second day it was open to the public, ETH crashed from the amount of transactions and my cryptokitties account was frozen over 2 weeks. After The frozen 2 weeks when i finally had an unfrozen account the value of my cats had dropped so much i logged out and kind of forgot about them.

Today i decieded i would log in and see what the market is like and possible sell my cats to break even (or even a small loss).

When trying to log in today, after logging into metamask i was hit with this screen.


So now after having my account from second day and having it frozen for 2 weeks because eth is shit, I am now demanded to provide an email to access my own digital property. I didnt need to give them an email before.

This is bullshit as i made my account without an email and am logged into metamask and there is no point to making me give them an email. Unless they want to link it to me for taxes (taxed on every cryptokittie action). So now for me to even give away my crypto kitties or anything i have to give up personal information.

I guess i have no choice but to give up my personal information as they are holding my digital property as ransom till i give them my email.

Can anyone fill me in as to why i am now all of a sudden required to supply my email to access my own digital property?

Anything connected to eth i seem to have nothing but problems with.

If i finally give in to cryptokitties and make a fake email is it required to make sales or trades? As of right now cryptokitties has been my biggest mistake made in all of my crypto life. Nothing but headaches and no fun at all, i would have gotten more enjoyment from burning 60 bucks then this.



I entered my email and clicked the save information button and a ETH transaction pops up.
It wont let me continue or move forward unless i ok a transfer for something i didnt make?

I click cancel on the transaction and try again and same thing.


IM banging my head on the wall now as i gave them my email and that is not enough, they want money now too?

Was informed it doesnt charge anything so ima do it.

Might see some crypto kitties up for raffle in a day or two.

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Same kind of shit happened to me with the faucet, but worse. They want a freakng video of me posted on YouTube. Screw them.

Thats some madness, you should make a video where you cuss them out and stuff if you end up making one.
My stupid ass made the mistake a good time ago of transfering my main bitcoin wallet to bittrex and then trying to transfer it out to a new wallet the next day. They wanted me to call and give id and a photo and all that crap to access my money. I finally did it but i wish i never did.

Shits getting fucked, in the end i fell off the waggon and traded all my crypto and bullion for a single hit of crack one drunk night. Thats my story and im sticking to it.

I got the same bullshit going on with Bittrex right now. Luckily I only got like $15 worth of crypto at Bittrex. Never use an exchange as storage, alway keep coins in your own wallet.

Yeah, i just made the mistake of of moving it over there to play with for a day till the new wallet i was setting up was done with. My original main wallet was compromised i thought as someone came across my 12 word recovery phrase and i could prolly trust them but wanted to be sure my coins were safe.
I keep maybe a hundred in bittrex just incase i see something i want to buy and i also have a bunch of small numbers of shit coins i transferd to it that arent worth enough to cash out. LOL
If i lose everything in bittrex i wont be upset as i only really use it for trading not really storage.

Im looking into a hardware wallet right now but cant seem to find one that will ship before the end of next month that will take crypto as payment. Hopefully nano ledger gets their shit together cause waiting 2 months to get a hardware wallet seems insane to me, in 2 months the new wallets will be out already. lol

Just sign the message, there is no fee it just needs to link your account so your cats show up. That usually happens after the browser cache is cleared also

Thank you for the info.
I have had my browser close and even ip change before and i never had a transaction pop up, oh well atleast now i know.
Thank you again!

Damn that sucks. I have no idea what cryptokitties are, but do they have online support? I know that they can't let you in your account, but surely they should be able to help with the problems you are having.

Cryptokitties are like an alt coin you can breed to make new coins (kitties). I was in contact with support when it first opened to the public so ill prolly end up contacting them again. was kinda hoping one of the cryptokittie pros on steemit would chim in and tell me whats up but could be worse.
Im sure its prolly just a stupid issue and it will be figured out its just such a pain.

Prolly gust gona raffle the kitties off once i get access to them.

eth is shit!

I feel the same.

Really thats the main problem with ico @skeptic bro they should find a solution for this !!

It was a mistake on my part to even buy them. was a waste of money.
Live and learn.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

LuLz email is a requirement for neat everything that i never thought as giving away my personal info, i see now i was too naive, as for your case, just create a fake email and use that? Not that it would guaranteed you will have any of your ETH back though.

Somehow i feel this is my fault xD Sorry from reviving an old wound i think.

ehh, its whatever. i just gave them what they wanted and after i do some other stuff im working on ill prolly just raffel the cats off.

XD I wish i had a cat to play with (and a freaking slider too)

Well once i figure out all the info i need i you will have a chance to win one.
Slider will come with time, think i didnt have mine for like 8months.

Ethereum is dead, long live eos!!

I'd stash them kitties and maybe you can be cryptokittie millionaire just like 50cents.

Is Ethereum really that bad? Its what I've been using and I haven't had any problems.

I can't say, I have never used it, and probably never will.

Alot of people love ETH, I have just had horrible luck with it so its anecdotal evidence as its just my experiences and most other peoples seem to be good.

I would agree about eos butcouple days ago i heard a comment about how eos is just a token on the ETH chain. Not sure if its true or not but i dont understand how it is suposta outpreform ETH if its using the ETH chain.

Im thinking of maybe raffling them off, gotta find out what the fee is to transfer from one account to another and just have entry to the raffle the cost of transfer. If enough intrest in it i might be able to make a couple bucks back that i spent buying the stupid cats. they cost me 30 bucks each and think i spend like 10-15 to breed the two i had to make the new one.

At this point if there was an option to destroy the cats i would make a video of me killing them just to trigger the cryptokittie fans. LOL

I use to do that on mabinogi, destroy ultra rare items in the main town with everyone watching just to watch people lose their mind. LOL

The eos ico is an erc20 coin, but once eos is ready the coins are traded for actual eos, is my understanding.

Killing them on video sounded ok to me,...

Oh, ok then maybe it will out preform it in the end. Makes alot of sense why people would be confused and making comments about how its not ETH compitition because its using the ETH blockchain.

If i could i would, sounds more enjoyable then dealing with them.

when gas price is low, you can gift and pay .01 gas for a couple pennies but will be slow, maybe 10 minutes or more. No worries no hurries :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ill try again later today, last time because the way metamask is setup the minimum fees i was paying was about 8 bucks just to breed my cats and it took a day to go through, that was also when eth crashed second day of cryptokitties being open to the public.

Im thinking of raffeling off the cats, do you think 1sbd would cover all the costs of transfer fees and stuff if i was to just gift it to the winner?
Also, do you have any clue how to price the cats? I dont even know if mine are worth the fee to transfer or not anymore.

Thank you for the info too!

that's a big issue for some .008 ETH breeding fee and the market is flooded with .002-.003 kitties.
I have no idea how to price a kitty and only buy cheap ones I like the looks of. So many new traits who can even begin to figure what has value anymore. I have my eyes set on a shipcat when I see 1 going cheap.
Try putting you Kitty number at this site for some idea of value.

ok, thank you.
hopefully i can figure it all out.

eth is really disgusting now a days. the increase in the price lead to many difficulties too :( . lots of gas needed to push transactions now a days :(

Yeah more of a pain then its worth IMO.
Live and learn.

Are they edible?

I wish, Im not sure if anything can be done with them.

Sorry to hear about this, I hope you get it resolved. I setup a Meta Mask account but have not transfered anything to it yet. I wish I could be of more help.

Good luck and I hope this gets resolved for you.

Thank you but i dont think anything can get resolved. i either have to submit to their demands or i cant access my digital property.
or thats how its looking sofar to me.

I haven't check my kitties since i played because of the hype. what happen to the kitty world?

Honstly i have no clue.
Have only been logged maybe 3 times and now im tring to figure out if i want them to have my email.
last thing i want is cryptokittie spam showing up in my email.
Last i seen was maybe a month ago or 2 im not sure and the prices were basically junk. the cats i paid 30 bucks for are prolly worth a buck now. New gen 3 cats are less then what i paid for mine second day.
i might just give mine away, starting to be more of a bother then anything else.

It can become scan soon...

Feels like one from the begining to me.

Hahaha true