in cryptomen β€’Β  6 years agoΒ 

Where to buy and sell BTC more profitable?
Where are minimum fees?

For a person who has connected his life with the cryptocurrency, some of the most pressing issues are:
πŸ™πŸ» Where is it more profitable to buy or sell bitcoin?
πŸ™πŸ» Where are minimum deposit/withdrawal fees?
πŸ™πŸ» How to transfer bitcoin to another person with less loss?
πŸ™πŸ» How to do it anonymously?

You have either to look for a suitable exchange with enormous fees 🐴 or buy BTC in exchangers through BestChange with an unprofitable rate.

And even worse, if you have to upload a scan of the passport and pay taxes! 😾

But you can do all this through Telegram anonymously and at the most favorable rate! πŸ€”

BTC BankerπŸ‘‡

Check it out if someone else doesn't know

☝🏻Here is the most profitable Bitcoin rate
☝🏻There are also other alts
☝🏻You can buy or sell BTC and get money immediately to a bank card
☝🏻The fee is so small that it's almost absent
☝🏻 Anonymously!
☝🏻 You can send checks to each other without any fee at all.

Is this a fairytale?

No, it's just the BTC Banker bot

We've been using ourselves not for the first year! πŸ‘

Don't suffer any more! ☺️

You're welcome, go on in! πŸ’‹


πŸ“Œ Our contacts:


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