Wounded for you

in cryptoprince1 •  8 years ago 

An orphaned boy was living with his grandmother when their house caught fire. As the fire raged, his grandmother ran upstairs in a desperate attempt to rescue him. Unfortunately, she didn't get far she perished in the scorching flames. Neighbors and lookers held their breath as they watched the fire spread nearer to the window where the terrified boy stood crying for help. To jump down from the window would be suicidal, so no one encouraged him to do so. Everyone wanted to help, but no one dared to risk his life in the inferno.
Then suddenly, a stranger emerged from the crowd. everyone watched with awe as the climbed up an iron-drain pipe leading upstairs. they watched as he battled his way through the flames and burning fragments that blocked his way. They watched as he lifted the boy, wrapped himself around him and came back down on the iron pipe. Many cheered, some screamed and others cried as the man and the boy arrived at the safe zone.
Several weeks after the fire disaster, a public hearing was held to determine the boy's new home since his grandma, his only remaining guardian, had died in the tragedy. Various persons signified interest in taking custody of the boy. But as they talked, a man slowly walked to the front of the audience. He took his hand from his pockets, revealing horrible scars in them.He then pulled off his shirt and rolled up his trousers, showing the shocked audience his severely battered back and a pair of badly burnt legs. The crowd gasped at the horrifying sight.
At that moment, the boy's face brightened; he recognized the man. This was the man who risked his life to save him. His scarred hands, bruised and battered back, and burnt legs were a testimony to his unreserved love for the boy. without hesitation, the boy threw himself into the arms of the man and the case was settled.
This story illustrate the price Jesus paid to redeem man from the impending divine judgement and eternal fire. All men have sinned and deserve to die, for his boundless love for man and not willing that anyone should perish eternally, sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to die in man's stead, so that whosoever will believe in him would not be damned forever but have everlasting life (John 3: 16).
Just like the stranger in the story, only Jesus Christ can tell of the untold agony he experienced just to purchase man's redemption: the excruciating pains of being nailed to the cross; the searing agony of the nails cutting through the nerves of his feet;the deep, throbbing pains of tissues tearing off His lacerated back; the crushing pain within the chest as his heart begins to compress; the tortured lungs making a frantic effort to gasp for air; the torments of hanging on the cross, the chill feeling of death slowly closing His eyes and the unfathomable painful feeling of abandonment by the father who would not stand the grievous sight and hideous stench of the multitude of sins he took upon himself ( Matthew 27: 46)
What a dreadful; experience! He suffered a most gruesome death for you! he was despised and rejected by men; he bore your griefs and carried your sorrows; He was stricken and smitten of god; he was wounded for your transgressions; He was bruised for your iniquities and the chastisement of your peace was upon Him (Isaiah 53:3-5). The boy in the story made the right choice by deciding to be under the custody of the man who had saved him from a horrible death. Have you made the right choice for Jesus?Do that now! Confess and repent of all your sin's; believe in him and accept him as your Saviour and Lord; for "As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, evens to them that believe on his Name" (john 1 : 12).
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