Someone who knew I had bought a bit of Bitcoin and was very interested in the subject, asked me -
And that shows a problem. Most of the sensational headlines about Cryptocurrencies (There are now more than 800!) are about price action driven by speculators speculating.
Buyers and sellers playing the financial markets that this new currency Bitcoin and its ilk are for real. Here to stay and will displace the present stuff.
There aren’t many ordinary citizens going about their business and shopping for their daily needs thinking - 'We need a new currency'.
They see no issues with what they’ve got. It is accepted (with a few Venezuela like exceptions) without question wherever they tender it.
For Bitcoin to be accepted for everyday mainstream use, its going to have to overcome a similar perception that the Ipad first had - Something you didn’t know you needed, but now can’t live without.
I can’t see it getting to that status.
Not a fair comparison perhaps. But Jack and Jill public will want to see that there is some advantage to it for them
After all the test to apply to an invention is - Does it solve a problem? Does it satisfy a need? Does it provide value?
Yes they understand that borderless Bitcoin will enable big business to move money around the world easier and cheaper.
And on an individual level it will give them a new option for exchanging foreign currency for their holidays
Otherwise as the man said - come on convince me. - What is this Cryypto Crap?
Now you may wonder what is the old fool doing putting pictures of dogs in a cryptocurrency article. But there is a connection and it’s how I came by the picture source.
I was following up on the snippet about Dogecoin cryptocurrency I shared in a previous post – a reminder -
How about Dogecoin (pronounced Doggie-coin)…
Dogecoin is a new cryptocurrency for pet lovers…
It’s accepted at a number of stores to purchase everything from leashes to an animal DNA test kit… or you could use it to pay for a “dogsitter” when you go on vacation.
In a 7-day period, Dogecoin’s value increased by a whopping 267%!
So could dog lovers be leading the way in actually using a crypto currency to buy everyday things.Whatever, it led me to a dog loving facebook page - @alikeforalick and I am pleased to be able to bring you a few of the incredible and funny pictures . Enjoy.
The best place to learn about Cryptocurrency is at the coal face (No pun intended - err bitcoin is mined - coal face) Join Steemit. Earn and Learn. -
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