This crypto trading platform is prepping for launch...

in cryptotrading •  3 years ago 

I’ve been tinkering with the UpBots MVP demo for a while now and I’ve become fairly familiar with the platform. It’s robust features help to make trading more approachable for anyone, but their tokenomics also have a solid structure.


Their UBXT token has been discussed in crypto communities before. Hype has started to stir about the platform as they prep for their official launch. A few days ago, UpBots hit the “go” button and started phase 1 of their plan.

I thought that the platform already had lots of amazing features, but oh boy, they really took it up a notch with the latest updates. As part of their phase 1 plan the team rolled out several major updates previously detailed in their roadmap.

Awesome perks for BSC users

As one who is tired of the higher ETH gas fees (still disappointed with Berlin right now) I’m among those growing frequent BSC users. UpBots unveiled several awesome new features that any BSC user would love.

BSC LP staking pools

Staking UBXT with lower transaction costs and great rewards are no longer a dream! UpBots has brought UBXT-BUSD LP staking pools to their platform. Currently the staking pool has a total of $391k in value locked.


ETH/BSC bridge

Have some tokens you wish to bring over from either the ETH or BSC to the other? The new ETH/BSC bridge lets me swap tokens all within my UpBots account. Definitely saves me time scouting around for a bridge to use and some account logins as well.


New algo trading bots available

The I-Robot series has made its way into UpBots’ algo rental service. I’m beginning to see their list of bots expand which is definitely a great sign.


These new bots have the ability to trade the following crypto pairs:

So now you can choose among the 4C-Trading developed Optimus bots or these brand spanking new I-Robot bots.

UBXT wallet preview

Among the various new designs added to the homepage, the page for UBXT wallets has also been added. While it does appear on the interface, the wallets are not yet ready for usage. The team explained the reason for this being that they’re still preparing the perf fees and wallet to be ready and it should go live during phase 3.


I may sound a bit weird by saying this, but I’m looking forward to seeing their performance fees go live (it powers their entire infrastructure after all). Perf fees and the wallet are scheduled to deploy during the third phase. Once this happens I have a very “bullish” feeling that the price of UBXT will begin pumping again.

If you want to come join me on the UpBots platform and continue watching them develop awesome features, then jump on in for free here.

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