in cryptowalletstakingbtc •  5 years ago 



I recommend this as a personal crypto wallet that can give you profit every day, all your assets can also be withdrawn whenever you want like other crypto wallets, if you store crypto on stakedwallet, then you will receive a 0.2% profit every day. compared to you storing your assets in the exchange does not provide profit, but can only trade


  1. Beneficial storage
    Simply store your funds in our platform wallet and get 0.2% of income daily by earning with Proof Of Stake without any limits.

  2. No transaction fees
    You won’t have to pay any transaction fees on StakedWallet, which means that you’re not going to lose a single cent on money transfers. The transaction fee is equal to zero.

  3. Low fee
    Unlike other platforms, exchange fee on StakedWallet equals only 1%. It’s 93% lower than the competition’s.

  4. savings for the future
    Earn up to 80% a year by keeping your money in the wallet Staked


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