crystal liu

in crystal •  3 years ago  (edited)

蕭若元我的確好欣賞你因為你的確係香港最有料嘅youtuber不過同時無可否認嘅係你的確已經老啦好多嘢喺好多事情上邊都打破唔到自己嘅固有思維固有框框俾自己過往嘅經驗限死咗自己嘅想像力簡單啲嚟講就係跟唔上潮流跟唔上呢一個時代步伐跟唔上呢一個時代嘅發展由你走去支持美國嘅一人一票民主制度開始我就已經可以立即判斷你係一個過氣嘅民主運動推手雖然未至於係old seafood但係已經唔能夠再長崎企喺一線呢一個位上邊要學好似毛澤東喺三年大躍進大饑荒三年大躍進運動失敗咗之後退居二線咁樣退居二線
jpex呢一間嘢一日未爆煲嘅話我一日都唔夠膽走去all in Bitcoin因為jpex嘅未爆煲就意味著幣圈仲有好多水魚仲有好多韭菜喺度等住畀人收割等待市場去將佢哋全部出清世界上其他地方都係咪咁樣我唔知道但係我知道至少香港幣圈嘅情況係咁樣所以我可以用香港嘅情況去推算返世界幣圈嘅情況雖然唔一定準結果亦都有一定嘅落差誤差但係用jpex嘅爆煲去推算比特幣見底嘅確切時間還是有一定參考性的
當區塊鏈帝國將來正式啟用我發明嘅香港共識選舉公式voting power等如√ ̄shares you own之後區塊鏈帝國每一年嘅gdp複式增長起碼在25%以上
我講下點解我會簽管浩鳴呢一位金牌經理人呢一位香港聖公會教省秘書長所揸fit嘅娛樂公司香港聖公會作為我嘅經理公司出道公司因為呢一間公司曾經捧紅過陳同佳出過陳同佳呢一啲頂樓明星頂流藝人過往有優良嘅track record proven history令到我對呢一間公司有足夠嘅信心相信呢一間公司能夠喺不久嘅將來帶領我喺演藝圈大放異彩成為獨當一面嘅天王巨星總好過簽王祖藍同埋曾志偉所打骰管理嘅tvb佢哋呢一間娛樂公司近年呢根本就捧唔到任何藝人出圈作為一間娛樂公司呢幾年嚟捧唔到任何藝人出嚟我簽你嚟做乜當然係簽管浩鳴好過香港咁多間娛樂公司當中我淨係認可香港聖公會呢一間有你哋呢一間咁好嘅娛樂公司幫我做好曬啲公關以後就算我出咗道之後喺出邊走去叫雞偷食出櫃出軌醉酒鬧事醉駕打人就算係好似陳同佳咁樣殺人放火我都會冇事我都可以喺娛樂圈繼續撈喺娛樂圈繼續撈金搵真銀甚至再講得誇張啲我就算當住娛樂記者面前做齊曬我以上講嘅呢一啲嘢都好香港聖公會教省秘書長管浩鳴都可以幫我拆掂佢等我冇事可以保釋返出嚟乜嘢都唔需要孭上身喺香港做藝人嘅話識簽一定係簽管浩鳴識簽一定係簽香港聖公會







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Getting started on steem can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.

Getting started on steem can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.

Getting started on steem can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.

Getting started on steem can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.

Getting started on steem can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.

Getting started on steem can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.