Green Aventurine Crystals for Relieving Stress by Sunscape

in crystals •  7 years ago  (edited)


Green Aventurine - Indian Jade

Key Words ~ Healer of Heart, Vitality, Confidence

Chakra - 4th - Heart
Element - Water & Earth
Astrological Sign - Taurus, Virgo
Numerical Vibration - 3
Hardness - 7
Color - Translucent green quartz rich in chrome-like mica


" I AM embracing change with confidence to move forward in my life".

Aspects associated with the crystal.


Calming, anxiety, stress, emotional healing, trauma, anger & rage, soothing, over-sensitivity, leadership skills, intellect and decision making, joy, optimism, release attachments, embrace change.


Energizes, balance energies, heart health, eyes/vision, allergies, cell repair, lungs, stimulates metabolism, lower cholesterol & blood pressure.


Manifest abundance & prosperity, Connect with the Devic realm, Positive energy.

The stone of optimism and zest for life, the Healer of Heart, Mind and Soul. A wonderful stone to help you move into new circumstances with confidence and acceptance. Balancing the emotional and physical energies in your body which helps one to remain heart centered.

An all purpose healing stone for alleviating anxiety, stress and emotional upset, bringing balance back to the body and mind. A wonderful heart and lung stone, especially for allergies. It will stimulate your metabolism, works well at lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol because of it’s association with the heart Chakra.

You can also use Aventurine in the work environment to balance the energies around you. It is great at absorbing electromagnetic smog and environmental pollution that we are exposed to daily. It will stimulate your leadership skills, intellect and decision making. It will boost your opportunities for luck by attracting abundance and prosperity into your life.

It is even wonderful added to the bath water to alleviate tired, achy muscles from that hard, stressful day you just had. An all around great stone to have in your collection.


Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations

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the stone is often placed in the aquarium
Very good friend

That is a very nice place for it. I never thought of that. Have a great day.

Yes, thank you.
have a nice day too.

this is made as a beautiful ring stone @sunscape.

crystal is very good for health, I would love to have his friend

I can understand why I was drawn to the photo of them. They do many great things!

They sure are a useful stone, love their gentle vibes.