This is for my own use as well as showing others what I have planned.
Think I'm missing something? I'm open to ideas!
What am I writing now?
Political Rambles
Conspiracy Analysis
Why Conspiracy Theories Work (And Should Be Considered)
I know this is a topic that has been debated, which is why I'm covering it, except with my own understanding of how it works. And if possible, give a possible solution behind a typical conspiracy theorist's thinking (which greatly depends on the individual, but still, there are aspects that remain the same).
GeoEngineering (Started - Posting tomorrow or Monday)
- Chemtrails
- Weather Manipulation
- What's Healthy v. What's Not
We Need To Be Open-Minded About Conspiracies (To An Extent)
- Projects like MK-Ultra and theories like gravity have been proven to exist, when usually they are seen as a hoax. It'll be nice to see more people trying to see from the "crazy" people that are trying to look into deep secrets. Not necessarily believing every word to a T, but acknowledging that their suspicions are valid.
What I may write later:
Illuminati - New World Order
Agenda 21
Electromagnetic Harassment
- Targeted Individuals (TIs)
- 5G Technology
- Microwaves
- Electronics in General (+ Irony)
The Theme of Black: From Men to Helicopters
- I've noticed that a common theme in conspiracies is the color black.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.” ― J. Michael Straczynski