in csgo •  7 years ago  (edited)

[English] (sorry, my english not so good but i'll try my best xd)

Hello there!

I will explain what happen in this video. So, at the end of match, the situation is 1 player Counter Terrorist (CT) vs 2 player Terrorist (T). Before CT enter from the window, i already throw the "Decoy Grenade" to the nearest C4 bomb.

Decoy Grenade pure damage is about 1-3 HP (so small xd). And, the Decoy grenade does'nt explode immediately, you must to wait about 5-8 seconds to explode.

If you see again this video, after CT managed to beat 2 T, his HP remained 1 (aha!). So when he try defuse the C4 bomb, the decoy grenade exlode. And BANG!!! Terrorist win!! haha.

Don't forget to UP VOTE this video, if you like it! ^-^

Halo semua!

Aku akan menjelaskan apa yang terjadi dalam video ini.
Jadi di akhir situasinya adalah 1 CT vs 2 T.
Sebelum CT masuk melalui window, saya terlebih dahulu melemparkan decoy grenade ke dekat bomb. Decoy grenade sendiri damagenya kecil hanya sekitar 1-3 hp. Dan Decoy grenade ini tidak langsung meledak, harus menunggu kira2 5-8 detik.

Kalo dilihat kembali, setelah CT berhasil melumpuhkan 2 T, darahnya tinggal 1. Jadi ketika dia belum selesai defuse bomb, decoy grenade meledak duluan. dan Bang!!! Terrorist win!

Jangan lupa di UPVOTE kalau kalian suka video ini! ^-^

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hi there ^^ hope you enjoy