CSGO Tips And Tricks

in csgo •  8 years ago  (edited)


Hello everyone! I hope you guys are having an great day today! Anyways today I will be teaching new players on how to play csgo! I hope this little tutorial helps you guys out! Good luck in the long run.


First thing first. Before you start playing competitive matches or anything like that you would like to do a lot of deathmatch or casual games.  Player who play competitive matches still do this to just warm up. But the one thing you guys need to do before actually joining a competitive match or getting your practice matches in, is to get your settings how you need them to be. Here is a list of some good things to look after on your settings. Your Sensitivity,CrossHair and your Spray Patterns

Competitive Matches

The thing that csgo is mainly known for is for their Competitive Matches. These matches are really really competitive and that is why it is called Competitive Matches. For these games a lot of people would suggest for you to have a headset, experience in the game so don't jump right away into Competitive Matches, and you must know your call outs on the maps you mainly play on. New csgo players mainly play on dust 2 to get the hang of things. Most people who played csgo for the first time thought that Dust 2 was the easiest map for beginners and it's kinda true. The whole point in competitive matches is to have a rank. There are a whole list of ranks and here is the list. It starts from Silver One to Global Elite. These ranks shows others how good you are at the game. I hope this had help you new players out! Have Fun!

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Wow... Cool.
Have never played it before, but am gonna watch out for it.

Thanks for the positive feed back! Im happy you enjoy this! Good luck!


"Before you start playing competitive matches or anything like that you would like to do a lot of deathmatch or casual games." Definitely true. After a bad first competitive experience I waited til I had 500 hours before I tried again.

Hey nice post !! Do watch my 4k defend with awp and tell me how do u like it...
New players can also learn thing or two from this post :).
Do watch in HD,