Sound is Linear. (? If/The Sound is Emotion AKA #WereYou17Before18Too? #IsMomErDadOrOtherYourFirstWord? #WhatWouldThatDo? #Centreal #037 #Realityl #37 & && (? I, Mom, Dad, Other)) ) [NOTES/MINDMAP/PROTOTYPE/SPEC/SCHEMA/BRAINSTORM/DRAFT/*STILL*EDITING]

in csychology •  5 years ago  (edited)

Editor's Note: Still editing. Please keep in mind I am still organizing (which costs time and money and emotion, and also "Steem Power/Credits" equals real accountable money I pay for every single edit). My long-term aim has always been to make early edits public to get feedback and show my work.


Sound is Emotion(?)
Sound is Linear(?)


If I can not talk about my parent(s), I can not talk about myself.
If we can not talk about our parent(s), we can not talk about ourselves.

If I/we can not talk about our Parent(s), then that sound period is made/reported with an asterick, then normal people are forced to tell another story.

If I/we can not talk about our $PARENT(S) (notice the singular spelling modified by the parenthesized plural "s" so I did not say if one parent, two parent, or otherwise), then that sound period is made with hollycryptowood variables, then then normal people are forced to tell another story. (We can all find a story to say instead of our own life script', is a good idea for who?)

If I/we can not talk about our $PARENT(S), then that sound period is made/reported with changed/altered variables, then normal people are forced to tell another story.

If I/we can not talk about our $PARENT(S), then that sound period is made/reported with "What else?", then normal people are forced to tell another story. (*Based on the true story of being an adult who as a kid was asked by adults to ['again not say Mom|Dad all over again and just'] tell some other story.)

I am sensitive to the fact some people do not have a PARENT(S) variable officially from in their real life, I wrote $OTHER in to give someothers a chance to fork the repo, make your reality language edits official, and commit changes.

# I realize I'm not writing ( but please try seriously.
# I set the "Language" field in to "Self" even though
# the Self *GCC compiler* will definitely have issues.
If I can not,
If we can not,
Talk about our $Parents(s)
If we can not talk about ourselves.
If I can not talk about myself.

What do you have when normal people have to wait til they're 18 y/o to speak about their 17 year old self about with their Mom and Dad and Other (using some artifact of language? (By record about their experience, lang/vote in what form))?

Namely is the goal a record of self, and is that goal about your agency/authority over writing the words Mom/Dad/Other by yourself, and is the record of self permanent for yourself, to some definition is your memory (of saying mom/dad/other) yours? What if you say/press/record Mother/Father/Other how many times, do the other variables change?


I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mom" or "Dad" first (or "Other") in that (er that?) order, meant life changed.

At an early age I knew, if I said that first or if I did not say that, as my #firstword. That is

That first word, and that reported. What value is reporting sound linearly?

[So, do I need to use/should I use a time math metaphor grammatically here? (My/your accounts describing experiences might require math/wath?)]


Under sensitive construction. You can call that social construction too?

From Sound to WhatWould*Do to Painreal/Sensereal/Censereal/Centreal to Realityl to 037/37 too?

"Sound" meaning (I did not say that is a "sound meaning" before you say you read that) a variable that is relevant if not profoundly the source of most people's first word(s). Sound is also interesting to start with because it is the least recordable sense (for most people to remember "perfect pitch" is considered a revelation, to remember the whole audio recording is technologically indistinguishable from magic... leading to the final thought that perfect memory is {for most human beings who can barely remember the tone let alone the pitch exactly but want to prescribe 100 emotions pronto} terrifying). And then a mentat/womentat describes the, wow, decibel over a range, WOW, in repetition, after being beatenrated for saying the word they're actually remembering (how do you say that, in a math sentence, a word problem, err/or what would you call that?. That caused the computer algorithm to emulate the human memory behavior, by crashing in response to reading err writing and remembering. That 'tat just remembered that /slug/? That var? Did I say slug or word er var? Is .md for M or D and is that Mom and or Dad and/or other there too? Should we do a fingerprint check after every {Mom, Dad} keypress, voluntarily? What if they're the only one in their family to want to fingerprint their usage of "Mom" and or "Dad" in a sentence, with said math as well, a family unit test (fess://, fess:// Who said family is a family unit?

To read the title/vars with your voice, say "Sound is Linear" then stop, start again with a repeat "Sound is linear, if the sound is emotion" but then counter/adjust/think (like with Math, but for words) for/about how the $Parenthesis and $Question_Mark signal you must ("must" statement according to and documentation standards) permutate another version to test integrity. So you then can use your voice to say "Sound is linear" with "Sound is Emotion" and also even if you are deliberate add/subtract the "if" and "the" to change/alter meaning by just "being grammatical just for grammar", and then feel free to compare and contrast and weigh and mark the realistic importance, asking does grammar help the math make sense, asking does math help ("the") grammar make sense?


[So, do I need to use/should I use a time math metaphor grammatically here? {My/your accounts describing experiences might require math/wath?}]


The rest of the post is draft form with scribbles et al like your favorite role model did at least once and not with a record like me.

The rest of the post is draft form with scribbles et al like your favorite role model did at least once and not with a audit log/audit trail/blockchain record like me.

The rest of the post is draft form with scribbles, circles, lines, pointers, smiley faces, squiggles et al like your favorite role model did at least once and not with a blockchain like me.

The rest of the post is draft form with scribbles, circles, lines, pointers, smiley faces, squiggles et al like your favorite role model did at least once and not with a blockchain and only Unicode English alphanumerical text like me.

The rest of the post is draft form with scribbles et al like your favorite leader's speech did at least once and not with a blockchain tracking myself through every fact and mistake and fact like me. If it helps you calm yourself before reading through such an abstract metahpor for reality, pretend I am using those fancy expensive sticky notes lawyers use that have "good feeling texture made in a lab NEW" with, bought by an adult who is your favorite role model with money who thought Magic Markers are adult too, an old "100 Marker Set" of Magic Markers.

If your role model was Aristotle and so Expensive Stickies and Magic Markers did not exist then in your self-metaphored world, dear patient reader, then imagine Aristotle not having enough physical paper and not telling you if they were ****'ed or not in clear text (Wait shoot, did that say "Rape"? Or, shoot wait did that say "Raped"? Wshooait is the past or present tense important should we wait or just shoot to acknowledge the root word? (Should we shoot the word (or, them, for typing the word, and, you, for reading, maybe each? (Is that cilling and or killing, should we call it "shooting", too?)), dear, and certainly not given the privilege of a potentially permanent log where asking questions could take time, realistically, ttiimmee (a feature not afforded the standard "6 month comment limit" for for example, or the "1 week to make powerful friends or then you're banned, we do not follow any known law or legal code but we call it our law one week is enough for us all to decide if to shoot you" of for example.


That sound is linear, so should a log be linear? Should you be able to prove your own life as well as "PRISM" can prove your life, and who should have the ability to record their own life, them or you? At what point is self-surveillance the same as self-help?

Terming #Wath as for Humans, for what is otherwise the "#Algorithm" for Computers (and arguing an "Algorithm" is for ~~ - the severe, disturbing, and brutalizing artificial limits of- ~~ computer cloud, where Math is for ~~ + and writable with paper and keyboard and voice equally + ~~ real human beings), and giving equal weight to each as the same. ...requires written mental work, so that you can show your work to check for errors.]]

First posted as (my second Twitter account, is my first account) 4:10 PM · 2015.10.29 from Baltimore, MD·Twitter for Android according to Twitter timestamp, needs confirmation with my ISP (Internet Service Provider) and to check timestamps have not been altered or adulterated by others, by checking the record is secure(ly remembering) with multiple (network) mirrors. (Reminds me of asking myself as an idea, that if you alter your grammar to fit standards that are not psychological or neurological, are you altering the order of said thoughts, and is it important to have a record of thoughts before changes, or just important grammar looks good? (I thought with their superior audit trail would, as a tool, benefit the discussion and discovered they do not use their own audit log for moderator edits/mails, kind of breaking the purpose of the audit log if the mods do not use the audit log. ...which may also be a reflection/mirror of other processes/organizations in their value [or devaluing] of recording linear order)).

Second posted as 00:13 EST Standard Time 00h13 Military Time but I need to check my atomic clock is not showing hexspeak written by others, should be that date but how do I know if there is a #TrustedComputer I mean #TrustNetwork, how old do you need to be able and allowed to trust your computer can read back what you say linearly (should you need to file legal paperwork to be able to access your own text record with "full speech"/full linearity, your own words in order, is that going to be free speech or paid speech, to remember what words I said in order do I have a right to read/remember my own order?

Let's continue starting explaining by beginning to combine some posts from varying perspectives to reach a greater point. I will start by repeating my personal site at : "Originally written as, the iteration and permutation is to help elaborate the meaning, and go towards defining life at log, life being logged." and I add "The deeper issue may be that Psychology does not address Linearity, formally.". That should not subtract from the writing you are reading, that I am linking back and forth here, if there is a sense of a linear record provable (and a sense of the right of being speedy to prove your own record or PRISM record). I am adding and subtracting some language but if there is a log, there should not be any problem proving what words came first.

What does that mean if Emotion is a Linear item, to determine with order? Is that like grammatical order, in any sequence? Should the emotional documentation be predicated based at you or log, yourself or the record? There is sadly some delay between pen and paper as much as brain and key and do we count the latency between record and thought with what actual meaning ... though some may happily obsfucate emotion into grammar. What self perlocutionary act of memory (start with is the grammar versus the word if the record prioritizes recording which action and motion of record? To think of yourself as a record, is watch yourself justified, just "Know Thyself" rhetorical, or is #QueryYourself justified, if the record you think of yourself as is linear?

If an entire life is about their thoughts, your thoughts, whose record(s)/log(s)? Logy, "#Logy", would be about the definite record. A definite record is an issue of [defining] (a) Self?

A record is a fact, but that tends to be an expression, that recording is a fact. Between forensic memory and a personal diary about your mom er your dad err whom, is a question of Self Record. And the technical difficulty of ensuring your vote for mom/dad/other is "securely" remembered. Is a standard ballot box for family unit issues relatively realistic (with the same heavily deep security issues)?

Emotion felt towards parent(s) at what age is exactly worthy of record? The root example word for me is often family related, but the variables are standard [{child}, {parent}] variables, those are also nearly guarantees when familial variables.

Is a record, a computer, a piece of paper, able to figure which word I said first, how about a human being, statistically, legally? Should you have to pay/bribe the computer/human? Does the AI (Artificial Intelligence) take linear emotion or it just counts money, has A.I.(or Psychology as a field) gotten good enough to track the full conversation for the individual theirself, er is the PRISM program importanter than a SELF USER PRISM, whereas you need access to PRISM to remember your own diary/history/A.D.T./Siri/Alexa/Brinks/C.C.T.V./etc/... herein, at what cost, what if remembering that all is the only way to be 100% secure, should the government have a monopoly on an individual's intelligence and self-agency, if the issue is who owns your own record(s)?

The thought experiments and tests to form the issue, done through the vector of as reality_language{Mother, Father, Other}, or the coding of {Painreal, Sensereal, first, second? {AKA #WhatWouldPainDo, #whatWouldSenseDo, first, second?} go to the ultimate determination of the meaning of {Kidcent, Adultcent, Kidreal, Adultreal, which came first for most humans individually is that an argument too, I find people are arguing about if they were 17 before 18 and fighting me? I am making the {w}mathematical analysis of what some might deem the cultural value of remembering yourself before 17 as well as after 18 and maybe the whole individual life being a linear process is not valued appropriately by record-keeping theory as a whole, with the field of Psychology fidgeting as a whole about the legality of people remembering being 17 theirselves because talking about being 18 is sexier I guess than talking about your mother and father or other influences, which, again, happen before 18, 17... #wereyou17before18too would be the hashtagmath to counter/fight the people who want to arg that the numbers/words of 18 and 17 do not have individual meaning, meaning the individual from 17 to 18 is the same indvidual linearly and many people want to argue about if them being 17 came before 18 and I can only wonder the ignorance being so deep if I have to explain all human beings are 17 before 18 to fully grown adults who keep citing a bible or a grammar style book in response to me explaining a 17 year old self is going to not talk as well as a 18 year old self, and we all were 17 before 18 for the record that is fact {even if I am modshot {moderators shooting) again for repeating 17 comes before 18 again} humans become 17 before 18 how many ways are people going to keep arguing against that?}} as methods to analyze the order, being recorded and trackable to establish actual order as fact to some degree. I think Realityl could be a free test, a voluntarily test to take everyday. I think the Centreal thought process would be if everybody had to balance their thoughts as like posts and pay a cent of some plain intellectual value to give eachother authority.

So Realityl is the cheap realistic version (a daily school exam to enable psychology a basic right in education), and Centreal is the expensive calculation going deeper, each is still about memory. And #WhatWouldYouDo is the hashtagmathword for the same self-description. Each method can be used to log who said "mother" or "father" or "other" first.

\\\ Realityl Daily Exam ( [stands for "Reality Language"],

Could help establish linearity for individuals (with the caveat of asking how do you secure your/their writing from day 1 for K-12, is it a diary only yourself knows {in the cloud or your pocket a paper receipt, what authority can read you the kid graded your mom and or dad like that, for a day, for a week, for a month, everyday?}?):

Head repository:

Mirror repo:

Original source: (til happened, and the reason was "the computer does not remember", in 2020...really, is how memory works in 2020?)

painingattention _ realityl _ commit _ (REALITYL.INFO REDIRECTS HERE_ https___bitbucket.org_painingattention_realityl_commits_2793ebe3ce7df482fd8f9cea6a3de31a2e1e1f6b).png

# # Language

PARENT [Pain Difficulty Level Scale] 
PARENT [Pain Difficulty Level Scale]
PARENT [Pain Difficulty Level Scale] 

~~ # Reality Language ~~

~~mom [Pain Difficulty Level Scale]~~
~~dad [Pain Difficulty Level Scale]~~
~~other [Pain Difficulty Level Scale]~~

~~mother [Pain Difficulty Level Scale]~~
~~father [Pain Difficulty Level Scale]~~
~~others [Pain Difficulty Level Scale]~~

Formatting as code, might help some people cope and deal, with when people write "mom" and or "dad" and or "other", and mean to remember. Technically the code of a computer remembers by default, a human brain officially is not able to run 24/7/365 total, so the paradigm of a realistic programmable piece of paper (nearly a return to punchcard computer ballots) for just that familiar information is a challenge.

Questions like what if they're writing that by hand 365 a year do we care, what if just 200 days, how about 50 days, are challenging to ask. What do we diagnose if their answers for mom/dad/other are, well, ... How about if 250 days but if every prime of 3.7 maybe every 3 or 7 days of exactly a 307 day period there were changes? At what point can other people take action based solely at the information, to start/stop you or I writing the words "Mother"/"Father"/"Other" and is that what jurisdiction of Self?

Who should get self jurisdiction for a familiar record by and of your Self?

\\\ #WhatWouldEmpathyDo? version:


(Is #WhatWouldADo and or #WhatWouldBDo and or #WhatWouldCDo? better language? Should the letters be astericks or alphanumeric for what? Is #WhatWould{1,2,3}Do productive math and is that instead? )

\\\ Centreal version:

#### (If) PRISM has a copy, ask PRISM for your own copy, be able to prove yourself to others and yourself by entering the query:

prism doctor attendence {mother, father, other?}  #### Returns query of if kid/adult spoke first (for example), to avoid argument.


Epilogue / Synopsis / Use Case

A Sound
C Centreal
D Realityl
E 37
F Logy
G WiseGov
H Psy Z Hundredthoughts

A) Sound

As stated, a sound is generally the known definition of "first word".

I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mom" or "Dad" first (or "Other") in that order.

At an early age, I knew if I said that first, or did not say that first, that.

I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mother" or "Father" first (or "Other") in that order.

At an early age, I knew if I said that first, or did not say that first, that..

I had the experience that I knew if I say "X" or "Y" first (or "Z") in that order.

At an early age, I knew if I said that first, or did not say that first, that...

I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mom" or "Dad" first (or "Other") in that order I would get a "happy face" or a "frown face" from anybody of any age.

At an early age I knew if I said that first, or if I did not say that, as my #firstword.

I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mom" or "Dad" first (or "Other") in that order I would get a "happy face" or a "frown face" from anybody of any age.

At an early age I knew if I said that first, or if I did not say that, as my #firstword.

That is the conception of

I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mom" or "Dad" first (or Other") in that order I would get a "happy face" or a "frown face" from anybody of any age.

At an early age I knew if I said that first, or if I did not say that, as my #firstword.

That's the conception of

I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mom" or "Dad" first (or "Other") in that order I would get a "happy face" or a "frown face" from anybody of any age.

At an early age I knew if I said that first, or if I did not say that, as my #firstword.


I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mom" or "Dad" first (or "Other") in that order I would get a "happy face" or a "frown face" from anybody of any age.

At an early age I knew if I said that first, or if I did not sy that, as my #firstword. That's

I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mom" or "Dad" first (or "Other") in that order I would get a "happy face" or a "frown face" from anybody of any age.

At an early age I knew if I said that first r if I did not sy that, as my #firstword. That's

I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mom" or "Dad" first (or "Other") in that order I would get a "happy face" or a "frown face" from anybody of any age.

At an early age I knew, if I said that first r if I did not sy that, as my #firstword. That's

I had the experience that I knew if I say "Mom" or "Dad" first (or "Other") in that order I would get a "happy face" or a "frown face" from anybody of any age.

At an early age I knew, if I said that first r if I did not sy that, as my #firstword. That is

That first word, and that reported. What value is reporting sound linearly?

Once I can help evolve the fight from arguing about if 17 comes before 18 officially (or analyzing if the stock ticker needs to hit 18 for any logical or psychological reason other than adults thinking about things that should qualify as 17 as well, for a stock ticker the 17 does not mean going down or up any more than 18 means going up or down if your life is the only description we give value, yourself as an individual with memories spanning from 17 to 18 and still being you, the individual record), then maybe we can talk about if the Mother or Father (or Other) comes first, should we count their bodypart going in or out as the first move, linearly,... in what order do we count word memory?

What value is reporting sound linearly?


"What Would you Do" with J.Q. on #2020ABC (#ABC2020?) for the immutable record.

(C Centreal

"Strike the record" is not necessary if data is controlled.

"Strike the record" ( is not necessary if data is controlled.

(D) Realityl

Daily School Exam

But who pockets the copy?

How early, can the student sign VOLUNTARILY for the informaton to be permanent record?

Who should know my mother and or father I graded (or your mother and or father graded) that I said that about? Should the alphabetical English be sharable or the numerical grade I gave? Should the student own their realityl scores, how (what kind of) power over who can read?

Should a standard ballot box be secure and safe enough to trust, voting for mom/dad/other is a_dangerous_method (as much as voting saying A Dangerous Method ( is a good title about Psychology, is that the valid value, would a_safe_method work, a_written_method work, maybe the danger is in the hearsay of psychology not recorded?)?

Maybe the danger is in the hearsay of psychology not recorded. Voting for mom/dad/other can be dangerous as much as safe it depends, and the rules of a conventional ballot box apply to any voice.

(E) 37

Cryptography did not evolve to answer for hexspeak, psychologists did.

(F) Logy

Logy, "#Logy", would be about the definite record.

A definite record is an issue of [defining] (a) Self? What proof of self is valid, is talking about your mom/dad/other relevant, is proving that relevant, and in many ways is the relevance directly correlated with proof?

Logging memory is determinably a skill that speaking does not define. Remembering is not necessarily defined as long-term even though a stable record is.

G) WiseGov

To be present, I could start with saying, in tweet form: #CoderBlog #Hexspeak #OfficialHexspeak #WiseGov #71 #SR-71 #WereYou17Before18Too? Saving to Google Drive audio recording of $118/h WiseGov Senior Analyst gang telling somebody paid $10/h to clean by my door at time 10:17 on the date 7/10th (to show #WiseGov can pattern match like a pro and perform to show they're "involved"). I will share a YouTube recording of the exchange where where somecop gets to use a robotic method for torture while making names calling me a "Robot".

Obligatory link to reference and, with the added question of how and if some of the police government is secretly using robotic electronic weapons to fight (wait, against or for?) Government Psychology.

Posted section here as comment to

H) Psy Z Hundredthoughts

I could start about how I said Psy Z Hundredthoughts (PsyZHundredthoughts I only thought to register officially with, Sci & Psy Z. Before living at a a street number 118 and having security paparazzi question my alphanumerical usage with their voice. I wrote "100" a decade before that, and I have people asking me why I liked a "hundred". Before I lived at the physical version of the address, my address for "" (and the moderator accessible, also accessible if you bribe a admin who can access information and not be recorded while doing question(able) governance, you have to know a nerd) was littered with "hundred" references, namely


#SoundisEmotion #SoundisLinear #TheSoundisLinear?

#HearingCode{#if/list, #if/listen; #if/rem, #if/remember}

~ if sound = letters ?
~ if sound = voice?
~ if sound first?
~ if letter first?

#-SoundByte ... #+SoundBitten

#Csychology #Logy / #Wath

Terming #Wath as for People, for what is otherwise the "#Algorithm" for Computers, and giving equal weight to each as the same.

#### Run lib.c with the required libraries to function


require sp
require sp?
require speech
require paid speech
require free speech
require repeat
require pronounciation
require pronunciation
require reading
require reading volume setting
require reading with mouth open and or shut settings library
require speech library
require speech impediment library
require grammar impediment library
require WiseGov grammar
require WiseCrack grammar
require WiseGuy grammar
require WiseMen grammar
require WiseWomen grammar
require WiseMentat grammar
require WiseWomentat grammar
require Wise Mentat grammar
require Wise Womentat grammar
require reading with gun settings
require reading with gun safety settings
require reading with gun contol settings
require reading with gun control settings
require reading with mod gun settings
require reading with mod gun safety settings
require reading with mod gun control settings
require reading with gunkey settings
require reading with gunkey safety settings
require reading with gunkey control settings
require reading with gunhotkey settings
require reading with gunhokey safety settings
require reading with gunhotkey control settings
require reading with gunhotkeycombo settings
require reading with trigger settings
require reading with trigger safety settings
require reading with trigger control settings
require reading with gunhokeycombo safety settings
require reading with gunhotkeycombo control settings
require reading with moderator gun settings
require reading with moderator gun safety settings
require reading with moderator gun control settings
require define gun && define gnu && define kill && define cill
require reading with trigger word settings
require reading with trigger word safety settings
require reading with trigger word control settings
require define $Variable
require Hexspeak
require English
require English hexspeak
require alphanumericspeak
require Hexspeak English
require linearity --does_not_work_with_standard_grammar_rules
require spelling
require hearing
require realityl
require hheeaarriinngg
require realitylanguage
require hhhheeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg
require record
require hhheeeaaarrriiinnnggg
require record mirror
require audit trail
require audit record
require memory
require computer memory
require brain(A 1, B 2, C 3, ....)
require data[1 A, 2 B, 3 C, ...]
require brain<=>data handshake brainshake codeshake author policy authentication protocol
require human memory{{
require Right_to_Remember && unrequire Right_To_Be_Forgotten::{even_if("mom", "dad", "mother", "father")} && require praetorian(s) && require bodyguard(s)
require stable environment
require "stable environment"
require stable voting booth environment
require "stable voting booth environment"
require stable ballot box environment
require "stable ballot box environment"
require spelled

Which went first, pain and or sense, for the record?

### Remember to run the linearity lib required statement with the --flag because if you use just English you may not be speaking Linear English.
### Speaking Linear English may break your Standard Grammar library
so please check your emotions are in order, sometimes grammar
can cause side effect in some people who are taking Grammar Prescriptions
it is known to cause Non-Linear Grammar, please only speak Linear Grammar
around adults who can read and not shoot a gun or write a kill command
with their keyboard/hotkey, make sure readers reading your code are informed
and know the letters are alphabetical and or alphanumerical and do no harm,
if some people have problems understanding the letters are lettering
please hire a Trip Sitter (even if they're sober or never did drugs, they're possibly experiencing
mental symptoms from reading) before they're allowed to read again.

My writing/coding needs work, and feedback, to grow. I appreciate specific citations (a word, a sentence, a paragraph, maybe better if an idea, a notable thought, with your understanding described equally in quote/reply form) over general cursing if you kindly might care to share your reaction as a reader (I do not currently require you to define if you are reading as an apath, empath, and or otherwise "just reading" er reading if undefined, as you read, but further versions might require me to formally ask first what you are reading for).

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

"To be present in the here and now", attaching a selfie with a WiseGov Senior Analyst Gang member using #SoundWeapon/#SoundTorture against me (to, thinking what their words might be, "help solve a case" where I write/talk about sound trauma — by making invasive noises/sounds at physically painful volumes like trauma I was raised around).

Text Selfie:

Screenshot from 2020-07-10 10-58-09Screenshot from 2020-07-10 10-58-13 `20200710-0930 #37 #118 #037 #Evidence forwith https:\\watch?v=BCCMTfdhMqY from writing\coding https:\ next to SR-71 sound weapon`.png

Screenshot from 2020-07-10 10-58-13 `20200710-0930 #37 #118 #037 #Evidence forwith https:\\watch?v=BCCMTfdhMqY from writing\coding https:\ next to SR-71 sound weapon`.png

Audio Selfie:

I originally wrote in the main post:

`To be present, I could start with saying, in tweet form: #CoderBlog #Hexspeak #OfficialHexspeak #WiseGov #71 #SR-71 #WereYou17Before18Too? Saving to Google Drive audio recording of $118/h WiseGov Senior Analyst gang telling somebody paid $10/h to clean by my door at time 10:17 on the date 7/10th (to show #WiseGov can pattern match like a pro and perform to show they're "involved"). I will share a YouTube recording of the exchange where where somecop gets to use a robotic method for torture while making names calling me a "Robot"

Obligatory link to reference and, with the added question of how and if some of the police government is secretly using robotic electronic weapons to fight (wait, against or for?) Government Psychology.`

I know from that cops like to make fun of psychologists, but the personal experience with somecops making a joke of my going to counselors and talkng about sound torture/trauma, is another story.

(While you're there feel free to watch my channel for vetting.)

Cracked (Canadian TV series)
Cracked is a Canadian police crime drama television series which aired from January 8 to November 25, 2013 on CBC Television. The series was created by writer Tracey Forbes and Toronto Emergency Task Force officer Calum de Hartog, and was executive produced by Peter Raymont and Janice Dawe of White Pine Pictures. It premiered on January 8, 2013, and aired new episodes through November 25, 2013.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Thank you deeply.

(Some significance here is that (besides how I love and loved because it shows a cop with a doc, like police + doctor (maybe my inspiration for policedoctor/ if you think about the wordmath order of operations when I say PRISM), with which is not what US law requires yet, I mean we have the government grandstanding about regulations for corporations "causing" problems, while themself running their own secret/shadow ops/mods/cops using the same EXACT unregulated "algorithmic" (code for "human er robot or law, I will not confirm or deny because I do not have to describe what my job is") hacking/tricks/tools which superconveniently are not being addressed in any congressional hearings (which are humor for the educated people who know Russia is not "hacking" by buying with a credit card some Adverts, nor is the NSA/CIA/FBI doing us any favors by hacking every Intel Inside programming construct and then blaming Microsoft for Exchange being vulnerable, and Cambridge Analytica is not "hacking" by using an open public facing data API, and besides the NSA/RSA 100% owns every encryption algorithm but does not have a shred of decency I mean transparency, but poor people do not know better so it sells "We did not know what was happening because we were busy NYT/CNN advertisers/marketers doing it by pumping hitcount headlining ourselves and getting away with it now we're ignorantly pointing fingers suddenly playing every side like fools and idiots singularly blaming Mark Z for inventing the internet AND publishing alone in their room" paranoidical sensationalized hitjob newspapers, oh you mean the newspapers do not take responsibility for social media huh, we did not know the internet has been around for decades the same EXACT unchanged code?, how super... that's cute, you want to change the source but not for recording/reporting your own same gigs...? If a newspaper can not manage IPFS earlier than the NSA can track how it's own crypto is managed then we have a problem with such "reporting" itself not being scored for transparency, who is reporting these law=code changes? is IPFS the improvement er is TCP/IP the problem... why is the NYT only now "learning" about that, why are CNN and NYT and Fox getting a pass at running their own identifcal content/argument/pseudojudicial surfacing algorithms, something to do with money, you mean NYT/WSJ is not funded to report that, just promote FB/AOL/Google+ and Pornhub then forget G+ and Pornhub in a heartbeat because it hurts to take responsibility for your stocksational reporting on the actual citable quotable Code as Law being not in any report, where is the groundbreaking journalism of the actual code used/abused written in the very code we speak of, because TCP/IP takes too many letters to spell, it does not feel as good to describe the actual code in writing instead of scapegoating Mark Z?, because the NSA calls that an "automated encryption algorithm" when it's a human being and we do not have a word for "that is not a law being used by law/mod enforcement that's something else called self-judicating human being(s) reading at great/sizable speed while acting live in real-time in the heat of the moment on their emotions and opinions while using the word Law, when they're basically just talking in code individually, when they're basically just talking by pressing a code individually, instead of talking by writing English to people individually"? and now we learn about that problem from before and blame Mark Z?), where is the hearing about how rogue cops are hacking around, instead of just talking like broken facial recognition about Mark Z's face?), but it's good to hear someone cared enough to think about making it a documentary of how that could work, I mean besides that...) I think my replier is maybe? [@wikitextbot == @steemcenterwiki?])

Recognize, I mean please recognize, that I realize I might be replying here to a robot er a human who knows? Technically "Steemit the Organization" requires KYC but the Know Your Customer is not shown transparently, maybe that's a place for the government to start instead of just having congressional hearings hacking at corporations and individuals like me, maybe could start to KYC itself first and lead by example, maybe we need Badge Numbers as much as Mark Z's testimony, can I call that hashtag #KnowYourCop? er #KnowYourCops? or in codequote Know Your Cop?

Let me make another prediction, that by the year 2037 maybe a congressional hearing will feature an actual Senator in the "Intelligence" committee (I know a lot of law is silent letters, but I do not think is even on paper yet) asking for rule of law to mean rule of code meaning Code is Law as Law is Code meaning transparency for law is the same as transparency for code and if law is open then code is open too by law.

Because I'm talking to what could be a human er robot or myself here, I will make another prediction while we're there, that by the year 3007 we will have a normal Senator in the Normal Police Committee talk about giving Officers Badge Numbers, for real.

Oh and if we're talking about that already, I might as well make a prediction about another point, that by the year 2051, somereader will acknowledge first 1 then 2 points by 2049 err 2051, that me @scribe is not a religious scribe meaning even if alot of bots/cops (used in the pejorative (tone) [to describe cops who do not have badge numbers nor code/law transparency on paper in writing {so I'm saying I wrote that spelling on purpose/consciously/intentionally/deliberately, if we do not track the police we can not technically track anyone I'm talking about anywhere}]), and (again, by 2049/2051 ideally) that is enough said when I write and speak with a serious voice while some (cop?) audience members laugh for fun at having Badge Numbers for the first time.

Ohh why not I realize/empathize some people are winning mad money/props while waiting/stalling/delaying before establishing Standards/ Law(s) (must be fun to be a cop/mod and not follow public written laws er legal systems, what's the rush then right? Let's blame Mark Z for all the things the "cops" are doing {identically} too, let's blame Mark Z for the "cops" running the legal game to the gamut, then give time to cover their .css), but maybe by 2040 some cop will invent a way to run their games with a chat interrogation room just like/same/equal an interrogation room (wordmath #ChatRoom + #InterrogationRoom = #ChatInterrogationRoom?), with the same rule(s) of law. You know, the kind of law like US Laws which are in writing, with the same rights, responsibilities...

I will state my opinion til proven fact, that (in terms of establishing the history of the issue of a time before rule of law sets in) the version of the "Wild West" of the Internet happened for the police before it happened for the public (Mark Z did not invent Cop Z, Judge U, Law Z nor Mod Z), and that story is not in writing yet because it sounds like how we're scapegoating Mark Z instead of acknowledging

Thank you for your comment, human or cop name(?). I appreciate you wrote the summary from the Wikipedia article, that is really intelligent. Is that called "Artificial Intelligence" er "Emotional Intelligence" to Know Your Customer/Client/Cop? Is that called "Artificial Intelligence" or "copy/paste while not using (directly attributing of) your (the programmer behind the algorithm) name"? At some point code law might require documentation of all changes, even me talking with here, er ELIZA + human being?

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I just realized when I repeat I should use the "[...]" punctuation/symbol.

So I should do "[...] and the rest of edited/iterated sentence addition.".

So grammar has a ("native") Threaded Reply feature ("by default")? I mean, astericks (*) are not the same usage, and some sites use "[...]" to mean "[Read further...]", though grammar still lacks formal parameters to codify the meaning? #GrammarThreadedReplyFeature #GrammarThreadedReply #GrammarFeature

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Okay, the page ( presently is introduced formally as "also known informally as dot-dot-dot" at the beginning, in the first line. I realize that is not including the ellipses with brackets (seemingly not a asterisms or dinkus either), the "bracket ellipses" if so-called, yet.

Ok I thought the "[...]" with 3 dots of grammar might qualify for the "30" calendar indices, following the role modeling of the hexspeaking bosses. Naturally, I am not using buffer AI/automation/algorithms, I am manually writing and timestamping myself not with scripts, and getting the same result as a Buffer Boss who has help, my version being the human version, I actually was reading the clock by myself.

Also, I made that "[...]" comment my 18th post ( apparently according to what the "nodes/mirrors" at and say.

By the end of the "8th" month but I missed the "1" (in the "31" a day later) I could have associated by using the paid plan at ( like a boss, err, "like a boss"

I think that is like choreography. (Well, grammar choreography? Well, maybe astrological grammar choreography somewhat. In a realm where grammar rules can be used/reffed/refereed for sport of thought (to riff the "poverty of thought" medical terminology, with a counter/neocounterlogism of "wealth of thought" as serious business too), I think we can establish/recognize some nuant/nuanced fact.)

My sentiment is for the serious logological question between [.], [..], [...] (how many dots, by definition [can be processed by humans, is not a NN neural network q]) being from centuries of mathelingual distinction, the question to be determined now being not just the value of the original meaning but also the ability to counter reason/meaning.

Maybe that's three because I had two parents and one grandparent at my original family home, is such meaning sigint er signifier? Is that Self Grammar our Signals Intelligence or a Psychological Signifier? Is family a degree or your degree, is that a degree of our grammar, should we sign and count the degrees ourself?... .

My sentiment is for the serious self queries where knowing Parent(N) is delineable is alone by itself a burden of the form of question, if the Family Unit is a mathlang problem to represent. My problem of consciousness was feelings defining the Family Unit (and qualifying N parent(s) is a real math/word problem) set.

My sentiment is that the logolit dots/points between word/number association, and the markers delimiting a family language unit, are sensitive problems of consciousness, quantum to grammar, gramotion(s).

The ellipsis ..., . . ., or (in Unicode) …, also known informally as dot-dot-dot, is a series of (usually three) dots that indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning. The word, (plural ellipses) originates from the Ancient Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis meaning 'leave out'.Opinions differ as to how to render ellipses in printed material. According to The Chicago Manual of Style, it should consist of three periods, each separated from its neighbor by a non-breaking space: . .