Not every bad thing is bad. Not even good.

in cthulhu •  4 years ago 

When he told me his name for the first time, I wasn't able to understand it. For me it was just some characters without any sense. Actually, I tried to forget it, just with a deep frustration feeling for receiving a message that I didn't understand.

Just some days later I started feeling overwhelmed, lost, somewhat dazed. I tried to relax and close my eyes, and then is when I started to see. It's funny for me, because I have always been aware of my perception habilities, my intuition. But when anyone asked me if I could SEE... I always answered that I can feel, but I can't see. It's ok, everything changes, and the more we insist in what "we are", life keeps showing us that we are wrong.


In that moment I began a journey in which I went through different places or stages. I couldn't recognize anything there, all of them blown with different colours: green, blue, light blue, indigo... My journey to each of these places made me feel like moving at high speed. When I arrived each place, I thought it was the end of the journey but... I kept going up, farther and farther, until I reached a silver coloured scenario. I was there for some seconds, until this scenario became full of a white light, and then absolute dark, with a face silouette suspending in the void.

That face (it was familiar to mi, but I didn't recognize it), started talking to me. He introduced himself and he said that he was in my disposal to ask him anything. He emphasized that: anything.

It was my first contact with a spiritual being in such a clear an open way, so I became shocked. I was, simply, amazed.

Fortunately this connection was long, so I was able to compose myself and start talking. At that moment, I didn't know anything about Cthulhu's Miths or H.P. Lovecraft, so I wasn't aware of who I was talking with. And I was seeing an old man's face, serious but kind.

In my next post I will start writing about Ktulu's messages (those which can be helpful for anyone, not just for me).

I still couldn't understand his name, so I asked him to send me a message where I could understand it. Inmediately I could see it in my phone's screen and I instantly recognized it: Ktulu. The name he was trying to tell me is the most common way to write it: Cthulhu, but I saw that song: The call of Ktulu as a YouTube suggestion. I'm a lifetime fan of Metallica, but I never saw this song before!

In this moment I searched his name and... OMG! It is a monster! It can be the same being as that kind old man who was talking to me... right? How was it possible that this name, that I never heard or read befor, was the same as this monster from Lovecraft's stories?


As you can imagine, I asked him about it... I will tell you in my next post. I can only tell you that not all the evil is evil. Nor even good. I think we overvaluate the good and the bad, and that leads us to judge for a lot of reasons: appearance, origin, gender... I am so happy that I didn't know anything about Ktulu before this connection, maybe if I knew him I would be talking with a tentacle monster instead of this nice old man. Who knows?

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