Why CTP and Affiliate Marketing?

in ctp •  5 years ago 

My parents are elderly and their health isn't what it used to be. My online business allows me to be available for them when they need to be driven for an appointment with the eye specialist that is an hour away. Just one example, of course. I don't have to ask a boss for permission and worry about using Paid Time Off. I am the only one of four of us who lives in the same town where we were raised. My parents still live in the house where we were raised. I am only five minutes away. I know they are very happy that we are close by and able to get there quickly if needed. I sure am grateful that I can be here for them.

I have been a member of CTP since it was TimTech! I went Pro when they had a Lifetime OTO. Love those Lifetime OTOs. I got one for Sweeva, I Love Hits, Thumb View and StartXChange. Then I backed off the online business building for some time. I tried selling on Amazon and sold a few things on Ebay too.

I always come back to Affiliate Marketing though. The business model is ideal for people like myself. I am all for helping other people build an online business. Showing them that while college is a good thing, it is not the only option. You don't have to have a college education to do this. You can build your skills a little at a time. I know I can do that with CTP.
I am not, however, crazy about building a huge organization and leading a big team.

Affiliate Marketing fits the lifestyle we want to lead. I am a homebody. I admit it. My husband is too. Where we live there is like real winter with snow and really cold weather. I don't want to have to get dressed and go out and commute to a job. I love working in my own space and having what I need around me. Okay, I will say it! I like being in control of my environment and surroundings.

Ecommerce is another business model that I have an interest in. For pretty much the same reasons. We are very happy with the idea of my business supporting itself and having some more for extras. His retirement income supports our overhead the way it is right now.

So, using Click Track Profit to build my online skills and sharing it with other people who want to grow an online business is my purpose and being here for my parents and family is my WHY.

Have a great Thursday everyone!

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What a great post!!! I also been with CTP since V1and of course V2 really out of the park. There is so much more and in depth lessons and Jon and Blaine make it easy for us to understand. I love the fact that whatever program your in business your working that you have that special time with family. Priceless.

Wow that was very inspiring to read @lisamgentile1961, thanks a lot for sharing your story with affiliate marketing and why you do it, keep up your great work, it's awesome.

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Ah, the nerd surfing days were good times.
Sad to the states of those TEs now.
You are grounded with your status and business model.
That is where the power lies.
Keep the head down, and the ears open.....success will continue on.

Inspirational :)