...are the way to stay out of the mass; as a member of the AIOP Elite Marketing Team I run this page to promote AIOP the on my Build A Biz Online Account. (US$ 1,- trial account https://www.trker.com/go/88756/steemit )
https://www.trker.com/go/114143/steemit (Better click to see it larger)
So what's about #ClickTrackProfit?
Damn simple; on the left side you see my Adzly https://www.trker.com/go/88595/steemit Code and below by BucketsOfBanners 125*125 Banner. https://www.trker.com/go/114290/steemit
In BOTH networks I (sort of hardcore) promote #CTP, and with my AIOP- Promo I generate the Credits needed. As I'm Pro in both each impression pays me two credits which I happen to promote CTP. THATs the connection between the two promos...
Take CTP out of the Traffic Exchanges; that's the way I do so...
Happy Surfing
Matthias B. Klein