in culiner •  7 years ago 

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Penikmat kuliner pasti kenal masakan daerah nusantara satu ini. Ya, apalagi kalau bukan masakan padang. Masakan padang terkenal akan citarasanya yang gurih karena bersantan, menggugah selera makan karena menggunakan bumbu-bumbu khas padang.

Masakan padang juga digemari karena mengandung cabai dan rasanya yang pedas. Jika kita berkunjung ke restoran padang, beragam masakan tersebut tersaji lengkap dengan saus cabai dan kuah kuning. Nikmatnya terasa pula dari segarnya daun lalapan ditambah sayur nangka. Nafsu makan pasti bertambah. Dari kuah padang yang khas ini membuat citarasa masakannya semakin nikmat. Lalu bisakah kita membuatnya sendiri? Coba kita simak segera resepnya.

Resep Gulai Ikan
Bahan-Bahan yang Perlu Anda Siapkan

1/2 kg ikan (ikan mas, ikan kakap, kepala ikan, ikan bawal atau apa saja sesuai selera)
400 ml santan encer 400ml
200 ml santan kental 200ml
10 buah cabe keriting
10 butir bawang merah
5 siung bawang putih
1 ruas jahe
1 ruas kunyit
1 ruas laos
3 lembar daun jeruk purut
1 lembar daun kunyit
1 batang serai
3 buah belimbing wuluh
Minyak secukupnya
Garam secukupnya
Penyedap rasa secukupnya
Cara Membuatnya

  1. Bersihkan ikan, potong-potong sesuai selera, sisihkan

2, Haluskan bawang, cabe, jahe dan kunyit. Tumis hingga harum lalu masukan laos yang sudah digeprek, daun jeruk, daun kunyit, serai yang di geprek dan belimbing wuluh yang sudah di potong. Aduk hingga rata.

  1. Masukkan ikan, aduk rata. Kemudian masukan santan cair. masak hingga sekitar lima menit sambil terus diaduk.

  2. Masukkan santan kental sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk, aduk rata lalu masak hingga ikan matang.

Bagaimana ?? Apakah anda mau mencobanya untuk menyambut kedatangan tamu istimewa dan siap anda hidangkan menu Resep Masakan Padang Gulai Ikan Lezat ini untuk di cicipi tamu istimewa anda maupun acara keluarga. Selamat Mencoba dan semoga berhasil...salam steemians☺

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Culinary lovers must know the cuisine of the archipelago this one. Yes, especially if it is not the cuisine of the paddock. Padang cuisine is famous for its tasty savory because bersantan, inspiring appetite for using spices typical of the field. Padang cuisine is also popular because it contains chili and spicy taste. If we visit the restaurant padang, various dishes are presented complete with chili sauce and yellow sauce. The pleasure also comes from fresh leaf of vegetables plus vegetable jackfruit. Appetite must be increased. From the typical sauce of this field makes the cuisine more delicious cuisine. Then can we make it ourselves? Let's see the recipe soon. Fish Recipe Recipe Ingredients You Need to Prepare 1 / 2kg of fish (goldfish, fish, fish head, pomfret or anything to taste) 400 ml diluted coconut milk 400ml 200 ml thick coconut milk 200ml 10 curly chives 10 onion red 5 cloves garlic 1 segment ginger 1 segment turmeric 1 segment laos 3 pieces of lime leaves 1 sheet turmeric leaves 1 stalk lemongrass 3 fruit belimbing wuluh Oil to taste Salt taste taste flavor sufficiently How to Make it 1. Clean the fish, cut into pieces according to taste, set aside 2, Puree onion, chilli, ginger and turmeric. Saute until fragrant then input laos that have been digeprek, orange leaves, turmeric leaves, lemongrass is in geprek and belimbing wuluh already cut. Mix well. 3. Enter the fish, mix well. Then input the liquid milk. cook for about five minutes while stirring constantly. 4. Enter thick coconut milk little by little while stirring, stir well and cook until the fish is cooked. How ?? Do you want to try it to welcome the arrival of special guests and ready to serve the recipe of this delicious Fish Meal Recipes for your special guests and family event. Good luck and good luck...salam steemians ☺

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