Are You a Church Member in the Cult of Personality???

in cults •  7 years ago 

I lost sleep over the comments on that last video. Why? Because I was disheartened to find that MANY people are STILL entrenched in this idea of defending a personality (even one who routinely acts immorally) rather than defending rock-solid, timeless principles...while condemning people on the OTHER side for doing the same dang thing! (*if you want me to post that last video, let me know)

Positioning oneself in a position supporting ANY personality, paints one into a corner of hypocrisy, inconsistency and immorality...EVERY time. Staying in the cult of personality GUARANTEES widespread division, which is EXACTLY what your masters want. Because they CAN'T rule you when you stand on principle. They can ONLY rule you when you take the side of THEIR puppets. Doesn't matter the flavor, doesn't matter the gender, statism (or authoritarianism...or the RIGHT to rule) is and will always be an IMMORAL fiction.

If I don't have the MORAL RIGHT to RULE you and YOU don't have the MORAL RIGHT to RULE me, then how can we delegate to another group (congress, the president, whoever) a "right" that we DON'T have. And if we CAN'T do that very simple thing, why are we acting like they have the right to rule us and we have the MORAL OBLIGATION to OBEY THEM??? (I say "moral" because if you DON'T obey them, the state views that as a "sin" punishable by fine, imprisonment or BOTH...or sometimes DEATH!

Once we get this out of our minds (this idea that ANYONE has the right to rule us and that we MUST OBEY) we will no longer send our sons and daughters to fight immoral wars of initiated aggression; we will no longer allow ourselves to be stolen from through the extortion practice called "taxation;" there will no longer be an incarceration-intending "drug war" (which is REALLY a war on peaceful people)...and on and on I could write.

And I believe reason, logic, truth and LOVE will seep into the hearts of those who are still RIGHT-flavored statists and LEFT-flavored statists.

I love all you guys...that is why I spend hours and hours every single day doing what I'm doing. Peace to all of you and your families.

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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We have a moral obligation to disobey these parasites. A wiser man than I once said " Resistance to tyrants is obedience to GOD." Moral men need no masters & will reject any who attempts to subject him. A rule says " There is no candy allowed in the classroom." A principal says "There is no food allowed in the classroom." Rules are exclusionary; they exclude people, behaviors, objects...something. Principals are inclusionary by nature, there are NO exceptions to a principal. Lets include everyone as equil & stop dividing & excluding each other. The only kind of equality that truly matters is that we're all equally free.

I can't wait until we're all equally free. What a day that will be.

With that attitude you will never be FREE. The WAY to say it is I AM GOING DOWN and LEADING BY EXAMPLE, get a few people and watch , like MAGIC you WILL BE FREE OVERNIGHT!

Brian, I want to make my own rules, I no longer recognize this ILLEGAL government. I am making a video on my channel tomorrow, I ONLY WANT subs/followers whatever who ARE WILLING and ABLE to travel TO RIGHT WRONGS, WHY can't you make a video and CALL TO ACTION YOUR PUSSY SUBS. I am DEFINITELY NOT GOING ALONE, but I will lead the way into the police station and NOT walk OUT until Adam Kokesh is BY MY SIDE and as FOR THEIR FUCKED UP charges FUCK THEM, STICK UP THEIR SCUM ASSHOLES. 1,000 is ALL I WANT , We cannot gather 1,000 people then FUCK THIS I am MOVING to MEXICO. If people cannot stand up at this point they NEVER WILL! I am not saying we do anything BUT SHOW UP- STRENGTH IN NUMBERS. I will tell everyone their TO LET GO OF THEIR HOSTAGES OR TALK TO THE PEOPLE, and from their WHATEVER HAPPENS is Gods WILL. THIS IS CALLED ACTION- What You are now doing IS BEATING A DEAD HORSE. I AM READY, ARE YOU? I'll buy my ticket tomorrow if you come by my side, FUCK IT, IWILL BUY THE FIRST 5 Tickets, ON THE CONDITION THAT WE STAY AT LEAST A WEEK AND ARE IN THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS FACES EVERYDAY.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We also need to rescind every contract we have with any government entity or private corporation. That means give them back their driver's license, Social Security that we will never see, voter registration, "berth" certificate... All of it! They can only contract or do business with us with our signature and consent! Give them back their bullshit

I agree, but I am NOW taking a STEP further and thinking WHY do I need to do ANYTHING for these SCUM. I JUST do NOT recognize them. If they come and "visit" me I will have my friends suggest that will not be in their BEST interest regarding their health. FUCK THEM.
(right now I have NO ONE who has my back except my brother lol)

i agree, government is illegal so what is the point even arguing who they have up there as their puppet? and people argue over which puppet is worse? i wanna move to mexico too...

thanks, scary to write my true thoughts, I mean well but I sound crazy. oh well, thank you-maybe i see you in mexico cause nothin gonna change here, its hopeless.

It WILL already has. There are no overnight solutions but the day will come. Look at Iceland.

The more I go through life, the more I wonder where the rights the government claims come from. Many years ago, I wondered why I needed a renewable license to drive if the taxes I paid financed the roads. Surely that gives me the right, through partial ownership, to drive upon those roads.

Now I wonder where they will stop. Legislating that they can invade any privacy I have with impunity, dictating I must, or must not, do a thing I disagree with or get fined, arrested or incarcerated.

And then they use the drivers license as the hammer. It is compulsory to vote in Australia and you get fined for not voting, even if none of the parties in the election represent your views. Don't pay a fine for not voting? Your right to drive is suspended. How does that work? That is not punishment, it is total control.

You are a slave. the U.S. is Incorported business and you are their fucking product, they could give two shits about you or I, 100,000 out of ALL the PUSSIES and keyboard warriers could stop this- you can NOT do this ALONE- Adam Kokeesh Fucked up BIG TIME- strenght in NUMBERS I protect my neighbor from these sickos and myneighbor protects me-THIS IS A WAR!!!! Don't wake up too LATE! The trap is being set and time IS running shoort.

And the saddest part about being owned by America is, I am Australian...

Which you probably would have realised if you had read my post closely.

Brian, don't lose sleep over the confused SHEEP in truther clothing, HUNT for the MEN! I cannot take this. I am already shopping for land in mexico, I would rather live in fucking siberia lol. This summer is it, either I will lead the way to freedom taking ACTION and GETTING IN THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS FACES just like they do us or I wish all you PREY lots of LUCK, cause it is DOWN RIGHT SCARY IF YOU GOT EYES THAT CAN SEE!
PEACE and oh by the way, non aggression is going to do NOTHING, think about it, I am not saying we START the FIGHT but we DAMN WELL BETTER BE READY.

@highimpactflix I totally agree with this point. I think people try to find ways to conveniently help their position. Best wishes...Steem on :D

You've given me a lot of food for thought over the past few months, @highimpactflix. I see government differently now, because of you, but I don't entirely see it as illegitimate. My concept of the USA, in my youth, was the fable that Congress is a way for We The People to agree on a set of rules to follow, to have a civilized and smooth-working society, and to combine our resources for defense of our borders and to do big projects (like rural electrification, which gave my Granny a chance to cook on something other than a wood-burning stove). Obviously, the US government stepped out of bounds a long time ago, but I didn't realize just how far until the Bush-Chaney era shoved it in my face. You have made me wonder whether we should have any leaders providing leadership to a community larger than whatever can fit into an auditorium. I still believe in leadership - and you might call this a form of illegitimate authority, but I do think human kind benefits from good leadership and is decimated by bad leadership. And good leadership is possible; but it's not possible when the sheep being led are at a distance from the shepherd. This whole cult thing - the cult of personality which seems to go on and on and on, from one guru to another, this tendency to worship some savior or another, that's a feature of human nature, my friend. Prophets like you who try to wake people up are very necessary, so keep on calling out to the cult followers!

You are either INSANE or LYING to yourself. We have 2 FUCKING MILLION PEOPLE in PRISON. We Kill People across the Flat earth (if these wars are even real), the government is PURE EVIL and EVERY SICKO working for these motrherfuckers should be publicly SHAMED. Where am I wrong???? They TAKE 50% of your earnings LOL, YOU ARE A FUCKIN SLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake Up already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I buy the first 5 plane tickets to go visit Adam Kokesh- Time to FUCK these MOTHERFUCKERS UP! strength in NUMBERS!

Wow, the amount of hostility that you're projecting there is a perfect example of why the world is so messed up. And it is messed up. You've given a beautiful example of why mankind benefits from good leadership: you're calling me names, spouting wrong statistics, saying the earth is flat, doubting the reality of global wars, and suggesting that your group's numerous enough to cause useful results? You could use some wise guidance, IMHO. Good luck to you.

Thanks for your thoughts, pretty much what I expected as comments, resume your slumber...

Oh and FUCK YOU LIAR, its 2.3 million people in prison.

MOSTLY INNOCENT people in PRISON I might add, but that don't bother you none does it???????????? DOES IT???????? YOU SLEEP FUCKING FINE!!!!
Why didn't you mention my offer, ARE YOU NOT MORE CONCERNED about ADAMS well being than me OFFENDING your GENTLE FUCKING FEELINGS< one more comment from the peanut gallary like this man and I will reall y need to reconsider why I GIVE a FUCK.

Woah up there zoomtruth. No need for the aggression. You are winning no friends and gaining no influence with the diatribe you are going on with. While I support your position and am favourably disposed to what you say, how you say it leaves a lot to be desired, buddy. You ahould really rethink your approach if you want to win over support. You have never, ever seen Adam Kokesh nor Brian carry on in this infantile manner, so what makes you think it is a good approach, particularly when doing it in their name.

To be brutally frank and honest with you, I would not go to a church picnic with you much less a protest for fear of an outburst that would land us all in jail.

@andyfishman Fair enough, I really am not here to make friends. I RESPECT Adam ENORMOUSLY, however, at this point I have come to the REALIZATION that it is IMPOSSIBLE to win in a RIGGED GAME!

Why is MY LOGIC WRONG? You ever think you play in a RIGGED poker GAME and you gonna walk away a WINNER? LOLOLOOLOLOLOLO

I believe God has given me the ability (finally and thankfully) of starting to be able to USE my BRAINS and once I thought about it, it really seems to me Adam (while gaining much attention which is good for freedom movement) is just running into propellor blades....

As far as my method of conveying my message, I agree with you, I need to control my FRUSTRATION if I want to reach more people. I will work on that as I KNOW it IS a WEAKNESS of mine. Thanks for all your consideration regarding Adam, I KNOW EVERYONE here MEANS well.

Your logic is not wrong, it is your approach that requires work. I realise you are frustrated, but stop being so aggro. People do not respond well to it, in fact, they get defensive and things go pear shaped. Try being logical and calculating, not just going off like a raw prawn.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

we should not let them divide and conquer over us. THEY want us divided, fighting each other blindfolded. I am so tired arguing politics, nothing but corruption and deception.

Great post as always, HIF. Thanks for making wonderful post.

My rights end where another's begins and vice versa.That is the principle which should govern us.

Long Slow Clap - My Wife: "Why won't you vote for Rand?" - "Because he has shown a lack of principals. And I'm kinda over begging the crown anyway." I will give a Vote to Kokesh #KokeshForNotPresident who has promised an orderly disillusionment of the US Federal Monster. If anyone counts those things - that's my where I cast my lot.

Consequence and principles. There is nothing to add. Great job Felix. There are also a few bloggers like me in Germany who uphold these principles, and it lives that way. I think it's good and interesting that it resonates all over the world, probably because it's based on logic.
Greeting Montaquila

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I am against any statists that seeks to rule me , if any statists has a problem with that then guess what I could care less .
Vote harder maybe one of you're rulers will actually keep their word in the next 100 years cause we all know TRUMP is all about keeping his word .
Stupid Butt hurt trump supporters .

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


My latest blog entry is a response to this fantastic video. But hitting the brainwashing button too hard loses people when attacking their beloved institutions. Read my post to understand why most people won’t wake up and it’s useless to try.

I refuse to obey any of these parasites ❗️🐀 They can keep writting stupid laws for their protection , but I’m a strong believer that we are WAY overdue for a PURGING of these criminals . We need to come together and run them out of town or worse .

Make a post to rise funds to send as many people to texas to give them scum a good talk, really a WARNING. shit this post made a few grand, get one to 100,000 grand and we'll have a SCARY ANGRY MOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!