This informative (but not too long) video was interesting. Some of the complaints about capitalism have always been and still are legitimate Imo. At the same time some of the complaints about socialism are also legitimate Imo. Having the public argue about what the truth is concerning these matters - keeps the public divided while maintaining the status quo where the establishment exploits all factions of the public as matter of routine criminal business.
Because propaganda changes the meaning of words and phrases, defining “cultural Marxism” or “capitalism” is confusing while some interpretations become obsolete but a large percent of the population has not caught up with the new meanings of words and phrases that change because of what were and are propagandistic distortions of the old meanings. We’ve seen a great deal of this since the 9-11-2001 WTC attacks where the meaning of so many things like torture, war crimes and patriotism to name a few, have been distorted in order to change the political reality - essentially exploiting the collective public financially and politically at increasing levels.
My belief is that the ruling establishment will pull a ‘bait and switch’ if successful in imposing the Great (fake) Reset which is globalist code for NWO Globalist Fascist Surveillance Police State - while they’ve exploited the system to where it’s excluding a growing percent of the population from any meaningful participation. This is causing ‘socialism’ (relabeled as cultural Marxism) to sound appealing to a growing percent of the population that have no legal opportunities to support themselves comfortably while the ruling establishment has been extracting an increasing percent out of the economy for decades while gaining total control of it - increasing their own wealth and power at the expense of the general population. They enriched themselves by extracting wealth out of the economy through unnecessary wars along with bank and financial crimes they profit from through investments while those costs are added to the national debts for future generations of debt slaves to pay off.
If they’re successful imposing the Great Reset to a significant degree as they already have it planned, I expect the elite wealth and power freaks will pull what amounts to a ‘bait and switch’ where they promise benevolent socialism but are planning on imposing what will amount to economic and military totalitarianism - the same as they’ve been imposing around the world while pretending they’re spreading freedom, democracy and capitalism.
When everything in the US is geared to generate maximum corporate profits at the expense of US public and worldwide humanity, we’re already operating under a system of corporate fascism in the US and helping the globalists impose economic and military totalitarianism around the world wherever they can get away with it.