Dragon Heads-raising Day,Chinese traditional festivals. 龙抬头,中国的传统节日

in culture •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday was the second day of the 2nd lunar month, in the Chinese folk proverb "on February 21, the dragon head", said the spring coming, all things recovery, sting the dragon started activities, predicted a year of farming activity is about to begin.


The dragon has a very high status in the hearts of Chinese people, not only the auspicious things, but also the master of weathering rain. In the sky "dragon head up" while, spring also slowly came to the world, the rain also will rise. At this time, the 100 insects begin to wake up, the earth return green, spring ploughing from south to north began. "February 2, dragon head up; The great storehouse full, small cang flow ", put on the people to bless the dragon blessing, protect the strong desire of the wind and rain, wugu fengdeng. Therefore, February 2 is also known as "spring ploughing festival", "farming festival", "spring dragon festival", is the han folk traditional festival.

The origin of the festival can be traced back to the period of yao and shun, and the legend has it that the father, emperor ku (emperor jun), had four princesses, namely Jiang yuan, Jian di, an Chang yi, and Qing du. The status of the original was the lowest, but since the birth of a son, people have looked at each other. Qing has always been worried about her son. Someone told her that the temple of god is very efficacious, so long as it is sincere, it is not impossible. According to the witch, after supper on the Lantern Festival, go to the temple to put the offerings, and then respectfully kowtowed three heads, hands together 10, pray the gods to give the son.
节日来源可以追溯到尧舜时期,传说尧王的父亲帝喾(帝俊)共有四个王妃:姜嫄(jiāng yuán)、简狄(jiǎn dí)、庆都、常仪。本来常仪的地位最低,可自从生了儿子,众人就另眼相看了。庆都一直为没有儿子烦恼。有人告诉她,神母庙求子很灵验,只要真心实意,没有不成的。庆都照女巫说的,在元宵节的晚饭后,去庙里摆上供品,然后恭恭敬敬地磕了仨头,双手合十,祈求神灵赐子。

"Said the two. There was a great drought, and the people lived in distress. There was a red dragon in the sky, and saw the sad situation of the world, and there was pity, and there was a rain in private. When the jade emperor knew this, he put the red dragon under a mountain. The people asked for love, and the jade emperor said, "unless the golden beans blossom." On the second day of February, I did not know where to come from an old mother, a strong cry: "sell the golden beans!" People wonder, buy home to see, it is some beans. The beans were Fried in the pan and crackled. The jade emperor knew that he had to release the red dragon and demolish it.


When Qing had asked for her son from the temple of god, she looked forward to good news every day. One night, she dreamt that a red dragon was following, and she was pregnant. In the second year of the second year, first the thunder, then the sun. A golden light shone in the courtyard, and the child was born, and the name was decorated, and the latter was the king of Yao. He was very clever, and he was very fond of him since he was a child. When he grew up and became emperor, he worked with the people on the second day of the second month. Thus the custom of the emperor ploughed down. On the occasion of the New Year, the collection of the wooden version of the New Year painting, "the emperor grandfather made the bull", is from this.

In northern China, such a fairy tale is still popular. When Wu zetian became emperor, she angered the jade emperor and told the dragon king that he could not send rain to earth for three years. Not long after, the dragon king of the division of the tianhe heard the cries of the folk, saw the tragic scene of starving people, worried that the human life would be cut off, and then disobong the jade emperor's will, and brought a rain to the world. The jade emperor was informed that the dragon king had been laid down under a mountain to suffer a crime, and a monument on the mountain: "the rain of the dragon king of the sky, when the punishment of the fall of the world; If you want to get back on your feet, unless the beans are in bloom. To save the dragon king, people look everywhere for the golden beans. By the second day of the second lunar month, when people were sunning the corn seeds, they thought that the corn was like a golden bean. So every household popcorn, and set up a case of incense in the courtyard, for the flower "golden beans". (the legend is wrong. Wu zetian was a character in the Tang dynasty. Corn was introduced to China during the Ming dynasty. Where did the corn seeds come from?) When the dragon king looked up and saw that the people had saved him, he shouted to the jade emperor, "the golden beans are in bloom, let me out!" When the jade emperor saw that the golden bean flowers were open in every home, the emperor ordered the dragon king to return to heaven and continue to pour the rain into the world. From then on, the folk formed a habit, every February on the second day of the second day, the popcorn eat.
在中国北方民间还流传着这样一个神话故事。说武则天当上皇帝,惹恼了玉皇大帝,传谕四海龙王,三年内不得向人间降雨。不久,司管天河的龙王听见民间人家的哭声,看见饿死人的惨景,担心人间生路断绝,便违抗玉帝的旨意,为人间降了一次雨。玉帝得知,把龙王打下凡间,压在一座大山下受罪,山上立碑:“龙王降雨犯天规,当受人间千秋罪;要想重登灵霄阁,除非金豆开花时。”人们为了拯救龙王,到处找开花的金豆。到次年农历二月初二,人们正在翻晒玉米种子时,想到这玉米就像金豆,炒一炒开了花不就是金豆开花吗?于是家家户户爆玉米花,并在院子里设案焚香,供上开了花的“金豆”。(传说有误,武则天是唐朝时期人物,玉米是明朝才传入中国的,那时哪里来玉米种子?) 龙王抬头一看,知道百姓救它,便大声向玉帝喊道:“金豆开花了,快放我出去!”玉帝一看人间家家户户院里金豆花开放,只好传谕,诏龙王回到天庭,继续给人间兴云布雨。从此,民间形成习惯,每到二月初二这一天,就爆玉米花吃。

The first female emperor in Chinese history:Wu zetian

This kind of folk story of "heaven and earth" is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient working people. From another point of view, it also reflects the reality of ancient agriculture and the desire of the cultivator for good weather and good harvest.

However, according to the records, "February 2, dragon head" is related to ancient astronomy's understanding of the operation of stars and agricultural solar terms. In the ancient days, the astronomical patterns of the sky, in which 28 constellations were identified, were called 28. The ancients divided the 28 stars into four palaces, each with seven nights, according to their image, and attached four animals to the four. Among them, the east palace 7 is to imagine a giant dragon stretching from north to south, consisting of 30 stars. Star is relatively fixed, the location of the earth orbit makes the dragon constellation and when the sun is in the same direction, the light of the sun will drown out the stars, people will see that the dragon in the sky; After a period of time, the position of the earth moved, and the dragon constellation reappeared, and again, the ancient people discovered the rule and used it to judge the timing. When the first night of the east palace, known as the dragon's horn, appeared on the horizon, it was spring, so the ancients used it as a sign of spring. At this time, coinciding with the Chinese lunar February rain and solar term, thus produced "February 2, dragon head".

On February 2, there are some traditional activities in different parts of China, which are basically the same. In the case of guangdong province, the day will be a day of shaving, dragon boat sailing and writing ceremony.

Shaving is leading
Dragon look up and have to "shave head", the proverb says "February shave bibcock, one year has spirits", this is the day the streets of the barbershop, from dawn to dusk, bustling, children hair grow up to be somebody, adult hair cut in the New Year the smooth, people think that in this day shave hair, can make the person much luck, luck.


The dragon boat
This dragon head, guangdong pearl river delta region will be a "dragon boat" activities, and they jumped into the water "dragon boat", cleaning the dragon boat, dragon of water, please try grilled dragon boat, people choose this day as the day of the traditional "dragon boat", is in order to show respect for the dragon boat, the people pray and wish everything goes well.



To write one's first gift
"February 2, dragon head up, the dragon does not raise my head." In Chinese traditional custom, is from the good omen of dragon head, children's day on February, will be held to write one's first ritual, in the past more than Mr Xue students, in this day of "of", it is hoped that in this way, I wish every child grow up broken article to read.



Separate the pork
As the custom of celebrating the festival, it will also be played on the day of the dragon's head. "Guangzhou fu zhi" quoted "panyu zhi" : "on February 2nd, the land will be held, and all the government offices and streets will be called to play music and entertainment." In the past, the pomp and circumstance of the society and the entertainment of the crowd were evident in these records.




Gun will
On the legend is the birthday of the land god, in the guangdong yangchun Dan hope town in hillock village, the local men and women, old and young with deafening firecrackers begged the good crop weather, the grain and make it plentiful and leading festival this custom has been called the "gun", in the local has followed for over four hundred years.




Prostitution section
Every year on February 2nd, dongguan dongkeng town will hold a grand festival celebration, people hold water guns, see people "shooting". Legend, "prostitution festival" is from the east village of pits or lip a surname lu, he in the second day the day of the 2nd lunar month posted hired farming long notice, since then, the formation of habits, not the young people of the field in the "February 2" this day, in front of the village pond lip on the fence, wearing a hat, wearing a cloth towels, in order to show "sex". The local people hope that through such a celebration, let the water of dongkeng sprinkle a good luck, bring back a good luck.




Dragon head up, how to eat?
Because people worship of the dragon, the dragon head up that cantonese eat food "dragon" word to touch "dragon gas", so the dragon-head-raising flavor food which were named "dragon", called "dragon beard noodles, bread called" noodles "dragon scales cake", dumplings, known as "dragon ear", rice called "give"... People hope to pray for a year of good weather.

The ripening
The spring cake is called "dragon scale" on this day. Eating a spring cake called "eating the dragon scale" is very impressive, and a spring cake bigger than the palm of your hand is like a dragon scale.


Because popcorn is like a golden bean, it is very popular to eat popcorn on the day of the dragon's head.


Bath chap
In the past, the pig's head has been a sacrifice to ancestors and offerings to heaven. In the past, farmers killed years of pigs, mostly eating in the first month, "but the hoofs of the hoofs, so the day is cooked", people with the pig head sacrifice faucet, the pig head for the dragon head.


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