If you can't beat 'em, join 'em?

in culture •  4 years ago 


The Right needs to figure out a persuasive dialogue that turns Leftist Cultural Marxism and Social Justice warriors against itself and against the Left's new pet globalist project: the Great Reset. If ever there were an attempt to erect a ubiquitous, omnipotent oppressive system that will benefit those elite few who maintain it at the expense of those it controls (all the rest of us), the Great Reset is it.

Perhaps in this way, instead of merely attacking everything about the current civilization, SJWs will come to realize that the West provides a far better (the best ever) alternative to the return to serfdom proposed at Davos and the WEF; an economic oligarchy that will aggrandize itself by duping the world into empowering it by deceitfully marching under the banner of equity and inclusiveness, when in reality it is the greatest scheme the superrich ever attempted to enslave the world.

But perhaps this redirected dialectic is too much to be hoped for. It is unlikely that they will eat their own tail, but maybe we can get them to nibble on it instead of us.

Sadly, most who are SJWs are not genuinely interested in the outcomes they say they are; but rather they are interested primarily in power. They believe that if their side wins, then they will be given their own racket. They are not truly against tyranny, it's just that they want to be the tyrants doing the tyrannizing. -A truth made plain by their actions whenever they are given the opportunity for impunity.

Leveling egalitarians have always been too easily hypnotized by the buzzwords and slogans of Cultural Marxism. The piper need only to play the right notes and the rats line up and goosestep to the tune, even if the stampede leads them off a cliff to their own doom.

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