Where The Sky Meets The Earth! My Birth-Land! [2018 Is My & The Earth Dog Year]

in culture •  7 years ago  (edited)

On January 1st,2018 .....I reflect on the land where I was born, trying to research my roots, looking at pictures from my first visit, after returning to Austria. Many years past bye before I put my footsteps on my birthplace again. 

I am writing this for my daughter to understand where a part of her family is from....  

It seems strange that I am born on some land, I couldn't find any connection for most part of my life (still don't) but I found out where the sky meets the earth....

"The land of my birth, the land where I was born"

"The sun is the most precious gold to be found on earth. The strength of the sun is within us. It was a strange but romantic coming-home moment of freedom, after leaving Bali!" - Mammasitta

Blockheide - Nature park


The Blockheide is a protected area in northwestern Waldviertel in Lower Austria. It is a varied heather landscape including meadows, mixed woods, small lakes and small fields. The nature park is famous for its far-flung giant granite blocks. - Source Wikipedia

Sunsets are the happy illusions of our Mother Nature. "There is a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them.” - Jo Walton

I was raised in Vienna and consider myself a real citygirl but I always find my balance in nature as well. Can't live without the influence of both, throughout the years. 

My article : When The Sun Has Set, No Candle Can Replace It ( Quote by George R.R. Martin )

It seemed to be always COLD!

My mother and father were raised in this boring little town. That's all I know and I do remember my fathers home and my mother's sisters. 

I spent most of my unforgettably fun school holidays with my Grand Parents in Lower Austria, "Waldviertel", the small town called Gmuend. Those days taught me about simple life around nature, my best friend.  

border Ceske Velenice/Gmuend

We called the border to "Czechoslovakia" the iron curtain, a closed "gate" for us curious kids. The Communists lived at the other side of our world, we were not allowed to know.


The Iron Curtain was the name for the boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991. - Source Wikipedia

Read more about The Fall of Communism 1989!  

That's the sad way, how I do remember the strange sight and view from our small little town. It was always a weird feeling to be cut off our neighbor's guarded country. 

I needed to see the wide world without "borders" and those "towers of control". 


I also remember this church where we went to sneak up to see the priest kissing his "lover" behind those windows where we kids were hiding, to catch him in "action". I never understood the meaning of " religion" back then. 

So, those were some images, reminding me about a little part, who I am and what I left.......

2018 is The Earth Dog Year! 

Let's see what it will bring to us "Earthy Dogs", my daughter Tahnee and myself. 

Might be interesting......

You are a Dog chinese zodiac animal, if you are born in one of these years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. The Chinese Horoscope 2018 predicts that this year of the Brown Earth Dog is going to be a very good year in all respects but it will also be an exhausting year. - Source Wiki

Health! Peace! Love! Happiness! Friendship! Patience! Support and Success!

Yours @mammasitta

Follow also my minnow profile @massivevibration to keep on spreading those MassiVe Vibes. 

Feel free to join my steemit chat channels at "mammasittas, austria, massivevibrations, baliohbali" to post your links. Join MAMMASITTA's Steemit Network and twitter and FB accounts "steemitvibes"

I am supporting Austrian authors and invite You for the discord "steemit-austria" channel https://discord.gg/pqFY4aK


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Hallo @mammasitta

Wirklich ein sehr schöner Bericht.
Ich kenne die Gegend um Gmünd.
Sehr ruhig, aber mit einer bewegten Vergangenheit.

Schön der eigenen Vergangenheit auf der Spur zu sein.
Danke für deinen Bericht

I hope your daughter gets inspired by this post.

Meeee tooooo :)

Although austria is a beautiful country but come again to Bali @mammasitta

Soon! Very soon!!! First I need to take care of Ibu Saya here in Vienna. She needs me....

Der Naturpark ist ja der Wahnsinn ! Da muss ich unbedingt einmal hin :D

Ja Das kalte Waldviertel und die Blockheide! Toller Platz ! Sollte ich mehr darüber schreiben

For all its flaws Austria surely has some gorgeous parts! Hope you find your zen and feeling of "being home" here. Though it's more the people than the place that make home ;)

You are right und das Waldviertel ist schon etwas Besonderes aber feeling home ?? hmmmm....Nicht wirklich :)

Maybe home is the wrong word.

Become in tune with your roots.

I am trying :)

Our homelands seem quite similar in that they are loaded with granite boulders.... and they are COLD!

I could use a week or two in Bali!

Meeee toooo 2/3 months please 😜

Baby, I want to be in those places. I hope my music can take me to places like that. I do not know if I told you that I'm going to emigrate. I'm hoping to solve last minute things and I'm going backpacking in the south ... until I get to Argentina. An adventure. I hope to be connected with Steemit that time. I do not want to be disrespectful but seriously I would love for you to hear my new song.
I feel that I find my balance in mountainous places. No mood to be disrespectful ... I wish that one day I could introduce myself near where you are. https://steemit.com/openmic/@wilins/steemit-openmic-concurso-de-cantautores-semana-6-special-delivery-entrega-especial-cancion-original-de-wilins-entregamos

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes the best way for getting in the deep of things is to try to explain to someone else. When you teach you get new perspectives and habilities to understand and comunicate. This post is surely worth for your daughter but in a special way is worth for you too and of course for the readers. Thanks for all!!! A big Hug, may this New Year brings so much Light to you and those around!!

Priest kissing his lover

what kind of action you've been witness of??? 🤤

Hahaha ...naughty, very naughty priests :)

Steemit needs more of this kind of investigative journalism thumbsup 😎

It would be actually really more fun to write about those kind of experiences :) in my life but I leave this part for my book :)

Thank you for taking me on a journey to a distant land. The forest photos are so magical. The cultural part was interesting as well. Beautifully witen post. Joining your followers, as it seems there is good content here :)

I found you today because of NITIN Sawhney and must say that I was very surprised. Have you ever heard of Karsh Kale ? Wonderful music as well. Anyways it’s very nice to meet you 💕

Woohoo :) will check Karsh Kale, as I hear about it for the first time :)

Wow! Great one. Thanks a lot!

So important to write about your history for your daughter. And pictures always give that extra feeling. It will be a very valuable story for her!

Isn't it amazing what we can do on the blockchain and thinking it will last forever for all our future generations to come? Its a huge responsibility for us to do so I think !

Happy New Year!

That was just what made me think about it. I also have a lovely daughter (and a son as well) and its so valuable when we can give them our history, what also is a part of theirs.

Yes! Who knows how our world will look like in 50/100 years from now?
Maybe You write something for your children :)

Check this out :) Thats the other side .....

The sun will follow your heart, your heart will guide you to the place where you feel at home.
Your daughter sure loves to join you, you showed her a special place which you now also share with us.
Thanks for taking us with you on this “trip”.

The blockchain is gold to keep those memories :)

Yes sure, and we have to build everyday new memories for life.
That will be our history, visible for our children in future.

Thats the amazing part of writing blogs . Its a huge responsibility of our generation for the next ones to read about. Thats the part I am attracted to more than the rewards we get.

Could you remember the “poëziealbum” we had when we where young. There we could write something nice for a classmate and the album goes from friend to friend.
This is the poëziealbum 2.0 where we make friends and share moments, captured for more then a lifetime.

Hmmmmm I can't remember those

Wir haben dazu "Stammbuch" gesagt. War bei uns ein Freunschaftsbeweis, wenn man ein paar Zeilen oder ein Gedicht dort eintragen konnte.

Mein Gott ! Das liebe Stammbuch :)

Nice !! thanks Hon ! many /Hugs

I am really happy to see You more often again ! Happy everything 🌺

Beautiful...I hope to visit there one day.

I got an airbnb room anytime for you 💃

Mega schön 😍
Danke dir für den absolut tollen Post!
Ich mag den Style der Bilder!
That’s life...full of colors:-)

Ich wünsche Dir alles Alles Liebe Darling for 2018, Its my Earth Dog year :) Yeahhhhh

Oh no, you are from Gmuend! I have been to the Waldviertel many times and love it.

Ja Da bin ich geboren aber in Wien aufgewachsen. Warst Du auch in der Blockheide?

Eigentlich ist das ein weiteres #introduceyourself von dir und so schön eindrucksvoll! Ja, ich kenne diese magischen Plätze - die Blockheide, den Skorpionplatz, den Wackelstein in Amaliendorf... und mehr.

Es ist ein sehr interessantes Stück Land aber irgendwie fühle ich aber nicht zu Hause obwohl ich dort geboren bin. Ich habe aber meinen Besuch sehr genossen

So etwas kann ganz unterschiedliche Gründe haben. Ich denke ja doch, daheim fühlt man sich dort, wo man Freunde hat... (wobei ich dabei auch an meine Pflanzen und Haustiere denke...) . Ürbrigens, hier habe ich allerlei zusammengetragen, wenn es auch kläglich ist für das, was ich wirklich an Material und Mitteilungswertem hätte: https://lichtwelt.wordpress.com/mehr/ratselhaftes-im-waldviertel/

Deine Artikel sind wunderbar Martina.
Danke !!!!

Beauty beyond words! so calm and peaceful.
But that heart tree in the end is awesome.

Oh sweet and kind of you to say:) I enjoyed it a lot to take those photos

You are a true artist, a beautiful lady and a master of photography

Awwww....You are too kind! I wish you a wonderful New Year!

Hello @mammasitta,

Love to see your well written blog with wonderful pictures, nice memories shared with mixing of excitement and sadness.
My best wishes for you, and

May you live long. Stay Blessed.

Happy New Year !! Back to those roots:)

Tolle Bilder und interessante Perspektiven.
Nicht zu vergessen der Beitrag welcher mit eintauchen lässt in die Vergangenheit,gefällt mir sehr gut.
Have a nice time.....

Ja hallihallo Liebe Marion. Yeah Ich versuche meine Wurzeln zu finden aber das ist gar nicht so einfach.
Es freut mich sehr, wenn ich neue Steemers kennenlerne. 🌺
Happy New Year....

Schön zu sehen, wo deine Wurzeln liegen :)

Naja ich suche ja eh haha 😂

Happy New Year 2018
If it didn't bring you joy
just leave it behind
Let's ring in the new year
with good thing in mind....

Let every bad memory
That brought heartache and pain
And let's turn new leaf
with the smell of new rain...

Let's forget past mistakes
Making amends for this year
sending you these greetings
to bring you hope and cheer

Thank you for being one of the people
who made this world a wonderful place to live in.
I pray that you’ll be blessed with good health, security, success, peace and joy.
Happy New Year 2018 to @mammasitta mam and your family

That’s so incredibly beautiful and I thank you for such kind wishes . I wish you a wonderful joyful New Year !

Happy birth born...
Good picture for looking...
Success is always for you @mammasitta....

Thanks so so much !

You are welcome my best friend Steemit...
Success is always for you

Beautiful place and lovely nature its looks so beautiful,i like this post
very good job,excellent photography
thanks for sharing

Happy New Year indeed!!!

Mother nature is very amazing just like you some really amazing captures Thanks for sharing

I am happy to read your comments on my articles.

time pass but memories remain hope you will be enjoying your life and great year this one for you stay happy

Danke vielmals! Happy New Year also to you

wonderful photography..
thats like a good post..
have a good day..
thanks for sharing..

Thanks so so so much for your feedback


I had no idea that Austria had such other-worldly beauty in it's landscapes and country-side.

Those pictures of those rock formations remind me of places that could be in Middle-Earth.... Gorgeous!

Thank you!!!!

Me neither:) I haven't been here for over 40 years, living abroad for most part of my life.

i really glad to see this post, all photos are amazing, thanks and Happy New Year.

hello hellooooooo and happy new year !

yes yes and thanks my dear Cheers! @mammasitta

Wow, sehr schöner Bericht und tolle Bilder, ich hoffe das der Bericht deiner Tochter auch so viel Freude bereitet wie er das bei mir getan hat :)
Wenn ich jemals in die Ecke komme ist der Wackelstein Pflicht.
Ich wünsch dir ein schönes neues Jahr!

Wishing you a Happy Holidays and many 2018 Blessings!

This was a beautiful read. To visit one's roots is an experience that is hard to put into words. But looks a beautiful place so whatever the language, it looks welcoming.

My mother and her sisters make an annual pilgrimage to Massachusettes to visit where their father grew up. Even after the relatives have passed to the Cemetery. They still stroll the streets and encounter old friends, people who knew the family back in the day. Just to see the High School. It is always nice to see them when they return. Many happy returns to you.

Wow very beautiful photography and great article.
wish your happy new year

Thanks @mammasitta
Have a great

it feels something amazing when you are in your nativeland, your birth place is quite beautiful and say thank to reaveled us.

The land of Happiness and Joy wow thanks for sharing the beautiful and amazing pics

wunderschöne magische Waldbilder

Counting my blessings and wishing you more. Hope you enjoy the New year in steemit. My dear Friend new year

Wonderful photography @mammasitta
100% like and resteem

Good photos, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings

That’s very kind of you to say. All Best !

Heppy new year @mammasitta

same same same to you!

Yes, thank you very much
if you have time visit is my friend's blog

Hello @mammasitta, Hope so you had great festivity on New Years' Eve:)

East or West, Home is the best is a well known proverb. No doubt one can not simply forget his/hers birthplace never. This is a great sign of love with land that you went to show your daughter about your birthplace, Amazing.

That's the sad way, how I do remember the strange sight and view from our small little town. It was always a weird feeling to be cut off our neighbor's guarded country.

This shows that how sensitive person you're who does care too for neighboring country. How beautiful culture.

By the way awesome photography ;)

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

Awwww beautiful words!!!!! I wish you so so so much for 2018! Happy New Year !

good man😍😎

Mam ? :)

so cute, cool and relaxing pics,,

its a magical place on earth :)
Thanks for sharing :)

best photographs you shared i wish you had a great year ahead

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