in culture •  7 years ago  (edited)
Subject"Khanduri molod" DAY OF MUHAMMAD SAW
Date Taken2016
LocationMeureudu, Pijay, Indonesia.
Camera Makercamera phone Lenovo A700

"Khanduri molod"Khanduri molod or birthday of Muhammad SAW. Have been a tradition which could not leave, the largest and largest tradition in aceh activities become every year. Without excepted, start from provincial level until to the village of the villages create it.

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Foto yg Sangat khas dengan daerah aceh

ia @alanmirza, seperti itu lah secara umum perayaan "maulid" di aceh.

Saya juga orang aceh mas 😂👌

heheh bereh bereh mas

salam kenal @alanmirza

folback bang :V

👌😂 okay brother . . .

thanks a lot my brother @dipsy

kenduri molid di aceh memang menjadi kebiasaan dalam memperingati hari lahir nya baginda rasullullah Muhammad SAW

ia bg @joelkarne. kebiasaan yg sudah menyatu dalam jiwa dan raga orang aceh

salam kenal bg

bg follback :)

Luar biasa foto nya ya...

terimakasih bg @blacksweet24