Educate not devastate

in culture •  7 years ago 

Why in the hell are you devastating everything. What's wrong with you.
Where is the fun in devastitng a basket rather than playing on the field.


This sad picture is from our beautiful beach where kids come at night and instead of enjoying the view they throw large rocks at the basket competing in who will break it.

What the f***?

And this is just one of the many examples of devastation. And this is not a teenage rebellion, this is pure evil and pure stupidity.

Educate your self instead of devastate and you will find more joy.
I hope someone throws rock at your window, just like you did last night.

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Yeah and then their parent bitch and whine about the city administration not fixing it. Sad.

@big.mama, @schkure, it is so sad that it happens everywhere. Non an FBI survailance sytem would help our Balkan devastetors. They would most liskely break that system as well. Even sadder is that we don't have more childeren playing on those courts and motivating others to come by. I wrote something about this in my college essay. Feel free to check it out: All the best, @keyss.

And this means installing a surveillance system, which is expensive and they will bitch about that too. Or should we just close the beach.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

How long would it take for those kids to break the camera?

I don't know, but I'm sure they'll try. Retards.

Post je resteeman :D


Klinci vjv koji ce za 10 god se pitat zas su ko klinci bili tak glupi...
DI su vremena kad je školsko igralite tj bilo koji sportski teren bio svetinja, kad si cekao starije da zavrse da ti mozes igrat eh..

Jeste, svi smo radili gluposti. Ali čini mi se sa je razina devastacije, grafita, svega masu veća nego kad sam ja bio dite.
A što se tiče terena, nekim danima nisam ni stigao igrat jer se stariji nisu makli. :)

Mah to je tak, ne znam jel to nostalgija kao sve starije je bolje pa i starija vremena, al jbg izgleda da je u ovom slucaju to istina..

Nadajmo se da je samo faza

This is very sad, I don't know why some people choose to damage and refused to stand where things is going well.. What the fuck

I am deeply frustrated with this kind of behaviour.