When we talk about intelligence we may think of IQ testing or something that can be measured by specific tests. In recent years, however, other views of intelligence have been analyzed. One of them is the theory of multiple intelligences by psychologist Howard Gardner. This theory suggests that traditional views of intelligences are too limited. He first outlined his opinion in 1983 through his book: "Frames of Mind: The theory of multiple intelligences". He suggested that every person has different kinds of intelligences. In order to capture every single person's ability, he theorized 8 types of intellingence and has suggested the possible addition of a ninth, called "Existentialist intelligence".
These people are good at visualizing things, such as: directions, maps, videos, pictures, charts…They have good ability in visual and spatial judgment.
Characteristics of this kind of intelligence are:
-Enjoy reading or writing
-Good at interpreting charts, pictures. graphs, puzzles…
-Enjoy visual arts and/or painting, drawing…
If you want to learn more about this topic or know the other kinds of intellience, stay tuned!!!