These people are good at understanding and interacting with others. They are skilled at assesing the emotions, motivations, desires and intentions of who is around them.
Characteristics of this type of intelligence are:
-Good at communicating verbally
-Skilled at nonverbal communication
-See situations from different perspective
-Create positive relationships
-Good at resolving problems in groups
If you are strong in this intelligence, you have a good chance to become psychologist, philosopher, counselor, salesperson, politician…
These individuals are good at being aware of their own emotional states, feelings and motivations. They tend to do self-reflections, analysis, daydreams, exploring relationships with others and evaluating their personal strengths.
Characteristics of this type of intelligence are:
-Good at analyzing personal waekness and strengths
-Excellent self-awareness
If this one is your kind of intelligence, you have a good chance to become philosopher, writer, scientist and theorist.
If you didn't find yet your intelligence, don't worry… Stay tuned, I'll post the last parts very soon!!!