What divides between the Poor and the Rich.

in culture •  8 years ago  (edited)


Seoul has many faces because it is one of the most complicated city in the world.
The old and the new are existing together.
You can enjoy its long and abundant history in Seoul.
You can look and walk around the old palaces and museums. And you can enjoy modern buildings and K-pop music in Seoul.

When there is a bright side, there exists the dark side.
Usually the bright and the dark sides are existing together. That is a core of the Tai-chi.

I found the dark and the bright sides together in one village when I had walked along the Seoul Wall.
It was the Seongbookdong in northern area of Seoul.
Seongbookdong is very famous for a rich village, and also for it’s poor village.
The richest families have been living in Seongbookdong and the poorest people have been living in Seongbookdong.

After the Korean war, the refugees had gathered near the Seongbookdong just near the Wall where land owner was a government.

On the other side of the road, there was rich village. It is mysterious how such a rich village is located in the vicinity of the poorest village.

Actually this uncomfortable coexistence was seemed to be originated from the Korean war.

I heard and read much when it comes to the poor Seongbookdong village.

I could take the photos of the roof of the old houses.
I could not look into the lives of them living there, only I could estimate how tired of their daily life was.
That village was called as ‘Moon village’
It means that village is located in too high place where only Moon could get in.

The miserable sides are supposed to be seen clearly in the circumstances of comparing with opposite side.

Just across the road there was a rich village on the hill.

The road dividing the poor and the rich village is nothing special as below.

What divide us into the poor and the rich?

The road ?
The road has no responsible for the division between the poor and the rich.

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Poverty can be caused by war, especially korea, divided into two korea, north korea and south korea, maybe the poor is the opposite of korean war time, or maybe it is life circumstance that cause it. But certainly the rich are indeed different from the poor, the rich can satisfy all the desires but the poor do not, but the happiness is not from the side of treasure but from the heart, accepting what it is will bring its own happiness

But extreme poverty make people miserable

Yes it is true, the government must have a policy towards them, perhaps by providing entrepreneurial training by utilizing the potential of the surrounding nature, so that they will be creative and make money..

Thank You. You are one of the few people I have ever seen comment on fixing poverty by providing entrepreneurship help instead of just taking money from other people to give to poor people.

Exactly - poverty doesn't mean they have no value.
Given a chance, those in poverty could excel.
Hand up - not hand outs!

Yes, extreme poverty is miserable @slowwalker! I try to work hard and I try to earn some Steem here but my post have been flagged for using the kr tag. It's ok though, I forgive the Koreans who flagged me unnecessarily and wish you all peace and prosperity.

Upvoted your post and your comment here. May you get many more upvotes and much earnings.

"Poverty is the worst form of violence." - Mahatma Gandhi

There are poor neighborhoods and people all across the world. Sometimes I feel I need to take it upon myself to help solve this problem but I've come to realize that it is not a problem for me to solve. Individuals must take responsibility for their own actions and take measures so that they don't fall into poverty in the first place. Your worst enemy is typically the one in the mirror and not your neighbor.

Exactly you are right

"What divide us into the poor and the rich?

The road ?"
I think, not only the road divides between poor and the rich. There are many reasons. Parents, life style, health and character of person. And person need great motivation to go out from poor.
I have a pleasant to read your posts about your city.

Being poor can be an unfair situation but acceptance of that is the first step towards working for a better life. That's why helping yourself and not being too dependent in the government is one way to lift yourself up. There are many people who came from rags to riches. Let them be an inspiration to us.

Nice photo @slowwalker thank you very much for sharing
If there is time you can see see my blog hehe 😂 😂

today's post is a stark contrast of two cultures, @slowwalker, the rich and the poor.

Scarcity is the reason why wealth has value so there is always going to be inequality in the distribution of capital, but at the same time, in a democracy, there is always opportunity.

When I see the clear dividing line between the rich and poor I grow sad, but at the same time I realize that those roofs shown in your photo are not just run down, but are in a state of disrepair.

I can understand people not having enough--it is hard for me to understand people giving up, and not taking care of the little they have.

But poverty truly is a culture, a psychology, and an attitude.Perhaps from long years of deprivation people become hopeless. Still, one can be poor and be clean. One can lack money to buy a beautiful house, but can still look after and clean and repair the house they have.

Yes, there is a road dividing these two solitudes, @slowwalker, and neither understands the other, but it's not just a matter of redistributing the wealth. This kind of situation comes down to a matter of the heart. The rich helping the poor, and the poor helping themselves.

How do you change a culture? It seems overwhelming. As the old Russian proverb states, to live your life is not as easy as to cross a field.

Excellent photos today, @slowwalker, highlighting this great divide.

Thank you for your comment
In korea, poverty is not a attitude but a forced status.
It is really difficult raise themselves from poverty when they had fallen into the poverty.

This is an even sadder state of affairs, @slowwalker, and reveals your compassion. Writing about such things helps others like myself to understand your situation. Thank you.

Thank you my friend @slowwalker. Another post that is make a person think.
You can tie the history together with modern and create intrigue. Congratulations!!
FYI - I took a photo of the eclipse and it was wonderful. Check it out here.

thx for sharing

you always share all sides of Korea with us, thanks a lot...upped, always.

Thank you

welcome my dear @slowwalker and feel free to see my latest post on steemit issues-bless you.

read your post just like reading a poem , great !

Thank you so much

I just think people try the best they can to adapt to their circumstances or environment, that's our nature. But when life in general becomes too heavy, too restrictive, too demanding we often settle for what life has to offer with the least amount of hassle or drama.

Of course in most cases of poverty Alcohol and drugs too often play a role in living poor, however I would be willing to wager some Silver Bullion if you gave these people any opportunity for personal growth they would take it.

Therefore I go back to my original assertion. People, due to a lack of opportunity that they are aware of, find themselves settling for less.

Here is one more variable, those people in those broken down homes maybe actually be happier than those in the nice homes. Gratitude comes in all forms. And life has many twists and turns.

And most of all it's how we see ourselves in this world, and how we've learned to appreciate our place in life that Universe is interested in. Universe is Generous, but only under the right circumstances.

We must therefore learn to appreciate what we have been blessed with if we have any hope of more blessings from Universe. That means working toward a better quality of life in some form or another while being grateful for what we do have in life... PEACE.

good luck

Thank you for your comment

You get hard work to get that pict.. @slowwalker
Nice post today..

Thank you

So.. Are you can come to my blog. Because im new here. Maybe you like my post and vote please my friend. I just try to be friend

Wealth is a measure of goods and services you produce. The best way to help the poor is to teach them to be producers. In my decades on this planet I have yet to see giving fish work for poor people as opposed to teaching them how to fish. Look at the different paths that China took as opposed to the give people fish approach used in many parts of Africa.

Thank you

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I'm sporting it with you this post because it's very useful and interesting, semogabanda is always successful and can make again interesting and good post

Thank you so much

Wow, true that, great article.
My opinion about that always was, you can think rich or poor and you will get the appropriate result. But this can only work if you have the opportunity to think rich and I have the feeling a lot of people never had a chance....


Very nice post with beautiful photos and information thanks for sharing

Thank you

truly I need to say, that I never was out of the airport in Seoul. so thats make me more interesting bout your post. currently we are on a world trip and not far from Seoul. I like to see it soon, the true Seoul ( not only airport) thanks for sharing and I up vote it with 100%

I recommend you walk along the wall from dongdaemoon to hyewhamoon

thanks :-)

politicians mostly.

A very interesting insight into the poorer parts of Seoul. Its interesting how we don't really perceive Seoul to have poorer areas, but of course, it does. I re,member the building of a high wall at the Seoul Olympic Games to block out the "slums". Thanks for an intriguing post - and great photography.

Thank you for your comment

good post

Sunny rich
Moon poor

That's a very good question. What divides the poor and rich? Is it true that the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer? I don't know to be honest...

Unfortunately that s life...poor and rich..would love to exist only medium people...but that s not possible

Seoul in media has always painted with the modern buildings, and modern technology
Now why would any govt will promote the poor side of their capital.
Blogs like these, by the people for the people will help us to know the real situation of it.

Hard work divides the rich and poor. In a free country hard work and specialisation will make you rich.
Get so good at something that you will have to be paid well for your services.

If people can't afford the internet to learn stuff, go to a public library and study or use the greatest resource for education the world has ever known to man,the internet.

That being said I pity people when they are poor but anyone can cross the metaphorical road and become rich.

I guess what divides poor and rich is they differ in goals and ambitions. The more ambitious you are, the more likely you'll do whatever it takes to reach your goal... that is to be rich :)

It's so sad to watch it first collection! But question is who is happier? Money doesn't guarantee happiness and satisfaction :)

I agree with you


It's sad to see this kind of stuff. Korea has risen as a global powerhouse so fast, it is hard for a lot of people to keep up and especially those who relied on traditional agriculture to make a living. Gangnam is a perfect example of this divide, it used to be a regular neighborhood with middle class but has become a super rich affluent area with the high class showing no regard for people below them.

I live in Haeundae Busan, and it is very similar. There are new Skyscrapers being built that sell for millions of dollars each and just a block or two away the remnants of an older traditional community. sad to see.

Where about in Seoul do you live

I really enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing with us. Enjoy the vote!

Didn't realize there's such a place in Seoul. The cost of living in Seoul is dauntingly high. The similar situation also happened in China and Hong Kong. Rich getting richer and poor getting poorer. Wonder whether the government has any aid for them.

upvote slowwalker

@slowwalker this is a question that has been puzzling humans for thousands of years. What separates the haves and the have nots. I would say the road is just a physical obstacle, which can be easily overcome...provided you cross it of course. The real obstacle is in the mind. That too can be overcome (but with more difficulty) and we have many examples of people that had very humble beginnings but who managed to create a very good life for them and their families.

you can find it in every country
India has loads of that

Very nice post. upvoted your post and followed.plese upvote my post and follow me @superkrish

Brov kindly follow back @ememovic

i love your post

I think this probem korean government to help poor people,i aggre with you @slowwalker.
Thanks for sharing this culture,im always read every post

All countries are experiencing the same thing, I think in Indonesia we are also experiencing the same thing

That kinds of things happen in every place of the world


yes thanks

This imbalance always exists.... Like a law of nature, sadly but true

Such a huge gap! It is surprising to me that some houses in Korea still use roof tiles like in Indonesia. Or maybe they are only used by poor people?

Seoul is a very beautiful and fun city. Beauty is created in every corner of seoul city. Seoul has everything a tourist needs, such as amenities and natural scenery. Every corner of the city is a great destination to explore.
Great post @slowwalker


man your writing and pictures are always a profound experience and i do enjoy reading them when you're posts go up.

Tkank you for your compliment

It happens even here in Venezuela. You can find an expensive neighborhood in one block and in the other side of the street is a very poor one. Inequality is everywhere.

Its exactly like that in my hometown in Mexico, there are also rich houses right next door to poor houses its just all mixed in when I go to Mexico next year I will take pictures. Thank you for sharing your side of the world🌷

Thank you
I will wait for your pics

Great post.

This post broke my heart and suddenly my tears goes down.

We are same in God's eye, even we have different ways in this world.

I guess mostly history divides us, also with all its fortuity.
But your question is not a easy one.


I do not think poverty always causes unhappiness. They might be happy living there and watching the city from a higher place.
Happiness depends not on the money but on the their mind, I think.

What a contrast of the old and new living on either side, we look at rich and poor by the value of money or materialist value but in places like Asia, many small pacific islands, Russia and many other places have a wealth of culture, knowledge, respect that gives a different lifestyle to what is not really seen or is lost in a lot of the Western parts.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Your views are great for the poor and the rich. All countries must have this form of society, not only Korea, Indonesia also has a level of such people, i am very concerned about it.

The rich village is a land owner residence who govern the whole are since war time and preying to the opposite group. While the poor village is a war refugee who displace on war time and the milking pot of the opposite side. This is just my opinion.

It could be one reason.

Very good post :) I want go and photography this streets :)

It's sad that people live in such a poor village, but it looks so interesting!

Ha ha.... I like you concluding sentences. Great photos. Upvoted and followed you.

I live in Richmond, VA USA and there are a few places similar here where one block has poverty stricken housing with high crime rates and less than a few blocks away are expensive brand new condos and houses. It is not a fair world in many ways, plus if you are disabled or sick then it makes it even almost seem impossible at times.

great photos, good job @slowwalker

Thank you so much

that's terrible, and sad...

You made me remember my country Morocco, we have one famous street there call it California street, between the rich side and the poor just one wall in the middle like what you show exactly in the picture, and a lot of people was disturbed by this phenomenon, because they feared about the poor they think they are just bustards.

i like your post

Great post. Some timea indormation and action differentiate poor and rich too.
Thanks. For the post sir

Thank you for your comment

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

All cities in the world have poor and rich sectors living side by side. I visited New York several times in the past, and it's one of the big examples of human extreme living. I saw the glorious Manhattan and the poorer Brooklyn. The Contrast is shocking. I could feel the misery. When I visited Cuba, I spent two weeks in Havana. Cuba is poor because of the embargo, but despite the generalized poverty, everyone was smiling and kissing on the Malecón. I didn't get the impression that people were miserable. Perhaps because there we no mega rich people living in rich district with castles and sky scrapers, people were all equal and looked very happy. Frankly I felt more joy spending those two weeks at the capital, than the two days in a tourist resort to end my trip. The resort was very boring and superficial!

Some of the comments mentioned misery. In my view, poverty doesn't equate with misery. Many people live in poverty and are happy. Misery arises when there are rich people nearby shitting on the poor people's heads. Misery leads to wars and revolutions. History is full of such examples: French revolution, Russian revolution, Arab Spring (this one was actually triggered by the increasing price of rice in Tunisia and Egypt, nothing to do with politics).


I wish you peace and happiness even after you flagged a lot of my post for using the kr tag and I lost my earnings. I forgive you.

I am poor and needed those earnings but maybe someone else needed it more than me.

I am happy for you that you are doing so well on Steemit where on one post, you earn more than a lot of monthly salaries in the Philippines. You are fortunate.


The poor are getting poorer and the rich continue to enrich themselves.

The vast vast vast majority of wealthy people worked harder to get their or their families did in the past.
Obviously there is an element of luck and IQ plays a role but if you could take away all the wealth in the world and all connections etc and make a level playing field where people could earn this money again,we would see the current wealthy people would be the ones who prosper.
It's down mostly to choices and mentality.


It's the same in my village, but the difference is that the road divides us between Thai-Cambodia (Kamar rue)...Thanks to the road

Thank you for your comment

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Your posts are really Educative and Informative.

  • Thanks for sharing sir. Steem on!
