in culture •  7 years ago  (edited)

Culture is one of the great windows that have been opened in our century to overlook the mystery of man.Man has always produced culture,because he is essentially a cultural being.Culture can be understood from three perspectives.

  1. Elitarian perspective: Culture here signifies a great quantity of knowledge.For instance one can say that a person has a vast scientific,artistic or literary culture.Or to say that one is cultured.
  2. Pedagogical perspective: this implies acquisition of culture through education. That is the process through which a person comes to the full maturation and realization of his own personality.
  3. Anthropological perspective: culture signifies here that which one has consolidated over time. It manifests in cultural elements such as customs,techniques,and values etc. Which distinguish people of different background.
what is culture?

Human beings are unique beings in animal kingdom due to their ability to create culture and sustain it.The word culture comes from latin word, 'colere'
Which means to nurse,to cultivate,to care for. Culture is the totality of human achievements. Each society of man has some distinctive cultural pattern such that the members of one society behave differently in some significant respects from the members of the other societies.

Three components that make up the origin of culture are:
(i) culture is human.
(ii) culture is social.
(iii) culture is laborious.
(i) Culture is said to be human because it originated from man,that is,before something attains cultural height,it must be through human achievement,a product of human ingenuity and intentionally.
(ii) Culture is social in that it is the product of a group or community of persons. Some people argue that culture is social heritage which individuals received and transmitted to others.
(iii) Culture is laborious in the sense that it is not something to be transmitted mechanically; rather it comes through human efforts.It is an achievement which is to be realized through labour.

Constitutive elements of culture
These are(1)language (2)custom (3)technique (4)values
LANGUAGE: Language is medium through wich man expresses himself and communicates with his own peers through the use of words.
CUSTOM: custom may be defined as a norm of action generally accepted and practiced by a group of people.It is a dictate on what one ought to or ought not to do.
TECHNIQUE(tool making): culture is the product of human hand; what man makes out of natural provisions.
VALUE: values can be realizable in actions,habits of a social group which assume as it were the societal norms of action,criteria and ideas. All this makeup what we call value.

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nice post. you won my vote

Nice post boss

Thank you

Very informative💥


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