Tea culture in Morocco.steemCreated with Sketch.

in culture •  8 years ago  (edited)

Throughout the world, each country has its own rituals and traditions of drink, food and clothing. Morocco is also a rich country in this field, in terms of its ancient traditions and rituals. Moroccan tea or "Atai" is part of Moroccan traditions and rituals, which are considered sacred and can not be bypassed. Atai is essential in the lives of Moroccans, whether they are rich or poor.


"The Moroccans knew about tea through the English, at the turn of the 18th century, during the reign of Sultan Ismail, where he first used medicine, and was very rare""The Moroccans knew about tea through the English, at the turn of the 18th century, during the reign of Sultan Ismail, where he first used medicine, and was very rare"

This hot drink, peppermint or other herbal herbs according to mood and taste, can only be found at all times in the lives of Moroccans, both early in the morning and even in the late hours of the night..

Moroccans were introduced to tea by the English, at the beginning of the 18th century, during the reign of Sultan Ismail, first used as a medicine, and at the time very rare. According to the book "From Tea to Atai .. Tradition and History", by Moroccan researchers Abdel-Ahad al-Sabti and Abdel-Rahman al-Khasasi, drinking tea was the preserve of the "middle of the store" or the footnote close to the sultan, as it was a gift from the Europeans to the Sultan and his entourage, Throughout the eighteenth century.Moroccans were introduced to tea by the English, at the beginning of the 18th century, during the reign of Sultan Ismail, first used as a medicine, and at the time very rare. According to the book "From Tea to Atai .. Tradition and History", by Moroccan researchers Abdel-Ahad al-Sabti and Abdel-Rahman al-Khasasi, drinking tea was the preserve of the "middle of the store" or the footnote close to the sultan, as it was a gift from the Europeans to the Sultan and his entourage, Throughout the eighteenth century.

In the years to the beginning of the twentieth century, "Atai" is no longer a symbol of the national elite. It has become the first drink of all Moroccans. It is also a means of welcoming guests. In Moroccan culture, it is considered a lack of taste. A cup of tea. As soon as the guest is seated, the owners of the house come with a tray, a jug and colored or ordinary cups. These tools, which are not without any Moroccan house, are made of silver metal or a similar metal according to the material possessions of the household.

Those who believe that Moroccans rely only on mint and tea beans for the preparation of the "Atai" are mistaken. They do not hesitate to add some other herbs such as "mint" or "shiba", "luize", "mirdduch" Camomile, lemon, thyme, etc., according to each person's taste and temperament.

The preparation of tea varies from one region to another in Morocco, but the most common method is to bring a quantity of green tea and add a quantity of fresh mint and some sugar. In the beginning, clean the tea with a small amount of boiling water to add to, then sugar, mint and then boiling water. Pour the tea in a small cup and then return to the pitcher and repeat this process twice or more, until the tea is mixed. In the end, the tea pours in cups from a high altitude to form a foam almost a quarter cup, and this foam is essential to some Moroccans.

We do not forget that tea has a great presence in Moroccan artistic creativity, especially in poetry, and has organized many poems in the tea, and the song "Chinese" of the group "Nass Al Ghiwane" in the early seventies is the most famous among the Moroccans.

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very good post

Thanks bro

nice post

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks a lot sister

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I really like moroccan mint tea ^^