What is the weirdest culture that you know?

in culture •  7 years ago 

Entry into puberty or puberty for people in almost all parts of the world is a common occurrence. At this time, children will experience physical changes, psychological, and sexual function maturation. It is commonplace and is a common phenomenon experienced by everyone. But not so with certain community groups. There are some who consider this event to be celebrated, even in a slightly unique way.

  1. Metatah or dentures in Bali

Teeth or tooth decay, which in Balinese called metatah, is a ceremony performed in the land of the Gods to mark the entry of children into puberty. Tooth decay is a religious ritual, which in its tradition, the child's teeth are thought or cut. There are six upper teeth that are filed. The teeth are shaped fangs. Because, fangs symbolize the bad or black sides that exist in human beings.

Tooth deceit means minimizing the child's bondage from bad traits, at least minimizing it. The six types of teeth symbolize the ugliness of each, called Sad Ripu. Sad Ripu consists of kama or lustful nature of indriya, lobha or loba and greedy nature, krodha or cruel and angry nature, mada or the nature of drunk and madness, moha or confused and arrogant, and matsarya or jealousy and envy.

  1. Bullet ant glove.

In Brazil, the ritual to mark the entry of children into puberty is marked by a pretty awful ceremony. Precisely in the interior of the Amazon, the Satere-Mawe tribe, men who enter puberty must pass through a ritual in Indonesian called bullet ants. The bullet ant is a small animal, but it can lift a load 50 times larger than its body size.

Ritual is done by putting the boy's hand into a glove that has been filled with bullet ants. The child has to endure the pain of the ants. If they can survive with the time set, then the child is considered mature.

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