Hypocrisy and own political interests.

in cuomo •  4 years ago 


Now that Cuomo is on his way out I am seeing Democrats talking about how they do such a better job policing their own. Is that why they did nothing about Justin Fairfax? Please.

No this fits in with what I think is the case for political parties which is that they will throw their members overboard if they think it will not cost them politically. The Democrats could get rid of Cuomo because another Democrat will be governor. They kept Fairfax because they could not protect his position from the Republicans.

Republicans are the same way. They protected Trump when they needed to and his sexual scandals but got rid of a politician in a safe seat such as Vance McAlister when he got caught kissing a staff member.

Moral of the story is that if you want to be able to mistreat others and not have members of your party throw you overboard then be in a seat that your party cannot protect. Neither political party is morally superior to the other. They all operate for their own political interest. If you want to support them because you agree with them then that is fine. Just do not fool yourself into thinking that they are ethically better than the other party.

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