Meet some new Steemians! New user curation 24-Jun-18

Have you tried browsing the #introduceyourself tag and been frustrated at how difficult it is to find actual introduceyourself posts? Well, look no farther! The following is curated list of people who are new to Steem. I have read each of these posts and they look to be interesting additions to the community!


My top pick(s)

Link to postINTRODUCE YOURSELF: I'm Marisa - Designer & Illustrator - Nice to meet you all!
My CommentsGraphic designer from Venezuela. She actually has some pretty legit work up in her into post which shows off her skills. Well-written and interesting post!

Other interesting people

Link to postThe Otherground
My CommentsGraphic designer who lives out of a van. Blog will document his vanlife journey. This almost made my top picks list, but the post was a little light on detail. But worth checking out if this intrigues you!

Link to postHi, my name is Evgeni and here are a few of my photos.
My CommentsLooks like another solid photography focused account. This guy is out of Canada. His intro post features some really good landscapes which are worth checking out!

Link to postHi Peeps! My first time on Steemit, Am Here to Introduce Myself...
My CommentsStudent from Nigeria who has friends already on the platform. Looks like he's into football. His intro pictures give a good authentic feel for his life.

Link to postHello Steemit! My name Kostia And this is my first post
My CommentsFood fans, take note. This guy is a real life chef of 8 years, planning to write about food and innovations in the culinary sphere. Some mouth-watering pictures in his intro post, check it out!

Link to postA little about me
My CommentsVery well-established travel blogger with cool story to share. Quick Google search shows she's already out there on other sites, but is new to Steemit and possibly reposing her content (her intro post is copy/paste). But still, if the content is good, why not?

Link to postIntroduce myself
My CommentsYoung lady from Venezuela, looks like she'll be posting about life, "I really like the tranquility, the spiritual peace, in my free time I listen to music, I watch TV, I meditate"

Link to postHi Everyone! We would like to introduce ourselves to this new growing community
My CommentsLooks like we have a couple here who are both in to photography. They are from Portugal but live in France.

Link to postI finally did it! Get to know me!
My CommentsPhD student in innovation account from Germany. Studied abroad in US. Will probably be posting about science.

Link to postMy Intro To Steemit
My CommentsSo this kid might win the award for the youngest creator I've seen on here. He is 9 years old and is into space, Harry Potter, and music.

Link to post"Hello World!" from Alexey.
My CommentsRussian programmer and biology major who I had to include because his intro post has come clever Javascript-style formatting in there.

Link to postLet's get going, folks!
My CommentsInteresting yet somewhat cryptic intro post from someone who is interested in learning more about Steemit, and also passionate about the international language Esperanto, which should be the topic of upcoming posts.

Link to postUncertainty - Delux!
My CommentsFrom South Africa. She looks like a very down-to-earth type woman with lots of life experience to share. Looks like a "back to the earth" story as well about moving from the corporate world to the land.

Link to postWell hello there fellow Steem users!
My CommentsCloud cryptocurrency miner from South Africa. Well written and interesting intro about his life. Interesting thoughts on crypto in general.

I know, I know, only 1 top pick today? Well, I wanted to save that category for those posts which go over and above. An hour into surfing the tag, and I only felt good about one. It will flex up and down, I'm sure.

Hope this was helpful and you enjoyed! You can find my last new user curation post here. I think I'm going to start using the tag #curatedintroduceyourself to do this from now on unless I get a better suggestion.

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This is actually a solid resource, but its super info dense. You could, perhaps, have some categories to help folks find new members they might be interested in following.

I had thought about that actually, and started off that way, but the 3 column format I was using was way too cramped. I’ll try again with a new design, thanks for the idea!