Make These Posts and I Will Upvote $20!

in curation •  8 years ago  (edited)

Looking for Steemit post ideas? Here are posts I will upvote $20+ when you author them and share a link in the comments here! Will you help me by writing these posts because then I will help you by upvoting your post 100% at close to full voting power? I hope this will provide you with an outstanding chance at getting a top trending post on Steemit because each of my ideas here I think has great potential and I do not have the time available to do all of the research for it!

upvote $20 thumb.png

List of ideas for easy trending posts worth $500+ starting with my upvote!

  1. Most undervalued posts from the last 24 hours. Would you help me find the best posts MADE BY OTHERS which received almost no support initially on Steemit? While @screenname does a great job finding those with the most votes versus the actual payout received as seen at what I am looking for are those with almost no votes that are actually really good such as an in depth original tutorial or a great story not even making it past $1! For best quality, double checking with a Google search on the articles is essential to prevent copy and paste articles from being upvoted. One recent post on my comments featured an article posted by what appeared to be the author but really was copied from a post on another website two days earlier. This took about 30 seconds to detect with a Google search for exact phrases in the article and helped me avoid using an upvote on it. Will you help me find the most undervalued posts to vote on because that will enable me to help you earn a living doing it? If you would like me to make this a regular feature and organize it, would you ask for that in the comments because I will then do it! @acidyo has already done an awesome job with this with his Operation Curation Delegation and I am interested in doing the same if you are because we have a huge need for help finding the most undervalued posts on Steemit!
  2. Who are the Top 50 Richest Steemit Whales ranked by Steem Power? Make the list starting from AND do profiles on them with everything you can find from Twitter profiles, biographies websites, etc. Help us all to get to know the top whales and follow them! The more detail for each the better!
  3. Best whales to follow for upvotes! Search through the top 1000 Steem Power rankings at and find those with the best combination of daily activity and small followings. For example, find accounts that often upvote their own comments and upvote most comments on their posts because hardly anyone is following them. I found one whale that consistently votes every comment up $20. Can you find him too? Make a list of the most undervalued Steem Power account holders in the community that have a valuable vote with low competition and I bet you have a $1,000+ post on your hands. The opposite of what I am looking for are top authors that already have a big following and where getting their upvote is a challenge.
  4. COMPLETE What percentage of the top 100, top 500, and top 1000 Steem Power accounts are powering down? For this post, you could calculate this by using a spreadsheet made from to start. Next, copy all the names, and manually coding whether they powered down or not. What I would really like out of this is a clear number I can quote saying "20% of the top 1000 Steem Power accounts are actively powering down today."
  5. Top author posting strategies from Review the top 50 authors and explain exactly what their posting strategies are. What topics do they post about? How often do they post? What are their highest valued posted in 30 days? Lowest? Average? Inside their posts, do they have long in depth posts with lots of text, short posts with just a picture or two, just a link to a video, or some combination? For extra credit, code this and give data plus a suggestion as to which strategy is the best to use.

How do you get an upvote?

  1. Do the research for the post.
  2. Make an outstanding post with screenshots and images that most completely provides what I asked for above.
  3. Submit the story on your Steemit account.
  4. Comment on this post below with a link to your post with a description of which topics you addressed in your post.
  5. Receive an upvote on your post and on the comment here!

Which posts will I vote up the most?

My full vote will be limited to the first completed post that gives me everything I was looking on each topic above. A half-way done post or a second, third, or fourth post on the same topic will receive a smaller vote percentage.

Will you allow me to use your work in my posts going forward?

If you make a comment here asking for an upvote on your post, you are also agreeing to allow me to use anything you wrote in the post in future videos or posts of my own in exchange for my upvote because I want to present your outstanding work to as many followers as possible! Anywhere I use it will include a link to both your account name and your original post to help you build a following. You of course maintain copyright to everything you create and by asking for an upvote here are agreeing to give me permission to make use of it!

For example, I might quote your post, use an image directly from it, share data that you created, and/or combine parts of many posts together to make one master post. If you would rather not participate, please avoid making a comment with a link to your post requesting an upvote!

How will this help me?

When you write amazing posts and do the research to help discover the best of Steemit, you will help me earn a lot more in curation rewards by giving me the best posts to vote on early before others vote on them! The more you help me earn in curation, the more I will be able to give back to you by voting on your posts!

What help with this provide for all of us on Steemit?

Your service in helping with what seem like essential tasks of helping us find the best of Steemit and learn about what works will help ensure that those doing the most valuable work for Steemit earn the most and newer authors have the chance to be compensated well regardless of their following. The more we focus our upvotes on the best of what is posted, the better future all of us can expect for our return on investment with Steemit!

Thank you very much for reading this!

If you found think working together to empower each of us to earn what we are worth on Steemit is a good cause and you found this post helpful, would you please upvote this post because it will help more of us discover it and work together?

Jerry Banfield

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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Comment on this post below with a link to your post with a description of which topics you addressed in your post.
I wrote about:
What percentage of the top 100, top 500, and top 1000 Steem Power accounts are powering down?

Congratulations @swisswatcher you are the first comment I saw to fully complete one of these with your own article! I voted up full power which is still a bit low after my upvoting the other day! I voted your comment up also here providing more than $20 in upvote! I think it is very helpful to know about a third of the top accounts are actively powering down and about a quarter of the top 1000. That means now is a great time to invest and level up while most users are holding for the long term! Love your work here and hope to continue collaborating with you on addition posts!

thanks for the feedback and the upvote, I have a question, if I want to run a panel study and do this on a daily basis. Do you think Top 100 are enough?

2-100 are accountable for 30% Steempower
2-200 are accountable for 36% Steempower
2-300 are accountable for 38% Steempower
2-400 are accountable for 38% Steempower
2-500 are accountable for 38% Steempower
2-1000 are accountable for 40% Steempower

and there is also a small thing you need to consider that can give biased data's since some whales powerdown and power up at the same time like steemcleaner

also in my research for another article on things that you think every steemit user should know I found out that most of the top 50, belong to steemit Inc or people involved in the project

except for steemit which accounts alone for 70 Million Steem Power there are many developer, if I compare it with facebook, this means that early investors and developer cashing out is more dangerous then let's active user cashing out, but in general we need to consider that everyone or so has expenses, so I would considering a big alert if 50% of the people would power down.

Hey @jerrybanfield I made post number 5 for the Top 50 Authors posting strategies! Read it and let me know what you think :)
thanks for challenging us to write different things, I enjoyed the challenge will look out for more that you do in future :)

Absolutely perfect thank you for completing this post and making sure I saw it! I upvoted the post 100% and your comment here for $8 more!

If I do any of these really well, it will take me far longer than $20 is worth! I estimated 4 hours for one. I don't think it would be wise to participate, sorry.

But anyway, I spent the last 40 minutes reading through pretty much EVERY single new post within the last hour or so and I did find these top 5! (Most posts really are garbage just wow) I'm not asking you to upvote, jerrybanfield, as I know I didn't meet your request, but if anyone likes any of these posts and didn't find them on their own, I'd appreciate it. :) And I look forward to any upcoming challenges.

Top 5 Undervalued Posts within the Last Hour (or so)

  1. Exercise – Good Bodyweight/Calisthenics workout information -
  2. Huge (claims to be probably biggest ever) list of psychology films -
  3. New Steemian! – Comic creator! - He looks like he has a lot of potential! -
  4. Really cute original song! I couldn’t understand a word, but I enjoyed it -
  5. History! – A bunch of cool images of an old 19th century beer factory in Bucharest! -

Congratulations @aology for this extremely helpful post because this is just what I was hoping for even though I did not make it that clear in the post!

You took your time to read the newest posts and made a valuable list showing those that are undervalued and that we definitely want to vote up especially a new comic creator that can help all of us laugh more and where hardly anyone has seen his post!

Sweet! Thanks!

I liked your idea, so I did a post like that:

I am going to try to put a post out like that every day or two, where I give a brief description, and then resteem them.


This is exactly what I am looking for thank you! I voted a couple of these up and would love to keep seeing more like this!

@jerrybanfield this post is most undervalued post I hope you can help to improve our community...

I'm so glad you wrote this. It seems to me that there are many posts here that get a lot of votes and money that are copy and paste trash. I've seen this on many new startups.
It's a shame but that's humans for you.

@jerrybanfield thank you for the wonderful topic. Your post inspired me to get into the project of #whalesanalytics.

  • Today at the time of writing this post, @jerrybanfield ranked 261th on the list of the biggest whales identified by the
  • I wrote a small code to gather all the data from the and could get the analysis of about 1100 accounts having estimated daily value of more than $5000
  • I wish to answer all the questions on the steemit whales, but the data needs to be analysed further for its accuracy, however, within 24 hours i have managed to gather the answer for your first question on the steemwhales and that is
    Best whales to follow for upvotes! and here is my answer to your first question
  • I am also in the process of analysing the data and answering your other question in next one or two days and that is **What percentage of the top 100, top 500, and top 1000 Steem Power accounts are powering down?**
    In the mean time i just hope your eyes catch attention of this comment and you are able to see the #whalesanalytics.

Outstanding love your post, followed, and upvoted both the post and this comment! You are close to $40 between the comment here and upvotes from me and others on your post already!

@jerrybanfield thank you for the projects mentioned above on the #Whalesanalytics. I have added answers of another two questions you have posed related to the Whales in the above post.
I just finished downloading the data and a little bit of number crunching to come up with the answer to your question on the Top author posting strategies from
You can find the answer to the questions asked in the above post on my completely research based post.
Additionally, I would like to thank you as you have given me direction to contribute some meaningful articles and content on steem platform. I have created the #whalesanalytics tag where i would keep posting my research related to the Whales.
These researches could be beyond the questions you have asked. Thank you and looking forward to have your feedback on my recent research.

@jerrybanfield thank you very much ! I was really overwhelmed to have seen your upvote. Whale's upvotes really matters for Minnows !

Jerry for president! :)

Very Nice!

Ok i will try to create a post about "Best whales to follow for upvotes" @jerrybanfield

"Do or do not, there is no try" Yoda ;)

i did it @jerrybanfield , its just the start and i will provide full details in other posts as well, today just got time to do this only, so if you like it or hate it can you please upvote it as you promised thanks and looking forward.

Top 70 Steemit Whales With Most Steem Power To Follow For Higher Rewards

Jerry, in answer to your question "What percentage of the top 100, top 500, and top 1000 Steem Power accounts are powering down?" I compiled the requested data and posted it here:

I am not doing anything of the above, but I am doing a daily "3 Great Users That Make Steemit Great" post where I mention users that create original and valuable content. Check it out, if you want.

Wenger out?

I hope not. We are not ready.

If Arda's sign will be possible from us, i.e. Barca
Arsenal can do well!
I heard they are making a bid for Mbappe too? Just a rumour?

I think every top club in europe are doing so. If we are serious about Mbappe I think it's because we are selling Sanchez. I think we will buy Lacazette and maybe Lemar. Lyon just bought Traore so they already have a replacement ready. But us bidding on Mbappe is not just a rumour, I think it's true, but I think Monaco rejected :)

Monaco offered 162k euros per week offer for Mbappe. But i think he should leave otherwise for his grouth.
Lacazerte is brilliant player, he will do amazing in premier league.

That's definitely a post that deserves recognition!

Thanks man!

@jerrybanfield is making future of steemit and expanding it to worldwide.
If you want to check articles and the editing and the type of work I do in my article! Here's the example-

Great job! Keep it going =)

I am trying my best to bring some interesting life stories and high fashion content to SteemIt =) Hope my content can be interesting for Steemians! ;)

That's amazing, finding great people on Steemit is kinda hard.

Yes it is. Therefore I like to give them some promotion! :)

Good idea! Check my blog tommorow)) I'm planning interesting content. And today I made intro)

Hey Jerry...... for #1 i came across a newbie whose story was really touching. Check out @nikatje thank you for reading intro. I think you will really like it.

@edkarnie thank you for sharing her post because I read it and upvoted and followed!

Wow those are some great post ideas! Everyone on steemit loves them some whales.

I really like the ideas....^^^YOU HAVE A NEW FOLLOWER ^^^

Sooo difficult! Cant think what to write about! XD

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Well, I am trying to understand if my idea has some sort of interest in the community:
POWERVoice! - Week #3 (SBD Giveaway and Delegated SP)

I confess that the current post is somehow dificult to digest, but I needed to be clear about my intentions. Then, later on, I will bring it to a simpler way, so mass users can understand it faster. Basicaly the concept here is to allow people to randomly have the opportunity to be heard on Steem. By allowing them a large amount of SP Delegation during a certain period (7 days now). This will promote that person's opinions and also will somehow seek to educate the winner to use the extra power very wisely during that period. As a motivation, I am donating all the post SBD to boost sharing it.

I am ready for it and will make posts that you said. I see huge learning lotential if i made those post good. I am not worried about upvote because i know if I made good content on said categories I will be on my way to success.

This comment has received a 0.10 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptokraze.

You're like the pied piper of STEEM Jerry.

Jerry's on a mission to make Steem and Steem users wildly successful. Keep up the good work Jerry. Dash' loss is our gain.

💣 💣 💢 💯 @jerrybanfield check out my post how to monitor your voting power 💣 💢 💯

Thank you for this helpful post which I voted up!

Thank you @jerrybanfield. You're the best. It seems to be taking a long time to reset voting power back to 100%. Can you do a video, how long it took you to get back to 100% after your voting spree? thanks again. 💣 💢 💯

I treat Steemit like my own little blog. It's fun to post and interesting to see what gets upvoted and what doesn't. I feel some of my best posts got upvoted less than some of my worst. Part of me thinks it's just luck and timing while another part of me thinks maybe people see value in something I may not see. Either way, interesting though experiment.

This completely flips the process on it's head. Instead of me deciding what I want to post, I already know what there's a demand for and the demand creates the post. I'll see if I have any time tonight.

Why don't you add an avatar?

I agree @chris-bell

Here is a post which I think is extremely underrated given how cool the project is. The author gives a real quick overview of "Steemit Pond" by @mynameisbrian. Steemit Pond provides a real time visualization of all the activity going on in SteemIt. I think the interface is a fun alternative for finding highly valued blog articles, as well as hidden gems. What I particularly like is the ability to click on one of the aquatic creatures to go explore the event/blog post.

Jerry, I know you asked for a descriptive post/tutorial of the post, but since this is a steemit related page, rather than a post, and since the page is so simple, yet so brilliant, I decided to forgo my own post.

Here is the steemit article:

And here is the website:

Thank you this is outstanding I just voted the post up!

I see this initiative very late, I know. I just wanted to let you know about my initiative, to curagood content I read recently on steemit with my #steempearls
I would be very honored, if you check out a @steempearls report. Love your work here, keep it up!

Jerry, you must have an army typing for you. Always great to see you post, but i can't say i read them all. lol a lot to read great stuff.

Hi Jerry, hope you doing well. When you have the time can you please let us know if we make $ when we resteem a post. If yes, now does it work and how is the reward calculated? Thank you for your time and all the best!

This is a great idea @jerrybanfield I wish I had the time to help you do the research. Im sure you will get a ton of help finding these amazing Steemit members. I like NO.1, there are so many great posts that go unnoticed. This will help a lot!

"What percentage of the top 100, top 500, and top 1000 Steem Power accounts are powering down?"

Try - 62 of the top 200 are currently powering down.

For a different view of power-down stats, you can also look at:

Thank you for sharing this with me because now I see this one is easy to look at now!

Hi @jerrybanfield - Here is the Top 50 richest steemit whales ranked by steem power [1-10] !

@theblogger thank you very much for getting started on this because I am excited to continue learning more about each of the top Steem Power whales! I just voted your post up and will be ready in a couple days with higher power votes as my voting power recharges from my recent 100% to 3% voting live. Will you continue the series to help us better get to know the top with as much info as you can find about them?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Steemit is the future! My Story of Time Travel [eSports and Poker Pro]

just a look my blog @jerrybanfield I try to make good quality content but there are not many views

Sorry for double posting, but I just posted the article I mentioned earlier.

If anyone is curious, please read: AKASHA: A new social media platform in development (future ICO)

Great ideas Jerry,

this makes more sense to use your Voting Powers for then on that voting-spree last saturday! ;-)

I thought this post written by myself was undervalued at 43 up-votes. As much as I appreciate my followers they are minnows like myself and dot have a lot of power. Please let me know what you think Jerry! I respect your opinion.

  1. If language will not English - you accept?
    Is 1 dollar a prerequisite? Or does it just mean (little) for an example?

Great question because with me only being able to read english, I can only make a good decision based on an article in english!

Thank you for answer.

This post is awesome...not easy though bur will get some good researchers working...will revert with an update soon...

Your idea of encouraging members to research on those area will really bring out excellent content writers in this platform and all so gives members the opportunity to know more about the happening in the community. Nice move my mentor. I advice every member that is good in writing to take the advantage of this opportunity to show their talent. Upvoted. Keep the good work.

that's the perfectioness because of which you are on this rank in your life.

Awesome grat post again @jerrybanfeild Thanks a lot for this your the best man 👍🏻👍🏻

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Please check out :

This guy wrote some script for steemit. A much needed tag feature but nobody knows!

@gnimeets thank you I voted that up!

Much appreciated !!

even if you write an amazing post and you don't have enough followers to upvote it it doesn't help, especially if followers are new, I am working all the time to advertise steemit, and I help new people to grow in steemit, but it gives nothing if I will not be followed by strong people like you !

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I agree clixmoney I've been on here a week and have realised that just like any other platform you have to follow and have followers and be interactive to get traction .. the more you comment on other peoples posts the more they will check out your stuff and read it ..( i know thats what i do anyway) when i see comments on posts i like i go and check out what they have written .. so the more you read others posts and comment and vote and become involved in the community they will see you have a voice worth listening too .. good luck xx I'm giving myself 6 months .. huge followings does not happen over night - you have to work at it .. keep going .. I have the faith that its going to be worth it :)

you now have another follower - ME :) hehe xx

I know selfpromotion isn't cool at all but I believe this post of mine fills your requirements. Brings value, it's well written and it only got 6 views and 30cents reward from 6 minnow upvotes. Thanks for the opportunity Jerry.

He literally stated "posts by other people" lmao , c'mon man....

Ops that's embarassing. I'll go with this post by @paulag that I really like.
Sorry man :D @moderninvestor

lmao, im here to help !

thanks for the mention @budgetmarketing. Glad you like my post

Jerry sir ! This one is marvellous!!
Thank You for sharing this amazing post with us

I bet you a buck you didnt even read this

Who can check my reply above !! I have read each and every line of this post
Whether is talking about submitting post like or telling about what type of post he want !!
Or how we researched for our post
The main moto is all about getting his upvotes for the most resplendent article on steemit platform

thats a good trick to get people to click on your link for extra views

First check the most ! He's asking about to post a link in the comment which ever is your best post

Yes the challenge is a lot of authors are going the angle of analyzing prices while the audience is relatively small! With all I do in crypto I rarely read price analyses because they never tell you what the future will be!

Hi Jerry, am Rodgers my link is i need your help in making my first $20

I like your posts but i am not able to read them all. :D

Still being a steemit tadpole, I would be the most unqualified person to write any of these.

I am eager to see what comes of this, though, and I know that anybody who follows this post will benefit immensely!

I like that you do what you do, I'm a small, not even sure I would call myself a minnow as much as a guppy!
But I'm new to this, I look up under "new' articles and see people just joining in, not just great post but welcome those that have joined and post a first time or introductory post, damn I still need that introductory, and it's coming, I'm a bit shy on The camera but I want so bad to post a video. But cannot bring myself to post it on fakebook, really dislike it that much.
But as far as rewarding, I don't care what amount it cost me, if I like your post, if I find it informative, whether or not it's a big pay or just a penny, I will give you my upvote, I know things changed with using up your voting power, but I just upvote everything that I like.
There are people here for the money, it will come, I'm here to Learn, make friends , share info and the best part is I'm meeting people from all over the world.
Just like your post, showing your home yesterday, was cool. Thanks and keep up the videos!

Here's a lovely one Jerry from a complete beginner. Not crypto. Not techno. Just life.

@tarquinmaine thank you I voted this up and followed you!

Thanks @jerrybanfield! Nice one ;)

Very nice idea man i need to improve my steempower

That's a fun idea, will you resteem them so I can check them out? :) would be fun to see Jerry

Will write new posts about the results!

HI Jerry , Great work you do. I followed you here from a video of yours and signed up on the jerry banfield university even. I believe nothing is impossible to learn. Only needs time and commitment. Thumbs up for your honest reviews and guidelines. Cheers mate

Thank you I upvoted it!

Massive respect for supporting the 'little guy' buddy!!

I (and many others i see) really appreciate what youre doing here...keep up the good stuff ;)

There was a tutorial post this morning about "How to Get Started In Cryptocurrency Trading" that I did. It's very in depth, and took me 5 days lol. I know it's not from someone else but I thought it would help a lot of people who were just getting started. It's great you're helping the community out and spreading the wealth. Making Steemit a better place every day :)

Outstanding post you got my upvotes!

Thank you!!!! :)

@jerrybanfield can you make a post on reward pool and its distribution. How it works. How this reward is going down with each day from last week. What factors affect reward and upvote rate.

Thank you

Thank you I voted your post up!

Thank you for checking out my content! Keep being an awesome steemian!

lol I wont lie I really want to see the gif animation now :(

with these EPIC list of very informative posts coming up , its gonna benefit so many !! Jerry FTW =D

Your probably the best thinker on Steemit in my opinion! Thank you so much @jerrybanfield! So I'll try to give some research on what your looking for. I in the meanwhile here my latest post hope you find it interesting :)

Me and my friend, try to bring content to Steemit, if you like what you see just give us some love :)

Great post I had not read much about GameCredits before and upvoted your post!

Thank you so much! @jerrybanfield It's great to have some recognition in here :) we'll do our best and try to bring the best about current and rising currency and everything about mining :D

There is no "I" in "team", finding a great article would be nice since their is a lot of new people joining steemit!

I can't even get posts past 10 dollars but hopefully soon Jerry.

Thank you I voted your post up @yemmy4eva


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I would like to call dibs on one of the topics, but gonna work on it anyways ;D The competition is motivation

edit: I had posted another reply to this thread including the link to my post I made, but I will edit this post with the link for clarification as well. Here ya go

It seems like everything you do is help us develop steem. I love where this is going and I'd like to see the results as well!

Good posting idea, unfortunately for me I am a lurker.

I need to discover a good way to contribute to Steem, but i don't want to just post irrelevant stuff / spam.

Is it just me that finds it hard to create original content?

JERRY !!! Love your youtube channel man !!

Can i get an upvote because no other reason other than Im obsessed with your channel and have watched all your videos?

another great info.

Great idea!!

Will do my research, brew me a cup of coffee and write me post shortly after

Thanks again for supporting us minnows :D

Nice post sir

Let thegames begin!

You are awasome

awesome jerry ! i love your cryptocurrencies video ! keep it up !!!!!

Been sharing more of my photography thanks to you. SOmeday may share more of my music too. Keep rocking it!~

working on one

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@jerrybanfield, I'm your guy. I'll come back in a day(I'm at work----also hoping to quit soon hahah!) and get you that post you're looking for.

Thank you for doing this Jerry. New Steemit like myself are working hard to get recognition, but more often than not we get lost in the mix. It's so frustrating to see less than $1.00 on an article you spend days researching and writing...

edit: I am finalizing a new cryptocurrency ICO review that will be posted in the next couple of hours on my blog for those who are interested.

Great post !!

Will definately try to do some research on this ...

Excellent initiative. I will get down to the list of whales since I am very interested in that myself.

Helloooo there :)

My last post today received barely any notice just check it out @goofyu

Sir in this post,the main point is how the new users on steemit gain reputation and followers easily, I divide the post into 11 most important steps that helps new users or existing users to built their community more stronger.

@thecrytotrader thank you for sharing because I voted it up and followed!

Thanks a lot sir. @jerrybanfield

sir in this post,The main point is "how we can avoid the copyright infringement problem on steemit" thanks.i hope you like it.

You are to good Jerry lol ... will be doing more research on these topics, thanks boss!

hear i research a little and i have the list for i found top 50 whales which are most active and upvoting and resteeming peoples blog

Best whales to follow for upvotes!

@jerrybanfield this post is most undervalued post I hope you can help to improve our community...

join few days ago,i have been able to put up some post,have followed you from day one,hope you follow me back lol, feel free to check this out

Holy Cow, he can give 20 dollars from and upvote? That is so cool!

Hey jerry,
Im @alimtl2011 and feel my post might be undervalued. Your the expert so please let me know what i can do better. Thanks so much for all the information you provide. Your the reason i joined steemit. Your posts are incredible and help tremendously. Please keep up the amazing work and help noobs like me go from nothing to something. Your work is appreciated even without your upvote. Thank you sincerely. Ive been posting 2 to 3 post a day. Please help.

Awesome ideas here Jerry! I for one will be watching closely because I am genuinely interested in learning about all of these topics. Cant wait to start seeing the submissions. =)

How to do that?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@jerrybanfield: One of my favorite writers is @infovore, who is already a celebrity in steemit with 2280 followers. His articles are well- researched and written. By the way, this is an interesting experiment. I am resteeming it and following the outcome :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hi, all! Сould you point out my mistakes in posts?

I went to Sochi for the match of the confederations Cup. I was doing unique photographs from the event. I thought it would be really interesting to people. I spent a lot of money. but got 2 upvote ))) need more text? or better pictures? is it suck a bad post?

I paint graffiti . In Russia, my service became popular in all cities. Steem and SBD gave us hope to extend this service further in the world. One currency, one social network can unite a lot of artists and help people to make peace and to make a original gift for a birthday. People really get a lot of positive emotions from street art. Jerry help me please, give advice what should I do? whether to sell something on steemit? Correct if I chose the path to promote street art message?

Thank you for your attention!!!

Thanks for the good topic, I just signed up and this is my first reply. you are one of utubers that convinced me to join steemit. :)

@jerrybanfield you are doing very good job for newbies .
from your video i joined steemit 5 days before and learning
from your posts .
from past 4 days i posted 5 posts but all of are undervalued
please check my this post i posted today

Dear @jerrybanfield , this person @imtiazhussain posted a story of his life on how he is living in a war hit zone and shared his struggle with the world. He received almost no praise. On 26july his family was hit in a twin suicide attack at parachinar which caused the death of nearly 80 people including 2 of his family members and bread earners. He is now in his home town unable to use steemit. I am trying to rise funds for him so that he can start blogging once again here.

Parachinar lies on the afghanistan border of pakistan and violence is on the rise.

Here is his story:

Please review this and let me know what you think.

I am on a mission now after what happened to me by YT. Help me bring more people to Steemit.

Yeah !!.. love it.. I'll try to create a post now.. thanks jerry..

Nice Idea
I am commenting for idea no. 1
Here is an article that I read and felt that it should do better than what it has.
The article has made only 19 cents which I feel is tremendously undervalued.
The article is about how an Indian changed the point of view of millions of Indians in rural areas towards Sanitary Hygiene.

I think it is a very inspiring story and should reach out to more people

@jerrybanfield you don't need to ask me for upvote, Your articles are so good and helpful that I do UPVOTE on all 😊

Thats true.

Hi Jerry,
I am on Steemit just because of you. I really love your YouTube videos. So a big Thank you.
I took me lot of effort for this below post of mine but it think was undervalued
So it would really be great if you have a look at it.
Thank you

hey jerry would you read one of my last posts? they are mainly about science and philosophy! if not a upvote would also leave me satisfied! ;)

I am not sure how this up voting works - I only want to get my fathers wonderful story out there - I have a few stories of my own mixed in but before my father passes I want to make sure his story is seen

and 2 of my posts one about cannabis treatment on my father and the other about my past and future in Russia with crypto currency

I like you post

Hi @jerrybanfield ,
Here is an article is wrote about 15 hrs ago , I think it is essential to bring awareness of this app (bugs and improvements) , though i posted it in steemit category it was seen by only 4 people

why I use esteem app(IOS/Android) and why you should too |BUGS| |Improvements|

Waiting to hear from you, Awaiting positive response

I just watched your 1:27:31 video on Youtube re: Steem. That's dedication Jerry and you know it!

I already made a post today about whales.

I am choosing every Tuesday two whales. I am spending 5-6 hours on Steemit. @jerrybanfield

wow jerry is pushing and pushing great way to shine some light on not recognized content.
I have a question probably here is the right place to ask, i am few days here and i have a fulltime job and i guess most of u others have aswell. How u guys balance that timewise i mean i dont mind investing time here because i love it and all im thinking about last days is steem and i havent even really started but it feels a bit addictive anyone else feel the same way? thx

I have been posting my own original material on Steemit for a few days, but am struggling to get much notice. One of my first articles is a fun read as well as my newest article posted yesterday All content on my page has been written by me in the last few days. I hope you enjoy!!!

@jerrybanfield Love the idea. I went ahead and did some research on the top 1000 users powering down. Its broken down into top 500 and 100 users as well. I made the spreadsheet available and I'm sure there is more useful information that could be pulled from it.

Keep up the good work Jerry

Jerry, thanks for your incredible desire to help us make money quicker on Steemit and to inspire me to join this amazing community!

While some "so-called" experts charge hundreds to thousands of dollars for their making-money from home courses, you're sharing many of your secrets with us for free here and on your website and YouTube.

Some of your followers have already done the posts you suggested, so I will do something slightly different that I hope you and other Steemians will find useful.


Thanks Jerry, will do!


New follower here! Right now my profile is nothing to ride home about. But perhaps it will be, someday.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have done task/number 2. I also included all pictures I could find :) hope that´s what you´re looking for! @jerrybanfield

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I made a post that readers might interested in. It is a post of guidance:

What amazing, great people on Steemit

Nyc post! pls how do I get people with strong street power to upvote my post

Hey Jerry! thanks to you I am here on SteemIt! I follow you since Dash was at 9$! You are a genius! The best! kiss

If I am looking at the SteemWhales webpage correctly it should be pretty easy to see how many of them are powering down. There is a little pig next to their name if they are powering down. Count the pigs per page and divide by 25 per page. So for example right now 6 out of the top 25 are powering down. Meaning 24% of the top 25 are powering down. My math might be off but you get the point.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Great post Jerry, just what I was looking for. I learned alot thank you very much.

Also if its possible could you also upvote my newest post

With this post i wanted to bring to attention to everyone that you don't need a job or investment to start making money but it does require real life interactions for most of those.

I just put up my 1st post. . Great videos Jerry i found you on youtube and u inspired me to write things down and share them with others which is a scary thing sometimes.

Hello Steemian it's about 20 mins joining steemit and i find it worth here,
as i posted home made remedies and i would recommend you too watch my blog and follow for daily home made remedies
Checkout my first post here

And @jerrybanfield you are doing a tremendous job. HATS OFF to you :)

Thanks @jerrybanfield,

I watched your 1 hour and 27 minute video on Youtube. I had already signed up for a steemit account, but followed you because of that video.

Another great idea from @jerrybanfield. This dude just blows me not on his ideas in money making BUT for his generosity to share it to thousands of viewers, followers and beginners, like me. I just hope that you won't stop reaching to us "beginners."

This was i think my first post. Can check this out Mr. Banfield? Can you give some of your insights so that i can improve better in the future. Thank you for your time.

My entry would be one of own: The Dyslexic Blogger Chapter 1 My Story by @The1Blitz.

I would like thank you, your YouTube posts led me to Steemit.

Hi @jerrybanfield heres a post from a series I'm posting here exclusively on steemit

I am your fan, I purchased your curse, here is my first post, I really hope that you take a look

Thanks @aker4444

You are the best I follow you and i upvote your posts

Great idea, thanks for supporting those who need it Hopefully I write a post that deserves that $20 upvote 😀

@jerrybanfield well not sure if this count but it is something I love to do is play videos games and capture great moments. I love all your teachings and tips you give to us all. Well I know you like CoD and I hope you like Battlefield. I passed 200 so much faster then I thought would be possible. Thanks to your great advice! I wanted to share a video with my followers I made and published on youtube.

great initiative to get people working! thanks Jerry, perhaps I will accomplish one of your missions!

Hello Jerry, I was just thinking about those undervalued posts because I came across one last night
In my back and forth comment/reply with @yoda1917 I stated that although all recounts have a revisionist element to them it happened to be the best 'read' of the day so I agreed to resteem it. Lots of the posts I read are not interesting yet are heavily curated, and posts like these get tossed under the bus of finding the next hot or trending post. After HF-019 I noticed a pullback in aggressive curation, same with me. Everyone is getting more selective in their upvotes and resteems. You happen to be on my perpetual resteem list because I have already noticed you are putting in a lot of work and you are on a mission.

This is exactly what steemit needs! Very honourable sir

Put my heart and soul into a health post that was personal and it fell flat. Ahh.....the fickleness of Steemit be a harsh mistress! Its crazy how a post that you just KNOW will do great bombs and a meme of a cat goes viral! Go home steemit you're drunk!
I Like this idea. Outsourcing to the steemit community. Looking forward to the results.

It is great that opportunities like this offered to people working in steem!!

Great idea @jerrybanfield ! What can be better then collaboration and making Steamit great together ! ;)

Interesting initiative Jerry, definitely following this ;-)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Very good Jerry love the fun you bring. I'm not going to this but mwybe you can look at my version of "I feel pretty" by Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler, I made posted today my version
of this song. The BEST trolsong for ingame chatboxen


I wrote post about WordPress website performance optimization and I think that it is undervalued.

It describe process that I think everyone should follow in order to make their website faster.

geeat info thanks alot really insightful

Great article Jerry keep on, the good work!

Hello people, what do you think about it?

Im interested on it mr.@jerrybanfield

I won't be participating in this but I can't wait to see the entries! Some good stuff is going to pop out in the comments! Good idea mate.

I think my latest post is interesting read, here is the link:

I am also writing about my journey as a newbie to pro trader

Jerry, I think what you are doing here is great. I never knew that exist. How exciting! Keep it up because I hope to see your name on the first page.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@jerrybanfield, I joined Steemit 8 days back and your 65 min. Video, explaining the basics of Steemit was instrumental in influencing me to take a jump into steem world.
Since then I have written a blog on a whistling village. I intend to bring certain unique stories from India where I stay.

Please check my blog and see if you like it.

@jerrybanfield, I know I am asking too much of your time. But it is important for me to hear your views on this blog. I posted this blog an hour or two ago.

I was wondering when you where going to post this. Just watching your training videos you posted a few days ago it seemed like it was soon! Seems like I have some research projects to do this week/weekend!

I like the "New" section of the Steem. You can find a lot of posts, thoughts that were not intentionally prepared and strictly formatted. I like it that way: raw. It's more like listening to your friend sharing his thoughts other than reading a newspaper 🙂

It is pretty tedious. No such time.

Thats good idea.
I upvoted you.

Dear @jerrybanfield amazing and very innovative idea as usual! I would like to share the below from a fellow fellower which i found great! It's about loss of feminity, great read. Please let me if you liked it.

I write tutorials on trading, cryptocurrency and my opinions about news in the crypto world. Love what you do for the community Jerry!

Jerry, thank you for upvoting my post from $1500 upvote youtube live event ! Everyone, take a look and see in my article what Jerry did :) I got $10+ - Jerry upvoted my article and now i sharing my article about it. . If would like to recieve upvote from me, please resteem this article and comment ! ;) I will reward comments and resteem !

I posted an article about undervalued articles I've seen zip right by in the time line. I checked and didn't see any kind of plagiarism in the posts. I do wonder how many great articles get missed on here at the speed that everyone is posting these days and the number of users.

You are by far the most active or community oriented person I'm following. I am using you as an example of how to interact and make posts. For some reason though when I make a well thought out, long post with all kinds of work out into it no one sees it. Then i create a little thing and it gets more attention? I'm not complaining just making an observation, I will continue making posts that mean something to me and just hope others do as well. I want to stay true to myself always! I will not let the potential for money change me in a negative way. You are awesome and i enjoy your work very much. Thank you for the example you provide!

Hey Jerry! I seen that #4 was done today by someone, I'll try and search out the link and post it if I can. The blog post said that only 259 out of 1000 of the top whales are powering down, that's increadible!

i would love to see jobs like this more often

i liked your way of telling good information. following your post i wrote a great article. can you check it please.

Hi Jerry, I posted a solution to #4 What percentage of the top 100, top 500, and top 1000 Steem Power accounts are powering down?

@jerrybanfield check how dollarvigilante helped me yesterday by upvoting 40$ of my comment and post yesterday after i lost my job you and him are biggest steemit whales

Thanks dude. It helped me a lot...

i will.working on that topic soon

A great post
The fore is better

Hi Jerry! I'm writing a series of tutorials on the elements of music composition. Here is a link to the latest one:

Doesn't really fit the bill so to speak but I would appreciate all the help I can get. 😉

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hey @jerrybanfield. I made one of these posts, I chose to tackle the 4th option you presented.. Hope it wasn't done yet.. here's the link.

Let me know if you think it was what you asked for or if it wasn't!

all my posts are undervalued, i usually hare travel story of England.
Even today i posted
@jerrybanfield please have a look

Hi @jerrybanfield, I just want to have your attention for a petition about the acceptance of Bitcoin and Litecoin at Amazon, as can be seen in the link below. If we can take care of this, the crypto market will become much bigger and will be taken serious. Please take a look and share it to make this big. I know Amazon is one of the biggest companies out there but if we can collect thousands of signatures we will give a serious sign for acceptance. I if you don’t like the promotion of this petition please give me a call and I will remove it. I just want to make this big. Thanks in advance (upvoted your post).

This is a good way to motivate people on here.

Wow this is an absolutely dynamite idea @jerrybanfield! I'm very interested in writing on a few of these topics, namely the Top 50 Richest Steemit Whales ranked by Steem Power and the Best Whales to Follow for Upvotes.

It's thanks to great initiatives like these that will continue to help Steemit reach mainstream adoption and take down YouTube and Twitter much, much sooner!

When are you planning to have the SteemFest festival in Florida Jerry? :)

Brilliant use of Steem and voting power!

That's a great opportunity which I may be tempted to take myself, if I do have the time. On behalf of myself and my fellow minnows, I thank thee! Upvoted and Resteemed!

☂ ⓐⓒⓘⓓ ⓖⓞⓓ ⓒⓐⓣ™

Jerry ! great entertainment! And useful infos ! 👍🏻

I'm gonna be writing about my strip club experience in Montreal and on the famous Nuru Massage too, so stay tuned!

Much of this research is way out of my scope as a minnow. What I have been able to contribute to the community is some help in doing the best job possible in your posts, presented with my own personality.

Some examples are
On Copyright

On Patience and Quality

On proper tags (a sfw nsfw)

On Contests an "Lotteries"

I hope you and other users find value in this, and yes you may use any of this content with attribution.

Nice post

You are a sales and marketing man, can see that on all your post. I like your ideas and the way you are able to convice people. Keep up the good work. Resteemed and felt like giving you a compliment.

Very Nice!

Just found this post on a dood's page and thought how original! Maybe it swims sideways from what you are looking for but I still thought i'd give it a go:

love your videos man! they help alot!

okay Jerry heres my best post in the last 24hrs. It's a delicious little recipe.

thanks Jerry great idea, i am gonna resteem so my followers might give it a go ay!

I love the transparency bro, keep it up. The internet is full of bullshit, be you and your followers and friends will be real. Reason why sites this will boom and Facebook, insta, twitter will flood out with all the fake crap.

Thanks for sharing about this. Always interesting to learn more about what's going on on Steemit

Just upvote my articles.
Your tasks are tiring.

@jerrybanfield I don't know if you've developed a filter to hunt for minnows but that would make it much easier to simply look at minnows' excellent posts for quality or relevant reporting.

I search among my followers (mostly minnows) anyway, but I am happy to know about your assistance is now here too! 👍

Here a research I made that allows you to double your money (not crazy amounts) on dead altcoins ->

Sir this is a very detailed comparison article between twitter and steemit, so that people can understand why steemit is better than Twitter.

please upvote I lost my job lost week I would higly apprtiated

awesome article like always

Wish somebody noticed my nerdy niche. Pretty sure there is no audience for that boring stuff I intend to continue writing (hence, I guess, it doesn't qualify as "quality" content).

Sorry for an early morning ramble. =)

Hi Jerry, I wrote a story the other day and didn't get any votes initially. I had to write again to ask for votes. Then I got a few. It was quite sad. I write about my kids a lot. I know, it's a mother thing. It was about kids and art. You can click on my name, go to my blog and easily find it. It was called Kids Process Art. Maybe that will help you for most undervalued posts.

This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the second half of Jun 27. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $238.98 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jun 27 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

I will upvote you , please upvote me too with followed me .

Looking forward to seeing what posts come from this. Keep up the good work Jerry.

Wonderful opportunity for people. will definitely play a part in making one of article. keep doing the great work man.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Non stop advertising of Steemit will not make Steemit Great if You do it without a Soul

will definetly help me in my work.

This is a really nice idea Jerry! Congrats.

Thanks for the help. Upvote for everyone!😃

I start followed @jerrybanfield in youtube, but now i'm following it steem

You need to stop trying to game the system :)
Although technically all you do is allowed / ethical, I think on a higher philosophical level or for the greatness of humanity and steem they could be marked 'concerning'.
I know you helped steem a lot with wonderful posts and ad campaigns. So thank you for those!
I think you can propose improvements to voting / discovery related design of steem. I don't know where these are discussed by they way. I remember your area was math ? Your formulas or ideas should improve the source code and then the platform itself should be able to discover the best posts itself, or distribute the best value to better posters. I might be living in a dream world by the way. Somebody wake me up.

Nice article.
who need followers

This is why I would reaaally love to get out of the box work from home. I mean, imagine staying at home, spending more time with your family and having more time to create or curate amazing posts on steemit.
Oh @jerrybanfield, how I wish I can do this! I am, however, strapped at my office desk 8hours a day/ 5 days a week answering client inquiries so I guess I cannot join. :(

Hi Jerry, is just like to say thanks to you I have now joined which I think could be the next big thing in social networking.

Your videos on YouTube have really helped me get started not only with steemit but also with crypto as a whole.

Thanks again, I have followed you on steemit so I look forward to being well informed on things in the future! 👊🏼

Thanks!!! Please follow me@jerrybanfield

I wrote this story about going to buy BTC during the bloodbath and had to pay 600 CAD above market.So when I got home i joined a local exchange and was surprised at the verification process.

Please upvote this post. It is well written and not a copy and paste article. The title is 788 different crypo currencties. What this mean for us all?

As Steemit evolves it will replace both Facebook and Instagram. My plan is to promote my new business in carpentry and advertise my quality of work while generating Steem. I wont be so much of a blogger but someone who posts up and coming projects i am working on.

As my wealth builds future projects will be creating Green zero energy homes for Southern Ontario. decentralization and owning a zero energy home are the future. Why pay for gas and electricity and why keep your money in a traditional bank. Steemit is a platform for the people :)

I 've created a post but didn't get a lot of attention i will be glad if you can check it out.
It's about freelancing ,internet marketing and passive income :

I think this is an amazing idea. I'm going to try and start doing this every week with people that follow me. I'll pick the best 5 articles from that week that didn't get enough attention and repost them in a weekly blog. I make the first such blog today.

thanks jerry for your help as you can this is my original posts every day i post blog about my day i hope you like it and every thing is true and original in this posts

and i also want to improve my steemit friends so i have some 101 blogs to

Thanks for your support jerry i hope you will be more and more succsessfullin your life

thanks jerry for your steem it ideas I made my first post successfully thank you

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You are the best one to follow for upvote!! :D ... Everyone agreed ?????
plz check out my post..

Hey Jerry, I saw someone looking for a smartphone app with price alerts for crypto's. I created a post about bitcoin checker you may find useful! Get bitcoin and other cryptocoin price alerts to your smart phone

I found several extremely undervalued posts of my fellow steemers

Hi Jerry im Just new on steamit almost know nothing. im inspired by your videos on youtube. Keep it up your Gud work. As per my opinion most important things in your videos is the way & the confidence you use to explain. Really Really Great ... Keep it up Man.

Hii mr.jerry i love you idea for this post, and in my blog i am just focus on a draw, and ihave new post about project drawing thats make you love it,hehe.
Would you to see it?


I got the following automated message on my post today:
"This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jun 29. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $27.71 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say."

Does this qualify my post? Here it is:

I think this post deserves some $$'s and this is not by me so it fall in the category of MADE BY OTHERS.

You probably won't even get to this but if you do this is the most extensive, original and detailed auto restoration/engine rebuilt blog on steemit:

Has 7 parts, I finished the first 3. First one got traction for some reason, the others kinda got lost :).

Even if you don't upvote I hope you have as much fun reading it as I've had putting it together.

great info. good idea. this info gonna work for me. thank you

Jerry, help plis!

Hi @jerrybanfield
You are my inspiration, Do say something on this post.

Thank You

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

here I explained how to make your mining rigs with cheaper parts and spend more on buying more and better GPUs :

Jerry, look at this post. He is really very cool !!!! thanks !!
Drawing courses how do you like

You're a freaking genius!

Very good content Jerry ! Let's all work together and make STEEMIT a place of fun and profit !

All the best,


sir i'm on steemit for about a month and didn't learned much about steem. in fact i cant understand properly what you are demanding for. i searched into your provided links but couldn't accumulate your stuff :(.. i saw a trending post of your and followed you. i also want that a post of me may trend. but i think its very difficult here :( i wish you plz upvote me coz you have more steempower so i can get some power and up for some pennies. waiting for your kind reply :*

I Comment Here , By Hoping You See Potential Good Post From My Blog , If You Would Be Able To Look Into This Post And Give Me A Fair Mark For The Post . Any Advice Is Appreciated. I Am A Newcomer Here On Steemit.

Nice work

Thank you @jerrybanfield for such an opportunity. I will evaluate it carefully.

As a minnow who just joined this month and hoping to start posting next month being march.
Am i still permitted to write on any of the topics you listed next month.
I cannot write this month february which is to build relationship


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