Using steemauto to support the community

in curation •  5 years ago  (edited)

The post I wrote for @curangel yesterday, which called for minnows to fill the crab bucket, kept me busy for the whole day. On the sidelines I had an extremely cringy exchange with dobartim under one of his latest "quality posts" (only click if your mental health doesn't matter too much to you), which finally made haejin realize that I'm the guy behind curangel and gave me the honor to be added to his list of downvotes. If you read this haejin, please remove your witness vote from me, it feels so schizophrenical to still have that!

Being a target for him made me think I have to post more. Unfortunately I don't have much to say which I didn't already write about at the moment. But there's one thing that may be of interest.

We said we would be offering a trail for curangel soon, for those who want to help our efforts in supporting the broad userbase but still want to keep their VP to distribute some by themselves. Thanks to @nelyp I found out that steemauto offers both upvote and downvote trails, and they completely fulfill our requirements so we don't have to come up with something of our own.

I hereby declare the steemauto trails the official curangel trails, and recommend everyone who has been waiting for our own one to join these!

The descriptions read as follows:

Curangel keeps looking for small and undervalued posts with a team of 20+ manual curators. Our goal is to spread the rewards as far as possible, and currently upvote about 100 posts each single day.

Curangel downvotes are decided on by its delegators. A reason has to be provided, and personal beefs are not valid. Mostly targeting excessive self voting, colluding groups and bid bot abuse. Every 12 hours at 10 GMT 125% downvote power are spread between the nominated posts.

To join a trail, go to, and if you aren't registered there yet do so and give them access to your accounts posting authority with steemconnect.
Then choose either "curation trail" or "downvote trail" from the side menu.

Head on to the search box, and enter "curangel"

Click on "search" to see the details of the trail

Then click "follow" and confirm.
You will now have the option to change your settings.
The vote weight you should assign depends on your personal voting behaviour and other trails you may follow. Curangel uses all available votes every day (10 upvotes, 2.5 downvotes). So for the upvote trail, if you want to give out 5 upvotes per day yourself, leave it at 50%. If you only vote twice, set it to 80%. When you follow multiple trails you'll have to figure out yourself ;)
For the downvote trail, if you don't want to bother with downvotes at all just put it to 100%. If you want to give out one per day yourself you should set it to 60%, and so on.
IMPORTANT: leave the radio selection at the default "SCALE VOTING WEIGHT". Curangel votes a lot, and using a fixed weight higher than a few percent would quickly drain your mana bars.

Finally, click on "save settings" and you're done.
Happy trailing!

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@pharesim Can you contact me on discord(CryptoPassion#1796) or steemitchat.
I'm trying to contact you but I'm not able to find you on discord.

If you read this haejin, please remove your witness vote from me, it feels so schizophrenical to still have that!


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Nice! Followed @curangel's upvote trail at a fixed 2%. Also following the downvote trail at a fixed -50%.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much!
Fixed -50% seems too much for the downvotes, many rounds consist of more than 2 posts so your downvote mana would run out.
A scaled follow would be better for us, as we can calculate the expected follows to each vote that way and prevent "overvoting" below 0.

Fixed 2% for upvotes is safe for the forseeable future :D

You're welcome, glad this is happening! I was going for fixed -50% after I looked over the downvote history, looked like it wasn't super frequent. I'll switch it up to scaled and see how that sustains itself. Depending on how much 2% up bleeds me out in conjunction with the other trails I'm following, I might be able to turn it up a little bit.

The downvotes depend on the amount of submissions by our delegators. The admin team tries to make sure there's at least two, as we use 125% each round (12 hours). But when the delegators are active it can be more, the maximum has been 8 so far I think. So 50% would only work when activity is very low ;)

For me personally scaled is more important because we calculate the value of the downvotes and adapt when we would vote < 0$, which would be kind of a waste. It's better when all the trailing votes adapt accordingly.

Good points, scaled it is! Already made the change.

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I joined in 😆 both! I won't scared off... if it's the right thing to do. Im here for long term anyway. Why it feels nice to see a witness post something like this 😂

  ·  5 years ago (edited)


Great.. you have checked me out 😂😂😂 I'm not kinda one who seek for attention while I love being dissapear in a group

I'm in, tin hat donned!

So does this work if I want to automate upvoting someone in particular? Or do they have to be part of a trail? I'm a bit foggy at the full comprehension of these things, but automating some upvotes would be nice. And can I also determine the upvote % in this automation too?

Posted using Partiko Android

Upvoting specific authors is possible too, but not the topic of this post as I would never encourage that ;)

Cool! Thanks for the info. I'll check it out.

I'm in like Flynn

It seems I got on haejin's hitlist too. Not that bothered to be honest.

The downvote trail feature is potentially useful, but adds pressure to make them carefully. I use it to exploit the power of another account I control, but someone else has followed me. I only downvote to adjust rewards.

Yes, downvoting with a trail adds responsibility.
So far our delegators are doing a great job, I constantly keep an eye on their suggestions and very seldomly removed something so far. I keep the option to block delegators from adding entries if they repeatedly add stuff without proper reasoning, but I hope I won't need to make use of that.

I've already followed. 😍😍

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

haejin could give me back his witness vote

there is so much to post about. Posts on steem, Posts on posts on steem.
Other coins.
One does not need to be creative to post! ;)

Lets be honest though..
If there was no haejin... Would steem be as fun?
Who would we talk about? Where would we find the drama?
Social media thrives on drama. Its what gives it life.
Now that Bernie started acting relatively normal in steem terms what is there to be outraged about?

Without Vietnam there is no Woodstock. Without Ethiopia there is no LiveAid. Without Nazis there is no Schidlers list and pure heroism.
(Many, many dots below) Without bots and their BS id still be earning 20 cents per post.

My point is... Without shit in any degree there is nothing great for the community to overcome and no chance for the small folks to step out.

So yeah. We need our Haejins. Cherish them. Haha.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You certainly have a point =)
The only thing that buggers me is that he throws stones at people who try to raise the value, and when they finally succeed he profits more than themselves from it. Sometimes that's somewhat demotivating. So far, the motivation always came back though thanks to the many other amazing people here, sometimes for a short time only and sometimes for longer.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I agree but for some people and one qroup only.

I am still trying to fiqure out what is your end game with this. It will just create one lobby on one side if you ask me.

The lobby of the many :D Spreading votes to 2000 accounts a month surely has to be some evil masterplan! Who in their sane minds supports the whole base of quality authors -.-
You're funny. And I feel a bit sorry for you.

I just added myself to @ocdb's DV trail at 50%, I'll keep an eye on my DV power and jump on this one too if it looks sustainable!

Good work!

Posted using Partiko Android

I chose to join the downvote trail, even as it will probably result in retaliations. Strong in numbers, we have to become.

You created all this negativity to steem by creating one sided downvote lobby, I hope it doesn’t destroy value for all steem investors

Downvotes are positive. And I didn't create them.

One thing is use it but you are abusing them for favorable people to personal benefit of @pharesim

Hahaha. Sure. So much profit!

Your system is failing
You created all this negativity to steem by creating one sided downvote lobby, I hope it doesn’t destroy value for all steem investors

Don't worry, nobody but him, you, and maybe 5 other people care about dobartim's post rewards.

This approach is so limited as it will create confusion in community , for this to be implemented you should hire several advance members to coach and hold open seminars and than maybe than it may work in this maze of steemit system you want everyone to follow your one sided approach.
I would say open seminar and get many adnvanced members and create training class so this system of yours might work.

What, the downvotes? That's not a system of mine, it's a core functionality of steem.


Instruction and your system implementation

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I don't understand. Is the screenshot too complicated for you?
Both trails combined are followed by nearly 40 people by now, none of which needed an additional seminar.
Steemauto itself (which isn't my work) is used by over 1000 users. I'm sorry it seems complicated to you!

One element is in photo.
Your system proposes several steps. In comments above your own followers are saying it is foggy idea and they want to understand better.
Just read comments of otgers and see the reality.
Big changes big effort big undertaking and many seminars to follow
Just recommendation my friend