Los 11 primeros - the 11 First

in curation •  8 years ago 

Uno de los efectos que estoy notando, a causado el alza del precio del bitcoin es que las altcoins que han venido copando el mercado, estan aumentando su cotización de mercado con respecto al dolar (principal y emblematica moneda del sistema centralizado fiduciario) de una manera muy interesante, hoy se ha notado de manera dramatica segun http://coinmarketcap.com en donde al menos las primeras 11 de su ranking estan en franco aumento de precio. La lucha entre la blockchain y los sistemas tradicionales centralizados, dejam en evidencia quien esta de verdad desgastado. Parece que estar naciendo un nuevo ser, mas humano, mas justo y defensor de la libertad.


One of the effects I'm noticing is that the rise in the price of bitcoin is that the altcoins that have been capping the market are increasing their market price in relation to the dollar (main and emblematic currency of the centralized fiduciary system) in a way Very interesting, today has been dramatically noticed according to http://coinmarketcap.com and where at least the first 11 of its ranking are in frank price increase. The struggle between the blockchain and traditional centralized systems, reveals who is really worn. It seems that being born a new being, more human, more just and defender of freedom



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Hola pensaba que ya no publicabas por aqui , yo tambien llevo un rato distanciad