The Inbox Runneth Over -- Issue #25 -- Where hidden treasures come to light

in curation •  7 years ago 


The Inbox Runneth Over

is a private curation project begun by an unnamed Steemian to honor the exceptional posts she finds in her Steemit travels. The content here will feature a good number of posts from The Steem Engine group in Discord. Their customary post is titled The Daily Whistle Stops.

The unnamed Steemian is the curator there, and in that work she finds quite a few posts that are casual, interesting, well-written, helpful or just fun to experience (sometimes writers, sometimes musicians, sometimes artists), but because they are up against such stiff competition that day in submissions to The Steem Engine they can't be included in The Daily Whistle Stops. They also tend to be short, easy to read, easy to digest ... or maybe they just offer something special.

So, she brings them here and finds them a home -- because they deserve more than just a quiet decline and death ... an experience that is already all too common in Steemit. (I know I don't need to tell you that, but it's true!) Sometimes, there may be outside content, too ... from other intriguing people she follows. Sweet little "feature story" experiences and fun artistic moments of all kinds have their place in life -- and on Steemit, too. Please stop in and visit these guys ... and if you enjoy their work, show them you care.

I ... and they ... thank you more than you'll ever know.

You can find The Daily Whistle Stops at @thesteemengine -- and there is information there and here at the bottom of this post telling you how to apply to join. There is also another curation project run by both the unnamed Steemian and @catweasel on his blog. It's called The Magnificent Seven and it, too, features exceptional content we find on our Steemit journey. Each of these projects has its own theme, tone and focus. You will find things in both that are worth your time and effort -- and excellent new people to follow. I offer all these suggestions with pride. I know they will enrich your day.



Big Brother
questionable entertainment




Does fate exist?
(And by extension, is free will
an illusion?)




Bug Rant



Easter Travel Chaos



Our first collation of performances and writings!



My Favorite Dishes




Love It/Shove It Challenge


Image Source

My Questions in Life



If you're looking for other quality posts to read,
these are links to other worthwhile curation projects.

  • @catweasel does a project very similar to this one called The Magnificent Seven. It is published every once in a while on his blog. There are about 29 of them so far.

  • @ethandsmith is doing podcasts about other pieces he enjoyed from The Steem Engine's membership. Look for ones like this ---> The STEEM Engine Express Episode 17 There are (obviously) others available.

  • The Daily Whistle Stops -- found at the @thesteemengine account publishes one of the best general audience curation collections on Steemit if I do say so myself. Go ahead, ask me about it. I'll be happy to say it again. There are about 112 posts to enjoy at the moment. The group itself is astonishingly new for the amount of raw talent assembled there. If you create exceptionally fine content and especially if you consider it undervalued, check this out. It could change your whole Steemit adventure!

  • @goldendawne is the head writer for The Daily Qurator. Again, if you're a producer of quality content on Steemit, you might want to join @qurator ... if you haven't already. They make it worth your while and they're a lot easier than I am to get along with.

  • @fiberartists has recently come home again to Steemit and is making a comfy nest for herself in several locations. One is *Fiber Ramble -- a weekly curation project devoted to one of her personal passions needlework and fiber-arts-and-crafts. Stop in and see what she's discovered this week ... and maybe contribute some art of your own!

  • Finally, @shadowspub does the redoubtable grandmother of all curation efforts on Steemit, The Steemit Ramble. You can find plenty of issues from it on her blog. She also hosts a Thursday discord feature (twice every Thursday, so you have a chance to catch at least one) Pimp Your Post Thursday. You can find out more about it also on her blog


The STEEM Engine

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Thanks for including my Fiestaware!! :) I appreciate it. There is a great grouping of posts here - I'm happy to be included. :)

I had a look at Fiestaware online and OMG that stuff is expensive!! No wonder they save the broken pieces and sell them on eBay. I would lie awake nights worrying about that stuff if I owned any.

There are some pieces that are expensive, that's true! You can get box sets (with four pieces) for about $20 sometimes...on clearance or otherwise. Most department stores that carry it will have it regularly on sale. I've been able to find quite a few pieces for decent prices. I am always worried about mine being here with open shelves and potential earthquakes. I just figure if it all goes crashing to the floor, we'll one day have a fun mosaic wall or table. We've only felt one earthquake so far...

I remember my grandmother had a set of these for years. I recognized it the minute I saw it, but thought ... oh, it couldn't be. Then I saw your post that said it was available from back in the '30s. I'm not quite that old ... but yes, I was right, it was the same stuff -- with those concentric circles around the rim and in the center.

My grandmother's was the kind of aqua green color. I didn't much care for it, but we ate from it everyday. One of my very earliest memories was of a woman who lived across the street from us when my parents lived briefly in Oregon. She gave my mother a dark blue -- almost indigo colored -- plate that didn't match any of the other dishes in the set. I was not quite two at the time, but I remember that plate. And when my parents moved back to Texas (after one terrible winter in Oregon -- I'll have to tell you about it sometime) ... that plate made the trip, too.

My grandmother put it in with her aqua ones -- and I would insist on eating from it. It was my plate because it was different from all the rest -- and I liked the color better. Probably be worth a small fortune now. Probably one of the radioactive ones. Cobalt blue ... you know.

Nice!! What a great memory! I can only imagine that those plates would be worth quite a bit now! I'd love to have them!! :)

Oh wow I’m glad I didn’t miss this issue. Thank you so much for the inclusion of my Love It/Shove It posts!!! 😊

Those are fun ... aren't they! You can get very interesting ideas -- and lots of insight into people -- reading them.

Yes they really are a lot of fun! I try to participate in them when I can :)

Thank you for mentioning our post! We appreciate your support in helping to surface interesting posts.

Classical musicians have such a hard time getting paid properly for their talents. I've enjoyed your musical pieces ... and hope you find a way to make it worth your while being on Steemit. You really do deserve better than you get -- but then, don't we all!!

Ha ha! Yes we all do! We'll take whatever opportunity comes our way!

Thank you so much for the mention - I really appreciate it :)

I appreciate the poem. I don't usually include much poetry here. It has to be something special -- like yours.

Hey, thank you <3 It's really nice that I was included in this edition. I found it a bit intriguing that you switched the thumbnail I selected for my post for the second filler image, but you did use it in your post's thumbnail collage.

I try not to repeat the picture that I choose for the cover in the body of the post. (So that's why one went one place and the other ... the other.) That first image was spectacular as a cover piece. I think it's my favorite of all so far. I knew where I wanted it to go the moment I saw it. (And I'm glad you gave me another option to put above your links. Not everyone is so considerate.)

:) I like to choose nice appealing thumbnails for my posts. They call the eye, and then the finger to click on it. I'm glad you liked my selection.